Lecture 14 Flashcards
What type of lever is the calf/ankle?
2nd class lever
1st MTP Extension ROM
heel supported to limit ankle motion
Axis: medial aspect of mid MTP joint
Stationary: medial midline of 1st metatarsal
Moving: medial midline of proximal phalanx
all toes cam extend
1st MTP Flexion ROM
heel supported to limit ankle motion
axis: medial aspect of mid MTP joint
stationary: medial midline of 1st metatarsal
moving: medial midline of proximal phalanx
don’t let them plantarflex
1st MTP abduction PROM
axis: dorsal aspect of 1st MTP
stationary: dorsal midline of 1st metatarsal
moving: dorsal midline of 1st proximal phalanx
measure starting position in order to get accurate PROM value
Gastrocnemius muscle sterngth
- hands on wall or just two fingers on table for balance
- knee must stay in extension
- movement must be vertical
- must go through full ROM for reps to count
- watch for change in UE support
goal of 25 reps and <10% difference from the other side
Soleus muscle strength
- standing with hands on wall for balance
- knee flexed to approx 45°
- goal of >15 reps and <10% difference from the other side
Soleus muscle endurance test
wall sit, rise up onto toes, shift weight onto one leg and hold as long as you can.
quads should fatigue before calf
anterior tibialis strength test
position is long or short sitting
force is down and out into eversion
toes should not be extended
pt is doing dorsiflexion with inversion
Posterior tibialis strength test
long or short sitting with foot slightly plantar flexed
force is up and out (scooping motion)
pt is doing inversion and plantarflexion
watch for subs of toe flexors
ankle eversion strength test
fibularis longus and brevis
pt should be in plantarflexion, long or short sitting
force is in and up, scooping motion
pt plantarflexes and everts
extensor hallucis brevis strength test
pushing proximal 1st phalanx down into flexion, patient tries to move into extension
extensor hallucis longus strength test
pushing distal 1st phalanx down into flexion
pt tries to move into extension
extensor digitorum longus strength test
hallux is stabilized with one hand and other hand applies resistance into flexion of other digits
hallux MP flexion strength test
flexor hallucis brevis
long sitting, stabilize foot into slight plantarflexion
action: flex 1st toe, bend your toe over my finger
resistance: applied at middle phalanx into extension with thumb
hallux IP flexion strength test
flexor hallucis longus
long sitting, stabilize foot in slight plantarflexion
action: flex 1st toe, place the end of your toes into my finger
resistance applied at plantar distal phalanx into ext w/thumb or index finger
lesser toe MP flexion strength test
lumbricals and interossei
sitting and stabilizing foot in slight plantar flexion
“curl your toes around my finger and hold”
force is across the MP joints into extension
Lesser toe DIP flexion strength test
flexor digitorum longus
sitting and stabilizing foot in slight plantar flexion
curl your toes around my finger and hold
force is across the DIP joints into extension