lecture 5: Intellectual disability Flashcards
what is the definition of intellectual disability
Refers to the substantial limitation in certain personal capabilities (slower)
but dont loose conenction with reality
true or false: those with ID lose conceot of reality
how is ID manifiested (iq)
manifested in significantly subaverage intellect (tests) IQ approx 70
what is normal IQ
true or false: ID esists concurrently with related disability in 1 or more of the adaptive skill areas
false, 2 or more
what are the 10 of the adaptive skill areas
communications self-care
home living (independently) social skills (interactions)
community use (services) self-direction
health and safety functional academics
work leisure
what is an example of self care in hte adaptive skills area
keeping their hygiene
explain work as an adaptive skill aera
need to find a job and keep it
for those with ID, they have an easy time doing leisure?
false, it usually needs to be organized for them
explain self direction as a adaptive skill area
getting from th ebus the tthe metrto without being lost
what is adaptive functioning
Adaptive functioning means how well a person handles common demands in life and how independent they are compared to others of a similar age and background.
to have an ID it needs to beignn before what age
before 18 (dev period)
what IQ is mild ID
50/55 to 70
explain mild ID
Can generally learn reading, writing + math skills between 3rd and 6th grade levels
May have jobs and live independently
true or false:those with mild ID can have jobs and live indepenedly
what is the level of learning someone with mild ID can usually do
betwteen 3rd and 6 th grade
what IQ is moderate ID
35/40 to 50/55
explain moderate ID
May be able to learn some basic reading + writing
Able to learn functional skills such as safety and self-help. Require some type of supervision
true or false: some people with moderate ID require supervision
what is the IQ for someone with severe ID
20.25 to 35/40
explain severe ID
Probably not able to read + write, although they may learn self-help skills and routines
Require supervision in their ADLs
true or false< someone with severe ID is proabblty not able to read write or learn any routines
false, they cant read or write but then can learn self help and routines
true or fals: severe ID require supervision in their ADL
which type of ID requires intesnive support
waht is the iq for profound ID
below 20/25
explain profound ID
Require intensive support. May be able to communicate by verbal or other means
May have medical conditions requiring ongoing tx
which ID can usually learn up to 6 grade level
which ID can learn some basic lreading and writing
which ID proabbly cannot read of write
which ID can only communicate by verbal or other means but cannot read or wrie
what is the inceidence for mild ID
what is the incidence for moderate ID
what is the indiceidece for severe ID
what is the inceidence for profound ID
Id acounts for what percentage of the popluation of canadaiants
0.5-1 %
190 000-380000
is the wordwide incidence of ID lower or higher than canada
why is the incidede of ID wordwide higher than in canada
because of malnutrion
true or false: IQ is a good predictor of intelligence
false, good prodecutior of academic performance
Were you born with this IQ potential or did you acquire it through stimulation during your childhood + teenage years?
