Lecture 6 Flashcards
Exam vs Intervention PROM
Exam–finding end feel with PROM
Intervention–don’t find end feel, using it to stretch out limb
Grade 0 MMT
Palpation and visual inspection finds no contraction
Grade 1 MMT
Muscle contraction w/out any visible movement of limb/segment
Grade 2 MMT
Muscle group can move segment when gravity is minimized
Grade 3 MMT
Muscle group can move segment through entire ROM against gravity
Grade 4 MMT
Grade 3 + can’t maintain position against max resistance
Grade 5 MMT
Grade 3 + maintain position against max resistance
Gleno-humeral vs Scapular
2° of gleno-humeral movement
1° of scapular movement
Scapular Abduction/Upward Rotation MMT
Hold arm at 130° angle
Palpating for winging of inferior angle
Pushing down in a rotating downwards angle. Axis is the same as the direction of the arm
Scapular Elevation MMT
Upper trap and levator scapulae
pt shrugs shoulders, PT pushes down simultaneously
Force vector is vertical
Shoulder Flexion MMT
Anterior deltoid, RC, coracobrachialis, clavicular portion of pec major
pt puts arm straight. PT pushes downwards, vertically. Scapula should be able to abduct and upwardly rotate
Shoulder Abduction MMT
Middle deltoid and supraspinatus
Patient abducts arm to 90°. Stabilize at scap
Vertical force vector above elbow
Shoulder External Rotation MMT
Infraspinatus and Teres Minor
Patient externally rotates, forearm is away from trunk.
Resistance is at distal forearm
PT pushes in, pt tries to keep it externally rotated
Shoulder Internal Rotation MMT
Subscap, pec major, lat dorsi, teres major
Stabilize at elbow, push at distal forearm. PT is pulling on arm or pushing it out
Shoulder Extension MMT
Post Delt, Lat dorsi, Teres major, triceps
Prone, patient extends arm backwards, keep elbow straight. In sagittal plane.
Push down right above elbow
Scapular Adduction/Retraction
Middle Trapezius/rhomboids
Patient horizontally abducts arm and adducts scap
Lift elbow toward the ceiling, push down vertically
Shoulder Horizontal Abduction
posterior deltoid
Holds arm straight out to the side. Don’t allow humerus to drop (can put towel under)
Push down vertically
Scapular Depression
Lower and middle traps
Hold arm out at a diagonal, thumb points upwards to the sky. pt holds arm slightly up. Place one hand on lower angle of scap and other wrist.
Make sure scapular doesn’t elevate
Latissimus Dorsi Test
Patient lifts arm into extension and adduction.
PT provides anterior and lateral force