lecture 12 Flashcards
3 perspectives on brain development
- behavioral development can be predicted by underlying circuitry that must be emerging
- structural development can be correlated with emerging behaviors
- research can focus on factors which influence both brain structure and behavioral development
tower of Hanoi task
links emerging brain structures w/ behaviors
- frontal lobe structures are last to develop so are behaviors controlled by FL
- must follow simple rules to plan a sequence of actions to reach goal
- difficult until age 16
experimental factors that affect interaction b/w brain and behavior
hormones, genes, expereince, injury, language
neural plate
thickened area of embryonic disc that gives rise to neural tube
neural tube
primitive neural structure that eventually develops into brain and spinal cord
development- days
day 49- embryo begins to resemble miniature person
day 100- brain looks distinctly human
7 months- gyri and sulci begin to form
9 months0 brain looks like adult brain
neural stem cell
multipotent cells that give rise to neurons and glia
- stem cell dividses into 2 but 1 dies and 1 divides again
subventricular zone
neural stem cells line neural tube
progenitor cell
- precursor cell derived form a stem cell: migrates and produces neuron or glial cell
micgrate from subventricle zone where it resides for the rest of its lifeproduces nondividing cell known as neuroblast or glioblast
differentiates into different types of neurons
differentiates into different types of glial cells
how do stem cells know what to become
chemical signal– turns genes on (expression) –> specific proteins are made –> specific cells develop
what signals gene expression
there are many different potential signals (chemical)
signals trigger epigenetic mechanisms which initiate or block gene expression
ex. methylation- add methyl group to DNA which blocks transcription, prenatal stress reduces methylation and increases gene expression
neurotrophic factors
chemicals that support growth and differentiation of neurons
growth factors
stem cell (epidermal growth factor)
progenitor (basic fibroblast growth factor)
blasts (many different compounds)
7 stages of brain development
- cell birth
- cell migration
- cell differentiation
- cell maturation (dendrite and axon growth)
- synaptogenesis (formation of synapses)
- cell death and synaptic pruning
- myelogenesis (formation of myelin)
when does neurogenesis cbegin and complete
begins at about 7 weeks and complete by 5 months
except for hippocampus that makes more cells
- brain can more easily cope with injury during this time because its already constantly producing cells
cell migration
begins after first neurons generated and continues for 6 weeks
0 mechanism not fully understood but think that ventricular zone contains map of cortex that predisposes cells
- cells buid cortex from inside out
radial glial cells
path making cell that extends a fiber from SVZ to cortical surface that neurons can climb along
cell differentiation
begins after migration, complete at birth
- depends on genetic instructions, timing and signals from other cells in local environment
takes place after neurons migrate to destination and differentiate in 2 ways:
- dendritic growth: grow dendrites to provice surface area for synapses
- axonal growth: extend axons to appropriate targets to initiate synapse formation
dendritic growth
arborization - development of branch like processes protruding from cell body
- slower than axonal growth
spine development: padlike prodtrusions from dendrites form synapses
axonal growth
guided chemically
growth cone- growing tip of axon
filopod: process that searches for target
axonal growth- cell adhesion molecule (CAM)
on target cells surface or intercellular space
- provice surface for growth cones to adhere
- attract or repel growth cones
axonal growth- tropic molecule
- produced by targets being sought by axon
- dispersed into intercellular space
- tell other growth cones seeking different targets to stay away
ex. netrins
synaptic development timeline
fifth month: simple synaptic connections
seventh month: extensive synaptic development of deepest cortical neurons
after birth: synaptic development increases rapidly during first year of life
cell death
synaptic pruning: brain eliminates excess synapses
- around 100,000 connections/s
- born with overabundance of neurons and synaptic connections
effect of synaptic pruning
over time cortex becomes thinner from the back to front
- due to cell death, synaptic pruning and white matter expansion
how does brain decide what to get rid of - neural darwinism
neurons compete for resources and those less suited succumb and die
- neurons that fail to absorb enough NT factor will express genes that trigger apoptosis
changeux hypothesis
synapses must be part of functional network or they die
- babies lose ability to discriminate speech sounds from different languages
3 unique aspects of frontal lobe development
- FL is last brain region to mature- extends far beyond 20
- frontal lobe is especially sensitive to epigenetic influences- aversive childhood expereinces disrupt FL devleopmeent
- trajectory of frontal lobe development correlates with adult intelligence - greatest amount of change, not thickness predicts intelligence
glial development
formation of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes follows neurogenesis and continues through life
- myelination of cortex begins after birth and continues until age 20
simpler functions myelinated earlier