individuals with ID lie below or above the bell curve
what is the IQ for university students
true or false, the higher IQ the better
false, 130 and above have a hard time fitting in with society
true or false: there is a clear etilogy for all thsoe with ID
No clear etiology can be determined for approximately 30-40 of individuals with ID despite extensive lab testing…
what are the 3 plaves with ID causes can occur
post natal
what is prenatal period
from the conception to the end of the 27th week of pregnancy
what is the perinatal period
from 28th week of pregnancy through 28 days following birth
what is the post ntal period
anytime before age 18 (i.e. from 29
days postnatal to age 18)
what does perinatal mean
near birth
what is the main causes of ID during the prenatal phase
chromosmal/ genetic disorders
environmental influecnes
true or false; we have no control of the geneic disorders that cause ID inth prenatal ohase
what is fragile X syndrome
gap or break in the long arm of the X chromosome)
defective gene cannot produce enough protein
what is the mental function in someone with gragile X syndrome
varies from severe to normal
behaviors are often autistic, hyperactive and impulse
true or false: ID can occur when genes are combining
yes can occur from errors in gene combos (ex downsyndrome)
what is an example of ID resulting from combination gene erros
explain downsyndrom
failure of chromsone pairs to serate properly during fertilization (at the 21st chromo)
what is the ID level for someone with downs
how can the genes be messed up during preganct (other than simple error)
expose to x rays
what is the difference between genetic disorders that cause ID and envornmental factors that cause ID
environment can be modieif
what are some examples of environtmental influecences that cause ID in tvhe prenatal phase
Alcohol or drugs (
Illness of the mother during pregnancy
10-20 % of mild ID in dev continnues acn be traced diecrtly to what
mothers dirnking
explain how illness of the mother can cause ID
rubella (major factor before immunization)
STD (HIV aids, sihpylis
what is the main materal infections
hiv aids/syphillis
what are some causes of ID during perinator
Abnormal labor or delivery (wrapped umbilical)
Prematurity and low birth weight babies
what are some causes of ID during the post natal phase
childhood diseases (meningitis, ecephalitis) accidents exposure to lead, mercury etc environmental deprivation malnutirion disadvantafed areas (under stim) child neglec and abuse
give an example of accidents that can occur to cause ID
expposure to what can lead to post natal ID
expossire to lead, mercruy , envinronmetal toxins
explan how child neglect and absuese can cause ID
without stim/interaction, it affects dev of brain and neural connection
can child neglect lead to changes in neruon formation
child negelct affects what part of the neruon
dendrite formation and distrubition
what will someone with ID from child negliect dendites look like
few dendritic spines
spines are long and thin
what does normal synaptic dev (including mateuration of the spine ) depends on what according to the paper on dendrite formation
on the environment duirng infance and early childhood
true or false: many deprivation induced changes in the brain can be reveresed
yes, only if the intervention occurs early enough
true or false: the dendrites are not correlated with the level of ID
the more abnormal dendires
the more ID
where are dendrite located and what do they do
in the presynatic terminal
capture signal
what re the most limited capanilities of those with ID
: abstract thinking, concept formation, generalization and problem solving
what are the learning characterists for ID (implications of exercies)
Learn at a slower rate (easy rules)
Memory and retention: ↑ repetitions
Difficulty generalizing (treadmill, stat. bike)
Instructions must be concrete (not just verbal communication)
those with ID are able to live indepnedlely (under supervision) if their iq is what
above 50
explai nthe dev motor delays in those with ID
more severe mental impairment = more lag and increase diffuculty with ADL and self care
what si the relationsjip between IQ and motor delat
lower IQ=more motor delay
how much more behind are those with ID to talk and walk
walk (can be up to 3.2 years behind and talk later)
whata re the physical constraints of someone iwth ID
shorter, fatty, wider hips
true or false; Fitness is not a problem area with those with ID
false it is
true or false, those with ID have decrased,strength, endurance, agility, balance, running speed, flexibility and reaction time (vs. non ID individuals)
what is the body comp of those with ID
overweight (male=28%, female=50%)
do those with ID have a lower cardiovascular vitness
are physical cosntrinta the only cause of fitness probelms in those with ID
no motor delyays (connection is not as good with the brain) also contrinute
what is the rational/ready for the study on effects of resisnace training on those with mental retardation
there have been many studeies on how exercise can impove health of normal people but none have been done for adults with mental retardation
what is the purpose of the study for effects of RT on ID (2 fold)
1) to determine if a 9 week progressive resistance training program could improve the muscular strength and endurance in a group of adults with mental retadation
2) to determine wheteher adults with mental retardation could adhere to a resistance training program for 9 weeks and could learn to use the nautilus weight training system with minimal assistnae
hpw many particantps and what age in the study
24 adults (13 owmen, 11 men) age 23-49 werre recuited from illinois
what were the iq for the study and how were they divied
mental retardation (40-70) were selected on a volunteer basis
the subjects were randonly assighned to control and experiemental. The experiemntal group received progressive resistance trainig program at a local university on thurday evenings and saturdation monrning
while the conrtol group was on saturday mornung foing dance, aquators and lifettime sports (35 min)
all the subjects of the study particpated in what before the baseline was taken and why
all did 2 sessions in the weight training program before any baseline was taking
to reduce tthe learnign effect assocaited with weight training
what was recorded as the baseline
musucalr strength and endurance
how long what the weight trianing program of the study
9 weeks
explai nthe execrise program of the test
each subject completed 15-18 1 hour trainign sessions
supervision by the graduate student and assited by an acitvity specialist
true or false: the particiaptns of the study eorked in pairs?
