Lecture 15 - Gender Differences Flashcards
Hitting on ppl study
Approached men ann women on campus
“Ive been noticing you around campus and I find you to be very attractive”
G1 - wouyld you go out with me tonight
G2 - Would you come over to my apartment tonight
G3 - Would you go to bed with me tonight
G1= no gender difference in response G2 = more men said yes than women (very few women) G3 = no women, some men. Big gender difference
Sex vs gender
Social/cultural meaning of being male or female
Presumably due to roles and learning
Sometimes work together
Timing of puberty is influenced by HPA but social factors like absent father speed it up
Gender identity is affected by hormones (pre natal androgen)
Effect Size
d=.2 (r=.1) Small
d=.5 (r=.3) Medium (only 33% dont overlap)
d=.8 (r=.5) Large (47% do not overlap)
Biological differences
Male advantage is positive
Throwing 2.18
Long jump .54
fine eye motor coordination -.21
Mental and social ability difference
Male advantage is positive
Math: d = .41
Visual-spatial perception: d = .64
Verbal tests: d = -.11
Decoding non-verbal cues: d = -.43
Differences in personality and social behavior
Male advantage is positive
Aggression (children): d = .50
Aggression (adults): d = .29
Leadership: d = .41
Helping (group, emergency, alone): d = .34
Influenced by group: d = -.32
Eye gaze: d = -.68
Empathy (F > M)
- Self-report: d = -.99
- Reflexive crying: d = -.27
- Picture story: d = -.10
How you measure
Makes a difference. Self reports will reflect cultural norms. Others may not
Aggression (M > F)
Physical aggression (largest effect size)
Murder (huge)
Violent crime (huge)
Gossip & Rumors (no diff, maybe female advantage)
Slapping intimate partner (female advantage)
Prosocial behavior (F > M)
Communal care & social support
Moral reasoning based on care and responsibility
Emotional expressiveness (facilitates emotional support)
Girls more helpful, esp. kindness and consideration
More sensitive emotional support
Empathy and sympathy
Nonverbal sensitivity
No female advantage:
Bystander intervention—esp. when on-lookers present (power of norms/expectations)
No request made
Masculine skills required (changing tire)
Dangerous (Carnegie Hero Medals)
Saving people from drowning, fire, assault by criminal, animal
But, organ donation, and peace corps (F>M),
risky but do not require tremendous physical strength
Social role theory
- Social structure is the underlying force for gender differences
- Specifically, division of labor creates gender roles, which in turn, lead to gendered social behavior
- Various influences including child rearing and biology, lead males and females towards different roles—homemaker vs. breadwinner
• Expectations, skills and beliefs associated with these roles affect men and women’s behavior
– to conform to expectations about being male, boys manifest traits associated with agency (e.g., competitive)
– To conform to expectations about being female, girls manifest traits associated with care and nurturance
2 causes (step 1)
-Strength and reproductive activities (etc)
Cultural norms
child rearing
These 2 causes in social role theory lead to
Division of labor between the sexes
Division of labor between the sexes leads to
social role theory
Gender role expectations
(Via these processes people learn expectations of how genders should act)
Gender related skills and beliefs
(Repeatedly engaging in roles = acquire skills. Also begin to believe that these genders do these things)
Gender role expectations and gender related skills lead to
in gender role theory
Sex differences in behavior
Evolutionary Theory`
The reproduction and survival strategies for both sexes are different
Men: fast reproduction so traits that help them compete for females will be selected for
Women: long reproduction so traits that select for being choosy will be selected for
Natural selection shapes sex related behavioral differences and roles
Social role theory summary
Biology and socialization
influences the roles people
play, and the roles we play
influence who we become
Social role theory step 1
Observe behaviour
Such as men at work or women in the home
Social role theory step 2
Form belief about attribute and underlying personality
“look at her, she is so caring”
“he is so competitive”
(This is the FAE)
Observe behavior
Form ideas about what that means for someone’s personality
Social role theory step 3
Generalize to the group
Men =competitive
Biosocial interaction
social role theory
• “Through socialization boys and girls learn to channel and respond to chemical signals, gender identities, and expectations of other’s in ways that enable them to carry out their everyday social roles”
- Testosterone
- Oxytocin
• How people construe social interaction (because of identity) elicits hormonal changes that enable them to perform relevant action/goal
Might have seen this before in the culture of honor study (rise in test after confrontation)
Gender schema theory
Bem, 1981
Is a cognitive theory
• Sex typing
– Acquisition of sex-appropriate preferences, skills, personalities, behaviors, etc.
• Derives from gender schematic processing
– Readiness on the part of the child to encode and organize information— including info about the self—according to culture’s definitions of ‘maleness’
and ‘femaleness’
– Some information more easily assimilated into the self-concept than other
-If you are gender-schematic, you are more liekly to incorperate this info (such as your culture’s ideas about gender)
- Gender schema developed to process information on the basis of sex-linked associations
- cf. Self-schemata (enhances attention, processing and recall)
• Use gender relevant dimensions to develop self-concept, e.g., dominant,
nurturing, etc.
• Explains why big differences on self-report empathy but not task based
Gender info is transmitted
via schema
Individual differences exist in how susceptible people are to this and so people differ in sex-typing
Largely driven by schematic processing
Gender roles/schemata are (2 things)
(1) Descriptive
How should I act? Esp in uncertain situations
(2) Prescriptive
How should I act to gain acceptance and approval?
These both fulfil important psychological needs