lecture 1: 1-Intro to Clin Ex Physio Flashcards
what is the difference btween mental illness vs mental retardation
Mental illness; diseases affecting the brain (perceive reality, the way you think)
Ex: schizophrenia, bipolar
Mental retardation/intellectual disability : do not lose contact with reality
Mental process is slower
Ex; down syndrome
historically, to be diff meant to be
destroyed, tortured, exorcised, sterilized, ignored, exiled
true or false: those which physical and mental impairments were both trated the same
false, there was a double standard
physcial impairements were seen as beeter
Which of these groups received the worst treatment throughout most of history?
Physical impairment (amputation, deformity) Mental retardation (intellectuel disability) Mental illness
mental illeness
during the survival and supersticition phase (3000-500BC) what 2 concepts did they rely on
survival of the fittest (often left disabled to die because they were not strong enough to live)
superstition (since they didnt understand a lot of things, they attributed difference to super powers (evil and good)
true or fasel: during the humanitarian reform (500 bc tp 400 ad) they didnt believe in survival of the fittest
false they still did
what was the double standard during the humantiearim reform
those who were disabled from war were considered heros but those born with a disability were still treated bad)
what were the treatments for people with mental impairments
purification, exorcisms
when was the humanitarian reform
500 B.C. to 400 A.D.)
when was the survival and superstition phase
(3000 to 500 B.C)
what 2 people helped with evolution in understand ing of mental illeness suring the humanitarian reform
how did hippocratets help in the evolution in understanding of mental illness
said mental illness was a disease of natural causes
how did plata help in the evolution in understanding of mental illness
he found cure for mental illness involving: physical activity, massage, hydrotherapy
when was the judeo-christin influecne period
A.D. 400-1500) (3)
what was the affect of religious influecne on disabilities during the judea christin time
: level of acceptance, understanding humanitarian treatment of people with disabilities
during the judeo-christin incluence where did we put disabled people
put them in a Protective environment of monasteries and royal courts
what was the double standard during the judeo-christian influence
People with mental retardation vs people with mental illness
Mental retatdation: thought to be children of god but with mental illness they were thought to be posseed by the devil
when was the influece of scence and medine
16th - 17th centuries)
true or false, during the infuence of scenec eand medine, people with mental inllness were no longer persecuted?
false, they were still
what happened in terms of education during the science and medine period
there was education for deaf child of noble birth (they had a title in society)
true or false: during the indluence of sceince and medine, there was bad treament for people with MR
Good treatment for people with MR but still perceived as a burden on society
Who was the first to develop a system in which the physical, intellectual and moral development of the child was stressed?
Edouard Séguin
when was the period of initial acceptance
18th century
during the initial acceptance there was a transition from fear, superstition and hostility to…
Compassion and education
what was the effect of the french revolition on the initial accetpance of people w disability
individual responsibility +
human treatment for people with mental illness
what happened in terms of education during the initial acceptance period
Schools for blind and deaf children
In which period individuals with disabilities were no longer viewed as the work of Satan and were allowed to survive?
initial acceptance
when was the beginings of educational tratment
19th centrery
what did jean marc itard show
children with severe mental retardation could be taught + improved functioning could result
what did edouard seguin do
make educational system in which the phys. intel. and moral development of the child was stressed
during the beginings of educational treatment, there were residential insitutions for who
for people with MR + deafness and
Blindness throught the USA (European influence
true or false, during the beginings of educational treatment, there were only residential insitutiions for blind and MR and deaf in europe
false, all throughout the USA because of european influence
when was the period of social reform
20th century
during the social reform, there was an emergence of concenr about disability in what fields
from fields of education, psychology (freud, pavlov) and medicine
during the social reform there was a quest for what
Quest for quantification of disability + individual
what did they use for Quest for quantification of disability + individual
IQ tsets
true or falseL therewere negative effects from the two world wards on disability
Positive effects from the two world wars upon attitudes about persons with disabilities
what were 3 postiive effects of the world war on disability
War veterans who became phys. impaired were still accepted in their community despite their differences
During phys. exam many men were identified as phys impaired but who had led normal lives
More treatments and services were developped for war veterans (SCI, amputations etc.)
