lecture 17 Flashcards
sound wave
undulating displacement of molecules caused by changing pressure
- air molecule density vs time
properties of sound waves
frequency- pitch
amplitude- loudness
complexity - timbre
human hearing range
frequency and distance
low frequency travels long distances in water
- whates produce for underwater communication
high frequenc sound waves echo and form the basis of sonar
- dolphins produce in bursts and listen for echos from objects
amplitude and damage
NS sensitive to soft sounds
exposure to loud sounds (>100dB) is likely to damage hearing
complexity and perception
pure tones- sounds with single frequency
complex tones- sounds with mixture of frequencies and overtones
this is how we perceive difference between trombone and violin playing the same note
aperoidic or random sounds
how does language and music differ from other types of sounds
language and music both convey meaning and evoke emotionsas well as different delivery speeds
what side of temporal lobe analyzes speech for meaning
what side of temporal lobe analyzes musical sounds for meaning
delivery speeds
non speech and nonmusical at about 5s/s is a buzz
normal speed is aournd 8-10 s/s
we can understand speech at around 30s/s
what side of temporal lobe extracts pitch from sound
right temporal lobe
known as prosidy
3 parts of outer ear
pinna- funnels sound from environment and deflects into ear cannal
ear canal- amplifies sound waves and directs to eardrum
eardrum- membrane that passes sounds from outer to inner ear
middle ear- ossicles
hammer, anvil, stirrup
inner ear
cochlea- contains auditory receptor cells in organ of corti
basilar membrne- receptor surface that transduces sound waves into neural activity
hair cells-cilia moves and generates gradeed potential
tectorial membrane- overlying hair cells
frequencies and basilar membrane
fast wave- high freq displace the base
slow wave- low freq displace the apex
outer hair cells
sharpen cochleas resolving power by contracting or relaxing and changing tectorial membrane stiffness
- communicate with brainstem to alter tension
- protect from loud noises
synapses of IHC
inner hair cells synapse on bipoalr cells that form the auditory nerve (spiral ganglion)
cochlear nerve axons enter brainstem at medulla and synapse in cochlear nucleus
auditory pathway
IHC- cochlear nucleus - superior olive- inferior colliculus- medial geniculate nucleus - auditory cortex
dorsal/ventral region of MGN
ventral- primary auditory cortex (A1)
dorsal- auditory cortical regions adjacent to A1
auditory cortex
A1- heschels gyrus
wernickes area- planum temporale
highly lateralized- speech: left, music: right
tied to handedness