what are some important key words when you think about KINESIOLOGY & CLINICAL EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY
Individuals with chronic diseases and disabilities
true or false: clincical exerccise physiology has been around for a long time
false, Relatively new career field (since the late 1960s)
where is clinical exercise phisiolgy usually found
within medical settings
explain what is clinical exercise physiology
where exercise is used to help clients manage or reduce their risk of chronic disease
is clincal exercise physiology growting or stagnant and explain
Exciting and growing profession that is more and more organized and recognized at the provincial and national levels
A parkinsons man is doong some hitting/boxing, what component of fitness is the CEP mainly targerring by doing this
a) msucle streght
b) coordination
c) aerboic
d) endurance
what ois a CEP (clinical ecxercise physiologist)
A CEP is a certified health professional who utilizes scientific rationale to design, implement and supervise exercise programming for participants with chronic diseases and disabilities
A CEP also assesses the results of outcomes related to exercise services provided to those individuals
what are the 6 CEP sercices `
1) chronic disease management
2) Reducing risks for early development or recurrence of chronic diseases
3) Creating lifestyle habits that promote enhancement of health
4) Improving the ease of daily living activities
5) Increasing the likelihood of long-term physical, social and economic independence
6) Facilitating the elimination of barriers to habitual lifestyle changes through goal-setting and prioritizing
what is the first CEP srvice and explain
1) chronic disease MANAGEMENT
Ex: reducing disease symptoms, improving energy, decreasing meds etc, sometimes just to maintain their condition/functionality
what is the 2nd CEP service and expplain it
2) Reducing risks for early development or recurrence of chronic diseases
ex: Ex: preventing weight gain in type 2 diabetes
what is the 3rd CEP service and expalin
Creating lifestyle habits that promote enhancement of health
ex: Decreases sedentary lifestyle and increasing PA level (ex: which can have an effect on pain)
incraase PA level and functional fitness have a direct postiive effect on which services of CEP
what is 4th CEP service and explain
Improving the ease of daily living activities
ex: make making breakfst easier to make cause stronger arms
what is the fifth CEP service
Increasing the likelihood of long-term physical, social and economic independence
what is thr 6th CEP service
Facilitating the elimination of barriers to habitual lifestyle changes through goal-setting and prioritizing
what are some potential barriers to habitual lifestyle changes
Equipment not adapted at the gym
Meds= side effects = not enough energy to train
Fear of making the condition worse (increase symptoms ex: fibromyalgia)
Lack of motivation
what are the 6 responisbilities of a CEP
1) Obtain a medical history on a client
2) Administer exercise-related tests
3) Analyse test results
4) Design an individualized exercise prescription that meets the specific needs of the client
5) Determine short and long term goals (along with each client)
6) Use his/her expertise to assist clients to improve health- and motor-related fitness components
who said this quote “A good part of our job is to listen to our clients + give health advise and psychological support“
Yvan Campbell, Kinesiologist
what is the people like me wellness designed for
to help those living with a chronic illness
what are the key compoents for the PEOPLE LIKE ME WELLNESS PROGRAM
exercise training
social support
what do participants in the People like ME program learn
learn how to exrcise safely and effectvely wih their chronic illness
learn how to recognze inflammatory states (flare ups), how to stay actitive durin those times and how to modify/slow down in these tims
what is the function of the parkinsons wellnes sprogram
maintain their indiepence and quality of life
deisgned used evdence-based scientific literature to help imporve aerobic capicity, gait, balance and coordingation
where can the parkisons wellness program and people like me program be found
the PERFORM center at concordia
what do peop;e learn in the arthritis program
dev. to help people lviig with arthritis, it helps them learn when they are in an inflammatory state, aqcuqire coping mechanisms and discuss how to continue activity throughout daily life
what happened to MATT from the kinesiology video
he was a runner and was trainign for a full maraton but he had a heart attack that left him in a coma for 2 weeks and then 4 months later he got a heart transplant
who helped matt return to help
a team of medical proffesionals including clincal exercise physiologists
according to the video, what type of patients do CEP work with
high risk population
patients with stroke, heart attack, surgeeroes, etc
true or false: CEP just give exrceise
false they look at the total patients phostiry to prescribe proper exrecises
what is the saying of CEP
exercinse is medine
true or false: CEP know about oatients medication, effects witth exerices ?
what is the benefit of medically supervised PA
it gives them stength and endurance to do daily acts and manage their disease while being monifitoed for any physiological responses
true or false: CEP only assess the physical aspect of rehab
false, alsomental
how many months of training did it take to increase matt’s autonomy
2-3 months
in 1999 how many cep inerniships where there
only 2
iin 2022 how many cep internships
30 cep
where do ceps work
outpatient clinics, rehabilitation centers, community centers, university laboratories
or hospital-based research facilities (ex: St-Justine Hospital)
true or falseL CEP only work indipendalty
CEPs may work independently, but many times work as a team with other health professionals
what are some examples of other health professionals that CEPs need to work with
dietitians, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, physicians and nurses
what are some typical program internship sites
Cardiac rehab (Chip program)
Pulmonary rehab (Sacré-Coeur Hospital)
Chronic pain (Constance-Lethbridge)
CSST/SAAQ (Jewish Rehab Hospital)
Neuromuscular rehab (Cummings and Lucie-Bruneau centers
Cancer rehab (Hope & Cope wellness center, MUHC, new Kin position)
… and more (Children with obesity at St-Justine Hospital)
A CEP leads clients through what
a comprehensive program of health education and exercise as a means in managing risk factors for chronic disease.
do CEP only wokron exercise or healthy individuals
no they work on health education to manage risk factors for CHRONIC DISEASE
true or fasle: CEP cannot deal with high BP or cholesterol
they know the tools of the trade to assiss clients to meet program goals
the CEP will BLANK the clients to stay on traick with what
will encourage and support clients to stay on trak with an exercise regiment and lifestyle changes
CEp encourages and supports clients to stay on track and what does that result in
resulting in risk factor modification, ease in performing ADLs, and making exercise an enjoyable as well as a permanent lifestyle practice.