what is a trend right now and give an example
Progressive inclusion and acceptance (ex: common wealth games)
in recent times there is a hipe that Hope that individuals with disabilities ≠ «surplus population» but, rather….
individuals who can contribute to the betterment of society
what concept is being looked at very recently for disability
“true inclusion”
true or false: According to the Council of Canadians with Disabilities, is the term “thedisabled” OK to use?
what can be the most diffuclt barrier people with disabilities fall in acheiveing full intergation etc>
blank are a mirror or socierties attitudes and perceptions
a SCI person applying for a job, what are some physical and osychological barriers
Physical barriers:
- Access: 2nd floor
- Transportation issues
- Health issues (fatigue, hospital treatments, etc)
Psychological barriers:
-Weaker, health issues
what tis the purpose of the :way with words” booklet
to promote a fair and accurate portraayal of people with disabilities
to change percenptiosna dn attitudes of canadians
whatt is the definition of a disability
a functional limitation of resttriction of an individuals ability to perform an ajectivity
true or false: you can use disabled as a noun
false it is an adjuct
why is it more preferable to use the term people with disabilities rather than “the disabled”
because people are not their conditions
ttrue or false: avoid cattergotizing people with disabilities as either super achivers or tragic figures
what type of words should you use when describing people w disbable
words that are non judgements, non emtional and accurate descriptiions
what type of adjectives should you avoid using for person with a disability
brave, couragerous, inspritational or similar workds
avoid references that cause BLAANK
discomform, guilty, pity or an insult
true or false: words like :suffers from, afflicated by, patient, disease, or sick are acceptable to use
why should you not use references like “striken with” or “confined to”
suggests that the person is in constant pai nand a sense of hopelnessness
why should you avoid words like burden, incompetent, defection
because it suggests that people with disabilities are inferior and should be explude from activities
true or false: people with dsiabilities are confirmtable to terminoody used to dscribe daily living (ex: goinng for a walk to someone in wheelchair, “see what you mean)
Disabilities that are not visible like mental health, hemophilia, spilepsy dont encounter barriers and negative attitudes
false they do
when writing a text , you should focus on the BLANK. rather than the disability
the issue
true ro false: if the dsiaiblity is not relevant to the context you should still report it
not necssary to
when a person with a dsaability is deatured in a story that has possible angles, which story line usually dominates
the human interest (how they overcome the great odds)
true or false: there is less in depth covereage of issues of particular imporatnt to those with dsiability (lile employement, poverty, etc)
true, they are seldom asked for their views on stories dealing with the issues
in montreal, how many wheel chair stations out of 68 are wheel chiar acccesible
what are 3 important questions to ask yuorself beofre the interview
1) am i reporting this peice because it involves a person w a disability or because the issue is relevent to pop
2) if it did not involve a person with a disability, would i still want to write it
3) is a refere3nce to the disability necesary to the sotry
trueor false: it is NOT appropriat eot shake hands when interoduced to aperson with a disbaility
false, it is appropate and people with limited use or articifical still shake hands
when talking to a person with a disability you should talk DIRECTLY/INDIRECTLY to thewm
always speak to them rather than to a companion who may be there
common expressions lilke “see you later” and “gotta run” are allowed
If you offer someone with a dsiabiltiy with assistance, you can do it without thinkingq
false, wait untl offer is accepted
true or fasle: you should avoid putting disabiled on a pedestlye
instrad of birth defect, deformity you should use
person born with a disability
except for the Deaf, quadra, and paraplegics
instrad of The Blind or The Visually impaired, use
person who is blind, person who has a visual impairement
instead of confined to wheelchair or wheel chair bound use
person who uses wheelchair
instead of useing crippled use,
person with disability, person who has spinal cord injury etc
instead of saying “the hard of hearing” or “the hearting impaired” say
person who is hard of hearing
instad of saying, deaf mute use
person who is deaf
people who are sign language useres can be called
The Deaf (upper case)
people who do not s=yse sign language can be refered to as
the deaf (lowercase)
instead of “the epilectic” use
person who has epilepty
instead of calling it a fit, attack or spell call it a
isntead of saying the handicapped
say person with a disability
instead od saying handicap parking say
accesible parking
isntead of saying :”inarticulate” or incorherent say
person who has a speech disorer
