lecture 29: how does the brain think Flashcards
what brain areas are invovled in recognizing objects and making moves with respect to them
recognizing- occipital and temporal
making moves- parietal
what does frontal lobes do
organize behavior temporally ex. when to execute behaviors and in what order
- orchestra conductor
wisconsin card sorting
measure of planning and abstract reasoning
- shifting response strategy hard for FL lesions
tendency to repeat same verbal or motor response to varied stimuli
- frontal lobe lesions
how does WCS task work
place each card in pile sorting by 1/3 categories, rewarded for right response but category changes without telling, subjects must change responses
- issue is switching strategies
cognitive neuroscience
study the neural basis of cognition through neuroimaging, animal study and testing
brain connectome
map of complete structural/funcitonal fiber pathways of human brain in vivo
- DTI and fcMRI
tractography/ DTI
measures neuroanatomical pathways related to traits
loui et al. connectivity in perfect pitch
expected to see hyperconnectivity but instead saw tract volume in LH predicted performance
- RH might be recruiting help from LH
- uses resting state fMRI to measure functional correlations b/w brain regions
- uses temporal correlations b/w activity in different regions to infer functional connectivity
associations w/ working memory, attention, language, music and decision making
- may be involved in accuracy and refinement of thoughts as well as movements
social neuroscience
combines tools from cog neuroscience with social psych
emotional perspective taking
- associated with medial prefrontal cortex
theory of mind
attribution of mental states to others
- understanding others DLPFC
visual self recognition
activates right lateral PFC, lateral parietal cortex and fusiform gyrus
conceptual self recognition
self describing - medial prefrontal regions
impulse control/self regulation
anterior cingulate, orbitofrontal, DLPFC
how the brain makes decisions:
reflective: deliberate, slow, rule driven (lPFC, MT, PPC)
reflexive: fast, automatic, emotionall biased (vPFC, amygdala, BG)
cerebral asymmetry
A1 larger on right
A2 larger on left
posterior right temporal lobe larger than left
sensorimotor cortex for face larger in left
damage to right vs left parietal
right: difficulty copying drawings, assembling puzzles and navigating around
left: difficulty with language, copying movements, arithmatic, object/animal names
- right: spatial skills
- left: language and schoolwork
dichotic listening
right ear: verbal info (digits)
left ear: music
visual system
right field (left brain): language related info ex. anne left field (right brain): nonverbal spatial info ex. face
split brain
surgical disconneciton of 2 hemispheres in which corpus callosum is cut
- hemispheres cannot communicate
- cannot name objects presented to RH but can make nonverbal responses