Lecture 24 - Happiness Flashcards
The pursuit of happiness is
not so clear cut… Why?
We don’t know what we want
- We have a hard time enjoying the things we have
- Hedonic adaptation
- Relative comparisons
- And hidden sources of happiness
We don’t know what we
Science of happiness not so clear cut
It is not that we don’t get what we want
Not wanting what we get!
Liking has to do with how things make us feel
Wanting is a prediction of linking—I think this thing
is going to make me feel good
But predictions can be wrong—miswanting
Unhappiness = not liking something as much as we
thought we would have
Actual liking < imagined liking
Three perceptual processes lead to miswanting
Miswanting 1 - #1
Imagining the wrong event
c/n predict details of future situations
movie stars “acting out” - then we are surprised such a person could act like this (even though we have no idea what their life is like)
terminally ill patients given meaning is surprising as we imagine it must be awful but some of them find meaning here
Details are unknown and we imagine the wrong thing
Miswanting 2 - #2
Using the wrong theory
Even if we do know all details, we c/n predict
preferences in future situations
What snack do you want each Monday?
Snickers for the first two weeks then nachos the third
week “for a change”
3rd wk: unhappy with nachos (not favorite!)
Made a choice based on the idea that they will be tired of snickers but were actually not
Erroneous theory: Variety is NOT the spice of life! (not
for me)
Incorrect theories about who we are è incorrect
theories about what will make us happy
Miswanting 3 - #3
Misinterpreting feelings
c/n separate feelings about future from current
“Don’t go grocery shopping when you’re hungry!”
Affective contamination
Feelings do not say where they come from (can be from NOW and therefore not relevant in future)
Miswanting over time
Effects can be particularly profound for long-term
People overestimate their emotional rxn to future
events, leading to long-term miswanting
Getting tenure
Election results
Immediate effects, but they don’t last
Overemphasizing the focal event and underemphasizing everything else (the rest of your life)
• General happiness = event + everything else
• Not so much event, as sheer # of experiences the
event will alter that shapes the strength or weakness of the event re happiness
Immune neglect:
the invisible shield
Ignoring our capacity for rationalizations and
positive illusions
Voters who overestimated duration of disappointment d/n realize that their psychological
immune system would kick in only to make them
like the governor they didn’t want
(we can make the best of things)
We struggle to enjoy what we have
Hedonistic treadmill
Relative Comparisons
Hedonic treadmill
Remain at stable level of happiness despite a
change in fortune or achievement of major goals
Make > $, expectations and desires rise in tandem, so no gain
Lottery Winners & Accident Victims
After initial impact, happiness levels typically returned to average
Individuals have different “set points,” partly
heritable (~50%, maybe)
Welling being and changes in martial status, birth of
1st child, loss of employment (Lucas et al. 2003)
Negative more impactful than positive
Adaptation for divorce, losing a spouse, birth of child, and job loss (women)
But not for marriage or job loss (men)
3,608 German residents tracked for 17 years; rated
SWL each year (Fujita & Diener, 2005)
Only 25% exhibited shifts
Only 9% showed significant change
Those with higher mean levels more stable (happier people are happier stably)
Relative Comparisons
“When less is more”
(Medvec, Madey & Gilovich, 1995)
People’s objective achievements matter less than how they are subjectively construed
Difference between actual and:
expected outcome
imagined outcome “what almost happened”
Analyzed emotional expressions of 1992 bronze and silver medalists at the 1992 Summer Olympics
(conclusion of event and at stand)
Silver medalists less happy immediately and at the stand
Cos of counterfactual thinking
Counterfactual comparison
Silver medalist Compare upward (to Gold) Qualitative difference: 1st vs. everyone else Also, “only a step away” No downward comparison (to Bronze) does not involve status change (both winners, both not #1
Silver medalist Compare upward (to Gold) Qualitative difference: 1st vs. everyone else Also, “only a step away” No downward comparison (to Bronze) does not involve status change (both winners, both not #1
Bronze medalist Compare downward Qualitative difference: Medalists vs. not No upward comparison (to Silver) does not involve status change (both winners, both not #1)
Counterfactual thoughts study 2
Study 2: ps evaluate the Olympians’ postcompetition interviews
“At least I…” to “I almost…”
Silver > Bronze
(look for counterfactual thinking, find more in silver people speech)
Study 3: asked athletes about the nature of their
counterfactual thoughts
“At least I…” to “I almost…”
Silver >bronze
Decision Illusions
Useless options
No one wants it
But helps people figure out what they want
Don’t know preferences well so susceptible to
external forces
E.g., Tom, Jerry and Ugly Jerry
Ugly Jerry makes Jerry more popular (and vice versa)
(1) Economist print - 60
(2) Economist print and online 120
(3) Online only - 120
Most people want 2
But take away (3) and everyone wants (1)
People are not aware of this and it influences them