CEP are trying to make exercise as a short term solution
no they want to make it a permant lifestly practice
=long term process toward permanent health improvement
TRUE or false: CEP is a specialization of kinesiology
what is the main different between CEP and kinesiolgy
CEP deals with clinical populations whereas Kinesiology deals with a variety of areas such as:
-Sports performance (training for athletes)
-Physical fitness (training) for asymptomatic population
-Exercise programming for participants with chronic diseases and disabilities
=specialty at Concordia
what are the different areas that kinesiologist deal with
Sports performance (training for athletes)
Physical fitness (training) for asymptomatic population
Exercise programming for participants with chronic diseases and disabilities
=specialty at Concordia
what is more commonlu used in quebec: CEP or kinesiologist
what is the professional organization iat the provincial level
quebec kinesiologist federation (FKQ)
how many memebranrs doe the FKQ have and when was it founded
1700 members
what are the 3 roles of the FKQ
1) To promote and represent Kinesiologists in the province of Quebec
2) To provide a certification in Kinesiology
3) To obtain a professional order
which of the folliwing programs do you need to complete to become a certified kinesiolgist
inn 2013, they asked have you ever heard about kinesiolgists, what were the relative percentages
56 yes
33 no
dont know
how many people knew kinesiolgy in 2007
how many people knew kinesiolgy in 2010
how many people knew kinesiolgy in 2013
how many people knew kinesiolgy in 2016
the proportion of people who know what kinesiolgys are greatin in:
People with higher family income ($100k or + = 78%)
People with higher level of education
CEGEP degree = 64%
University degree = 72%
when was CSEp founde
what is the professional organization at the national level
canadian society for exrcise physiolgy (CSEP)
what is CSEP mistion statement
CSEP is the resource and voice for exercise physiology and health and fitness, providing leadership in research, education and practice to improve health outcomes for Canadians
what are the 2 professional certification of SCEP
CSEP personal trainer
CSEP exercise physiologist
what do you need for CSEP CPT
required core compentensices covereing in courses included in college diploma and university degree programs
what do you need for CSEP CEP
focussing on non0clincal and clinical health, fitness and exercise sceience applications
what are the 2 functions of the CSEP certified personal training
Administers the CSEP-PATHto healthy populations
Develops and implements a tailored physical activity, fitness and lifestyle plan.
what is the minimum academic requiemenre tfor CSEP CPT
2 year college diploma of 2 year university degree
what is th ehighest certification in canada
CSEP certificed exercise physioligst
CSEP performs./
does a CSEp do exervcise supervision>
do CSEP provide counselling and if so to who ?
provide conselling and healthy lifestyle education to apparentlh healthy and /or those with medical conditions etc
cep prescibes//.
conditioning exercise and exercise supercision, counselling and healthy lifestyle education
true or false: CEP only works with apperently health indiviaudla
false, also works with populations with medical conditions, functional limutations, disabilities (musculoskel, cardiopulmonary, metabolic, neuromusclear, aging)
who does CEP work with
apparently healthy individuals and/or populations with medical conditions, functional limitations or disabilities associated with musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, metabolic, neuromuscular, and aging conditions.
why is CEP more difficult than CPT
=more diffiocult because related to medical conditions instead of working with aymsymtpmatic individuals
can CEP accept reffereals and from who
Accept referrals from health care professionals who are trained and licensed to diagnose and treat acute and chronic medical conditions
what do CEP use to facilate physical activating and exercise particupaiton, lifestyle mod
behavior change models (like motivational interviewing)
a CEP interpreres what
results of compreshensive fitness assessment protocols to determine health and physical function
true or false: CEP never monitopr medications
false; Monitor the influence of commonly used medications (ex: beta blockers) on the response to sub-maximal and maximal exercise during assessments and/or training sessions.
a CEP is sanctioned to…
Use the outcomes from health and fitness assessments to design and implement safe and effective physical activity and exercise prescriptions for both healthy and unhealthy populations
Monitor the influence of medications on the response to sub-maximal and maximal exercise during assessments and/or training sessions. = SAME AS PREVIOUS PAGE!
Measure and monitor heart rate, electric activity of the heart (using ECG) and blood pressure at rest, during exercise and post-exercise. These measures can be used to identify, but not diagnose, irregularities during rest, sub-max, and max exercise.
Conduct group physical activity sessions with screened participants. Sessions can include any one or combination of aerobic, resistance, balance or flexibility exercises within the CEPs individual knowledge competency.
what do CEP use to design and implement sage PA and exercise presctions for both types of population
outcomes from health and fitness assessments
true or false; and explain
CEPs can monitor ECG
Measure and monitor heart rate, electric activity of the heart (using ECG) and blood pressure at rest, during exercise and post-exercise. These measures can be used to identify, but not diagnose, irregularities during rest, sub-max, and max exercise.
do CEP only do indiviual PA session
no they can also do group physical activities with screen partticipants
When Kinesiology will obtain its Professional Order, will it be regulated at the Provincial (FKQ) or National (CSEP) level?
managed at provincial level
sessions witha csep include what types of trtaining
arerobic, resistance, balance, flexibility