lecture 13: hypertension Flashcards
hypertension is also knwon as …
high BP (silent killer)
hypertension is a problem of what system
cardiovascular problem
what is hypertension
Cardiovascular problem in which the blood exerts a greater than normal
force against the inner walls of the blood vessels
what is the reasion that blood can exert a higher than normal force against the inner walls of the vessels
increase BV
decrease vasodilation of blood vessels
in hypertension there is damage to what organs and why
heart, brain, kidneys and eyes … because of circulatory problems (due to blood vessel damage)
why can they eyes be affected by hypertension
because of circulatory problems (due to blood vessel damage)
hypertension is a major risk for death by what things
stroke and heart attack
what are the 2 mechanical causes for hypertension
increase SV
increase perioheral resistance
what is increase stroke volume
increase amount of blood pumped every heart beat
what 2 reasons can peropheral resistance increase
1) decrease vasodilation
2) Arterial walls become thickened, inelastic and
resistant to blood flow
do you need both increase BV and increase resistnace to have high BP
no only 1/2 is enough
if you have too much blood but a normal diameter of vessels what happens to the blood pressire
if you have normal BV but narrow blood vessels what happens to the BP
true or false: incidience of hypertension greatly varies with age
what percentage of canadians suffer from hypertension
what fraction of people have high BP but do not know it
people who have mild and moderate hypertension exercise mild and moderate symtpoms>
no , no symptoms
what is the problem with mild and moderate BP
there are no symptoms (very often=silent killer)
if you have severe high BP, what symptoms can be observerd
blurrred vision
severe headaches
the older you are, the higher or lower risk of high BP
higher risk
in high income countries what is the number 2 risk facor for death
high blood pressure
in high inconme countires, what is the 4th risk factor for death
physical inactity
in high income countires, what are the 2nd and 4th risk factors for death
high blood pressure and physical inactivity
true or false: high blood pressure is only a risk factor for death i high income countires>?
false, for all over the world inncluded low, middle and high income countires
what instrument measured BP
what is the optimal BP
120/80 mmHG
120/80, what is the 120
systolic pressure (contnraction phase)
120/80 what is the 80
diastolic pressure (relaxation phase)
heart contraction=
heart relaxion=
true or false: BP is constant thorugh the day
false, it varies vs type of daily activit
what are some factors causing BP to temporarily rise
systolic and diastole pressure rises in what steas
systolic and siaoslic pressure drops in what season
true or false: systolic and diastolic pressure rises in the summer
false, it rises in winter and drops in summer
why does BP rise in the winter time
- Blood vessels constricts in the cold causing the heart to work harder to push blood through the veins and
2) increase weight and decraese exercise in the winter time
what does primary/essential causes of BP mean
no specific medical cause can
be found to explain a patient’s condition
primary or essential causes affect what percentage of people with BP
primary/essential causes are believed to be caused by what two factors
50 genetic
50 environmentak
what are secondary causes
factors assocaited with hypertensio n
what are the secondary causes of high BP
Pregnancy (blood volume) • Coarctation of the aorta (narrowing of the aorta) • Obesity • Smoking • Physical inactivity • High fat diet + salt intake • Large amounts of alcohol • éstress
what secondary causes of high BP increase peripheral resistance and are controllable
• Obesity • Smoking • Physical inactivity • High fat diet + salt intake • Large amounts of alcohol • éstress
true or false: icnrease perioheral resistance makes hypertension worse
what is coartictation of the aorta
narrowing of the aorta
why does pregnance increase BP
increases BV
atheroscleoris is what
hardernin of the arteries
explain the schema of high BP
1) high BP
2) arteries: walls swell and stretch
3) endotheial injury
4) attraction of LDL cholesteral and WBC
5) formation of plaque
6) atheroscleoris
major risk for death by stroke and heart attack
batting a blood vessel does what
caauses wall damamges and increase fat and foreign substances and wall build up
which is the following in not a risk factor for high BP in children
1) obesity
2) poor nutrition habits
3) fam histoery
non of the above (all high BP causes)
what is stage 1 mild BP systolic bp
what is stage 1 diastloic BP
when systolic and diastolic pressures fall into diff catherories ,waht cateogry should be selected
the higher category
increase bp= incnrease risk of what
in stages 3 and 4 of high bp what is needed
more medication is needed
when clasfsified blood pressure of adults, are they on their meds>
no , not taking any antihypertensive meds and not actually ill
true or false: should BP increase durinng exercise>
yes, systolic should but diastolic should have no chagnes
what is the normal BP response to aerobic exercises in terms of systole
inceases 30-60 mmHG
what is the normal BP response to aerobic exercises in terms of diastole
no changes
does BP increase during aerbic and resistance training only for hypetensionn people
No also everyonne else
rank these activties from which incnrease bP (low to high)
aerboic, rest, 2 leg pressure heavy load,
2 arm heavy curl
aerboic exercise
2 arm heeavy curl
2 leg heavy press
does BP increase more in aerobic or resistnace
does 2 leg heavy press or 2 arm heavy curl increase resisance more
2 leg heavy pressure leg