explain how they worked in pairs for the study
4 of the higher functioning clients were each paried with a lower functioning person who could not record their own scores
true or false: all of the particaptns were able to reocrd their own scored on the paper
false, only the higher fucntioning people
explai nthe paper used for the training program
a form that contained a picture of each of the machines and large boxes to write the number of sets and reps
what was the grad student responisble for writing on the form
the data and plate number (one sheet for machine)
how were the names of the wrgiht training machines label
by their movement so that the subjects would have an easier time understaning what was accepted
give some examples of the labels used for the ecercise machine
bend legs machine (leg curl)
straight legs machine (leg extension)
raise arms up machine (shoulder abduction), pull arms down machine 9pull over)
bring arms together machine (pec dec)
bein arms machine (biceps curl)
striaghtern arms machine (tricep extension)
and scooter pull with arms machine (pull up)
for how many training sessions did the graduate studyent show to use the equipment correctly
6 first training sessions
what did the grad student do on the rfirst 6 training sessions
showed how to use the equipment
made sure that each one was perfomring the spcified number of sets and reps
helped subjects record the scores
true or false: after the 6th session the instructuon was limited to bried treminders
what was the major finding of the study
high intensity reisttance training programs is capable of inducing dramatic increases in muscular strength and endurance in adults with mental retardation in as little as 9 weeks.
what wre the results of the study
experimental group = significant impovement over the control group in all strength measures except the leg extension
what was the increase in upper body strength
what was th eincrease in lower body strength
BECAUSE muscle strength decraes by 30-40% it is liekly that at the end of the training session the subjects were weaker or stronger than they had been at any time i ntheir lives
vocational habilitation for adults with mental retardation is related to what
physical fitness
why is physical fitness important in those with ID for jobs
because the employement opportunities for those demand an adequate legel of muscualr strength and endurance (ie> washing floods, cleaning, lifting and packing)
a person with a low level of functional strength and endurance would have diffuculting doing what
performing many manual type jobs
the study showed that exercise has a decrase or increae employement ptoentional
the perfect attendacne (10/12) and no one dropping out indicates that physical activtiy
is an enjoyable activtiy for those with mental retardation
true or false: the particapnts complained about coming and were happy when it ended
enrolling adults with mental retardation into community based weight training programs may be a good or bad recreional acttivtiy for this po;ualion
the stuy demonstated that after a bried trianing period (6 hours) adults with mental reatdation are capaible of what
participating in a weight training program with minimal amount of assisantce
the study showeed an icnrease in what
employment potential
life satisfiaction
how can wer integrate these results into tthe world
since YMCA have a weight training facility with nautilis, the progressive ressitance pogram can be implemented by other service providers such as adapted phsycia leducatiors, recreaional therapists, actity therapists etc
whatt is the center percetage of tge bell curve
what percentage of people are in the normal theretical distribution for IQ scores
what percentage of people are in the retarded theretical distribution for IQ scores
what percentage of people are in the gifted theretical distribution for IQ scores
what are three causes of chromosonal/genetic disroders
abrnoallity of genes inherited
combination eorrors
gene diorder during preg
theextent of spine changes correleated with what
he degree of mental retardation
what can an impovrished environdment during an early “critcal period: of dev lead to ?
profound changes in the circutis of the brain