Lecture 5 - Stress coping and emotion Flashcards
Define stress
A unfolding dynamic transactional process between an athlete and the situation. based off of environment, goals and values
Explain the transactional model of stress and coping
environmental demand –> primary and secondary appraisal –> problem or emotional coping –> leads to reappraisal
explain the cognitive motivational relational theory
Cognitive = knowledge and appraisal of occurrences during adaptational encounters
motivational = understanding of what makes adaptational encounters relatable and how it may or may not harm us
Relational = emotions caused by the person and environment relationship.
the environmental factors that affect this are novelty predicabilty event uncertainty and duration
what are the 3 personal factors that affect stress
goals and goal hierarchy - without a goal at stake there will be no potential for stress
belief about the self and the world - how we see overselves within the world
personal resources - those available
3 components of primary appraisal
goal relevance - anything at stake
goal congruence - is it harmful or beneficial
goal context - what type of goal is at stake
what are the 3 types of coping available
task - seeking support and deal with emotions
distraction - focus- attend to something away from the situation
disengagement- removing oneself from it
What is the importance of emotional regulation
emotions pervade all aspects of life, and are heightend in sport due to emotional environments
what are the positives of emotion
lead to motivation , improve interaction, improve performance, reduce conflict
define emotional regulation
Automatic/ deliberate use of strategies to initiate maintain or modify emotions
types of emotional regulation
Hedonic - make yourself feel better
instrumental - use emotions in certain ways to achieve desired responses.
What approaches do we have
Situation selection - actively choosing to place themselves in certain situations
situation modification - attempts to modify external aspects of the environment
attention redeployment - direct attention to attend to stimuli that don’t impact emotion
cognitive change - changing the meaning of the event
response modulation - strategies designed to regulate physiological and cognitive aspects of emotion