since BP increases during exercise for everyone, waht is the difference for people with hypertension
where they start
what is the Effects of Regular Exercise on BP Response
at rest in Participants with Hypertension for AEROBIC TRAINING
decrease in Systolic BP of 5-7 mmHg and in Diastolic BP of 3-5 mmHg
what is the Effects of Regular Exercise on BP Response
at rest in Participants with Hypertension for DYNAMIC RT
decrease BP by 2-3 mmHg in both Systolic and Diastolic BP
what is the Effects of Regular Exercise on BP Response
at rest in Participants with Hypertension for ISOMETRIC RT
Potential for the largest decrease in Systolic and Diastolic
BPs: However, ↑ risk of medical complications
what type of RT has an icnrease risk of medical complicationns
which type of RT has the potentionn for the largest decrase in systolic and diastolic
Reductions of only _______ mm Hg in SBP and DBP lower stroke
risk by 14% and 17%, respectively, and the risk of coronary artery
disease by 9% and 6%, respectively
Reductions of only 2% mm Hg in SBP and DBP lower
risk of what and why how much
stroke by 14% and 17%, respectively, a
nd the risk of coronary artery
disease by 9% and 6%, respectively
how does isometric training have the highest risk of medical complications
because not movinng duringn isometric training can cause BP to incrase signimally during the trianign
what was the BMI for the subjects in the test for Effect of moderate weight reduction on resting and
exercise blood pressure in overweight subjects
greater than 25 kg/m2
what was the program for. Effect of moderate weight reduction on resting and
exercise blood pressure in overweight subjects
supervised diet duringn 20 weeks
what were the results of the stury of Effect of moderate weight reduction on resting and
exercise blood pressure in overweight subjects
BMI decreases 31.9 kg/m 2 to 28.2 kg/m 2 and weight ↓ by 11.5%
in the study “Effect of moderate weight reduction on resting and
exercise blood pressure in overweight subjects” what happend to BP at rest
decrease in systolic BP
in the study “Effect of moderate weight reduction on resting and
exercise blood pressure in overweight subjects” what happend to BP during exercise
decrase in systolic and diastolic BP (greater effect in systole)
is medication or exercise for for stage 3 and 4 BP
meds first
what are the recommendations for endurance training to reduce BP
mode: large muscle, aerobic
frequency: 3 to 7 days / week
duration: 20-60 minutes
ntensity: 50-85% of peak HR
lower intensity 40-70% is very good too
true or false: lower intensity 40-70% is not good for BP
false, it can be good too
true or fasle: the exercise recommedations are the saem for hypertensive and normal individuals
when is exercise contraindicated for hypertennsive
resting BP exceeds: 200/115 mmHG
durinng exercise: 225/90
exercise is contraindicated when resting BP exceeds
exercise is contraindicatied when during exercise BP is
what types of exercise are contrainndicated for hypertensive
High intensity isometric exercise and heavy strength
training activities involving a Valsalva effect (weight
lifting) are contraindicated
true or false: High intensity isometric exercise and heavy strength
training activities involving a Valsalva effect (weight
lifting) are contraindicated
true or false: low intensity isometric exercise are contraindicated
false, HIGH INTENSITY isometric exercise
what can affect BP during and after exrcise
what medications for people with BP take
antihypertensive agents
explain how medications can affect BP duringn and after exercise.
decrease peripheral resistance by vasodilation =can produce
post-exercise hypotension (dizziness, feeling faint)
what is the main goal for management of hypertension
to control BP by the least intrusive means possible. BP should be lowered and
maintained below 140/90 mm Hg (stage 1)
to control BP by the least intrusive
means possible. BP should be lowered and
maintained below ______ mm Hg (stage 1)
140/90 mmHG (stage 1)
what does it mean to control BP by the least intrusive means possible
to control BP naturally when possible (nutrion over meds)
what are the best ways to contnrol hypertension
-Medications – Healthy diet: • Focusing on fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products, and especially, ↓ the salt in your diet – Exercise – Management of emotional stress – Weight control
what type of diet is good to control hypertension
– Healthy diet:
• Focusing on fruits, vegetables and low-fat
dairy products, and especially, ↓ the salt in
your diet
what are the 3 types of medicationses for hypertension
diuertics (water pills)
beta blockers
calcium channel blockers
what type of pills are diuretics
water pills
how do diuertics work
Work by flushing excess water and sodium from the body thus lowering BP, which may be enough along with lifestyle changes to control
your blood pressure (stage 1)
true or false: diuertics are good for stage 4 hypertension?
no only stage 1
how do beta blockers work
Work by blocking certain nerve and hormonal signals to the heart and blood vessels, thus lowering blood
how do calcium channel blockers work
Prevent calcium from going into heart and blood vessel muscle cells ,
thus causing the cells to relax, which lowers blood pressure
what pills work by Work by blocking certain nerve and hormonal signals to the heart and blood vessels, thus lowering blood
beta blockers
what pills work by prevent calcium from going into heart and blood vessel muscle cells ,
thus causing the cells to relax, which lowers blood pressure
calcium channel blockers
what pills work by Work by flushing excess water and sodium from the body thus lowering BP, which may be enough along with lifestyle changes to control
your blood pressure (stage 1)