Lecture 45 Flashcards
Cause of trisomy 21
- trisomy due to most frequently meiosis nondisjunction during oogenesis (mostly meiosis 1) - most common cause
- Usually, individual has two maternal chromosome 21 and 1 paternal chromosome 21. If two maternal chromosomes are same, that means nondisjunction meiosis II has occured, If two maternal chromosomes are different, nondisjunction at meiosis I occurred.
- robertsonian translocation between chromosome 9 and 21
menifestation of trisomy 21
- intellectual disability
- depressed nasal bridge and epicanthal folds
- congenital heart defects
- single palmar crease
What is trisomy 18
Edward syndrome
Genetic mechanism of trisomy 18
nondisjunction during oogenesis
Manifestation of trisomy 18
clenched fist, overlapping of finger
- rocker bottom feet
- congenital heart defects
- micrognathia(small lower jaw)
- microcephaly
- intellectual disability
What is trisomy 13
Patau syndrome
Cause of trisomy 13
nondisjunction during oogenesis
Manifestation of trisomy 13
- cleft lip and palate
- microphthalmia
- microcephaly
- intellectual disability
- cardiac anomalies
What is genotype of Turner syndrome
45,X (cells with no barr body)
Manifestation of turner syndrome
short stature
- webbed neck (neck swelling)
- primary amenorrhea
- gonadal dysgenesis
- streak ovaries
- poor breast development
Cause of turner syndrome
nondisjunction during spermatogenesis
- could also happen post-fertilization mitosis as one of the X chromosomes evicted during cell division leading to mosaicism.
- also causedby isochromosome X
What is genotype of klinefelter syndrome
Manifestation of klinefelter syndrome
- gynecomastia (enlargement of breast in male)
- female distribution of hair
- infertility and testicular atrophy
- feminization of features
Cause of klinefelter syndrome
- meiosis I or II in mom
- nondisjunction during meiosis I in dad
2 ways that a person could be mosaic for down syndrome
- post-fertilization non-disjunction, leading to mosaic
2. Nondisjunction in oogenesis, then there is trisomy rescue during post-fertilization mitosis, leading to mosaicism.