Book chapter 4 (1) Flashcards
Ensuring high customer satisfaction
six things
- be customer centric (fit service around me - knowing what I said and calling me back when i have got the time. that would show me im really valued, rather than just offering me a discount
- Have superior staff
- Delight the customer
- Keep your promises
- Sort out service recovery
- Build a relationship
satisfaction vs service quality
satisfaction is Generally viewed as a broader concept while service quality focuses specifically on dimensions of service
perceived service quality is a component of
Customer satisfaction
satisfaction is the consumers fulfillment response. It is a judgement that a product or service feature, or the product or service itself, provides a pleasurable level of consumption-related fulfillment
less complex: the customers evaluation of a product or service in terms of whetehr that product or service has met the customers needs and expectations
the knowledge that ones needs have been met, satisfaction cal also be related to other types of feelings, depending on the particular context or type of service
More of a passive response that consumers may associate with service they do not think a lot about or services that they receive routinely over time.
customer satisfaction with a product or service is influenced significantly by
The customers evaluation of product or service features.
E.g. For a service such as a resort hotel, important features might include the pool area, access to golf facilities restaurants etc.
Consumer emotions
Can affect their perception of satisfaction with products and services. These emotions can be stable, pre-existing emotions for example, mood state or life satisfaction
If youre happy it might influence how you feel about the services you experience
perceptions of equity or fairness
customer satisfaction can also be influenced by perceptions of equity and fairness.
Customers ask themselves if they have been treated fairly compared with other customers. notions of fairness are central to customers perceptions of satisfaction with products and services, particularly in service recovery situations
what determines customer satisfaction
Product and service features
Consumer emotions
Attributions for service success or failure
Perceptions of equity or fairness
Other consumer, family members and co-workers
Service quality (SERVQUAL) dimensions
Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately
Willingness to help ucstomers and provide prompt service
Employees knowledge and courtesy and their ability to inspire trust and confidence
Caring, individualised attention given to customers
Appearnace of physical facilities, equipment, personnel and written marerials
Reliability (delivering promises)
Is the most important determinant of perceptions of service quality
The ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately.
nordic model of service quality
Categorises the dimensions into those relating to technical quality and those relating to functional quality
Technical quality refers to the outcome of the service process such as meal in restaurant and functional refers to the manner in which the service is delivered in terms of the interactions during the service encounter relating to friendliness, care and attention
E-service quality
The extent to which a website facilitates efficient and effective shopping, purchasing and delivery.