true or false: the term insane should only be used in sdtrictly legal sense
instread of using weords like insane, maniac, mental patient, psychotic etc use
person with mental health disability (can add the speficif deisability if needed)
instead of saying “learning disabled, the dislexic, say
persion with a learning disability
instaead of saying “mentally retarded, defective, retatded etc use
person with intellectual disability (if relevent , specfify the disability )
is “normal” an approporate word to use
no , use able bodied person
instead of saying “person who has trouble” say
person who needs
instead of spastic say
person with spasms
instead of sauing “victim of cerebral palsy etc” say
person who has
what are the 4 terms in the disablement model
trauma, disease, imparimentm disability handicap
what is the definition of trauma
injury to living tissue caused by an extrinsic agent (outside source)
what are some examples of trauma
traumatic brain injury, amputation ,spinal cord injury
if you have a virus that can be considered trama
what is a synonym for disease
active pathology
what is the defintion of disease
interruitopon of normal cellular processes
what are some examples of disease
hwart disease cancer stroke parkinsons als diabetes
what is he defintion of impairment
loss or abnormality at the tissue, organ or body sysm
what are the 3 physilogic impairements
musculoskeltal system
pulmonary system
neuromusuclar system
what are some examples of musculoskeltal system im[airemtsn
Muscular atrophy, decrease flexibility (ROM), decrease bone mass, decrease muscle strength, inflammation etc
what are some examples of pulmonary system impariements
Loss of a lung, decrease in breathing capacity, shortness of breath, swelling/inflammation (like asthma)
what are some examples of neuromuscular system impiarements
: demyelination, decrease in balance, coordination , proprioception
what is the deifnntion of disability
Any restriction or lack of ability to perform a task or activity in the manner considered normal for a person, such as disturbance, in basic activity of daily living.
true or false: disability is something from within
false, it is something that is afted outside the body
you see someone in a wheelchair, can you say that they are handcipated
what is the defintion of handicap
A disadvantaged resulting from an impairment or disability that limits or prevents fulfillment of an individual’s role. **(need limitations in doing ur role in the society) **
true or false: handicap is a classifcation of indivudals
false, it is a classifcation of situations, circumstances
true or false: you can overcome a handicap
and why
ex: if your work building doesnt have an elevator than it is a handicap but they can install one and th handicap is gone
gice an example of the disablement model for arthritus
disease: arthritis in hip and knee
impairment: decrease in ROM, loss of strength and endurance, inflammation
disability: decrease in walking capacities
handicap: can no longer be a volunteer because they need to walk alot
give an example ofdisablement model for parkinsons
disease: parkinson’s
impairment: decrase in muscle streghtn, tremors
disability: no longer can eat or walk on their own
handicap: cannot take care of their grandchild
what is the key word assocaited to traums
extrinsic agent
what is the key word assocaited to disease
what is the key word assocated to impairement
whta is the key word associated to disability
task or acitivity
what is the key word for handciap
true or false: olympic records are always better than paraolypmic
false, it certain activities the paras are better
ex: mens 800m wheel chair para is faster
what are 2 reasons that the paralympics might have lower records than olypics
1) their impairement might make the sport more diffucult (ie: high jump on one leg vs two)
2) there are less paralypic atheltetes to set records
true or false: paralympic athlettes do better in marathons vs sprints
true because in short distances its hard for the start to gain speed but for distance they will be faster
how do swimmers with blindness know when they get to the pool wall
they get touched on the head by a teennis ball tipped stick
what does IPC stand for
International Paralympic Commitee
what does IOC stand for
International Olympic Commitee
what does CISS stand for
Comité International des Sports des Sourds
what does IBSA stand for
International Blind Sports Association
what does ISOD stand for
International Sport Organization for Disabled
what does ISMWSF stand for
International Stoke Mandeville Wheelchair Sports Federation
what does CP-ISRA stand for
Cerebral Palsy-International Sport and Recreation Association
what does INAS-FMH stand for
Int. Sports Federation for Persons with Mental Handicap
what are they 2 IPC madates
1) to promite elite sports for atheletes with disabilities
2) to intergrate atheltics witth diabilities to the olympics
has the IPC been good with their mandates
1) yes because their is alot more inclusion, tv cloverage of para ettc
2) not so much because ithey have no been able to fully intergrate
=maybe one day because inclusion is important
