Lecture 29 Flashcards
- adaptation that is shared with our common ancestors and seen in other primates
- information stored in our brains that is acquired from imitation, teaching etc, that is capable of affecting our behaviour
-a unit of cultural information transmitted by imitation or learning
-Study of the environment and how organisms interact with it
Abiotic Environment
-don’t have a direct connection with life, rocks, soil temperature
Biotic Environment
-comprised of living attrubutes ( organisms, plants)
- specialized plants live in them
- unproductive environment
- carnivorous plants
- don’t have any trees
- rich habitats
- productive
- productive
- have trees
- shrubs
- where the river enters the sea
- high salt concentration and gets lower as it gets closer to the ocean
Brackish Water
mixture of salt water and normal water
Estuary Degradation
- habitat destruction
- excessive nutrient and sewage inputs
- chemical contamination
- introduced species
- rising sea levels
Tropical Wet Forests
- extremely rich in species
- highly biodiverse
- little variation in temperature
- high rates of precipitation during the rainy season
Subtropical Deserts
- little water
- can’t support many plants
- multiple open patches
- average high temp
- very low precipiations
Temperate Grasslands
- don’t have sufficient water to grow trees
- moderate temp
- moderate variation in temp, seasonal
- low precipitation but moderate variation
Temperate Forests
- moderate temps with moderate variation
- moderate rainfall with low variation
- broad leaf trees
Boreal Forest
- needle bearing trees
- average temp is low but high variation
- low precipitation with low variation
Arctic Tundra
- very barren
- short growing season
- very low avg temp with high variation
- very low availability of moisture
Evolutionary Adaptation
-genetically based changes due to natural selection that favours individuals carrying beneficial mutations
Physiological Acclimatization
- changing cells to match environment that you are in
- metabolic or physiological adjustment within the cells or tissues of an organism in response to environmental stimuli that improves the ability of the organism to cope with its environment
Behavioural Responses
- behaviours in response to the environment in broad terms
ex. retreat to burrow in intense heat
Organismal Ecology
how do individuals within populations interact with each other and their physical environment
Population Ecology
how and why population size changes over time
Community Ecology
different species populations and how they interact with each other
Ecosystem Ecology
how do energy and nutrients cycle through the environment
Mount Pine Beetles
- native pest that ate trees
- used to not be an issue because the majority of them would die in the winter
- now because of global warming they are all surviving through the winter and multiplying rapidly
Cheat Grass
- invasive plant
- takes up a lot of space
- fuels fires and adapts to them well