what organizatons go to the paralympics
Which organization participated in the paralypics later than the rest and why
they wererent allowed first because those with a physical impairement were excluded them because they have a mental disbilaty
what is the organization that did not WANT to go to para
where does the CISS atheltes go
world games (olympics)
What type of individuals go internatioanl special olypics
those part of the special olypics internaitional
what is the multi sport even that a number of para sports were included in with a fully inclusive sports programme
common wealth games
what big sports event included those with disabilityies first (common wealth or boston )
boston marathon but it wasny fully inclusive
where was the first sports club for deaf
where was the first internaltion silent games
who estbalisms the spinal injuries centre of the stroke mandeville hospital
sir ludwing guttman
where was the who the spinal injuries centre of the stroke mandeville hospital
who was the “spinal injuries centre of the stoke mandeville hospita”l for (which types of people)
war veterans
where was the first wheelchair basketball game
where was the first stroke mandeville games for the paralysed
what does ISMWSF stand for
internation stoke mandeville wheelchair sports ref
the internatinal sport organization for the disabled was for who
amputation, locomotor disabilites and les autrs
what happened in 1975 in the boston marare
first male wheelchar entrant
was the first wheelchair entrant i the boston marathon a male or female
what were the 2 positive effects of world wars for sport
1) increase nu,ber of people with disabol;ity
2) increase health services
what does les autres mean
a term ised in sport to denote the other locomotor disabilities (those not elligible to compete as spinally paralyzed or cerbral palzied)
how many para atheltres were there in 1960
how many para athletes in 2004
whatt was the negotiation in 1985 between the IPC and IOC
to make the paras in the same city as the olympics
for the frist 5 olympics who was allowed to compete in para summer and winter
summer: SCI
winter: wheelchair sports
The law requires that buildings or facilities that were designed, built, or altered with federal dollars after August 12, ______ be wheelchair accessible
What are people with disabilities asking of the Canadians to do in terms of talking about their disability
Do use respectful terms when talking or speaking about them or the issues that their community faces
What are people with disabilities asking of Canadians in terms of picture media representation
Asking that the photos they use are appropriate/respectful and do not reinforce negative stereotypes 
Attitude could be the most difficult barrier for what
Disbilities Full acceptance integration and participation into society
Why is it important that we pay attention to the words we use when describing people with disability
To overcome negative attitudes and shape positive ones
Why is language use changing for describing disability
It is changing as people with disabilities gain independence equality and full participation in society
In terms of the words we use how can we ensure that people with disability get full equality integration and participation into the society
By using proper words and images and by changing the ways in which the issues for disability are reported
Since people with disabilities have the same goals and aspirations as many of us how and what words should we use when describing them 
Words and images should reflect their inclusion in society except where social isolation is the focal point
True or false. Words and images should ALWAYS reflect their (disabilitt) inclusion in society
False. except where social isolation is the focal point
Focus on the blank instead of the blank
Focus on the issue instead of the disability
What is there less in-depth coverage of for people with disability
Less in-depth coverage of issues that are of particular importance to people with disabilities like employment housing childcare transportation
True or false when your interview someone with a disability you should put them on a pedestal
False avoid putting them on a pedestal and interview them as you would any other person
In visual treatments what should you not dwell on.
Do not dwell on technical aids or adaptive devices 
True or false despite the progress over the recent years negative stereotypes still exist
How can you promote the person rather than the disability
By choosing words and images that help shape positive attitudes
Following an interview, ask yourself: Am I writing this piece because it involves a person with a disability. (or because of the issue and related circumstances are relevant to the general population)? YES OR no
When talking about a person with disability does the human interest line often dominate the text yes or no
Instead of using the term insane you should use
Person with a mental health disability
Instead of using invalid you should say
Person with a disability
Instead of saying someone is physically challenged physically handicap or impaired you should say 
Person with a disability