Lecture 22 - Common Procedures in FA Surgery Flashcards
What are some common surgical procedures in FA?
- Castration
- Dehorning
- Enucleation
- Toe amputation
- Umbilical hernial repair
- C-section
What are some things we can use for pain management?
Sedation, Lidocaine, NSAIDs
What are 4 indications for castration in FA?
- Behavior modification
- Prevent unintended births
- Improve carcass quality
- Pathologic processes
What are 3 pathologic processes that may indicate a castration is needed?
Inguinal hernia, testicular torsion, trauma
What castration methods are used in LA?
Hormonal, chemical, physical (surgical and non-surgical)
What are non-surgical (bloodless) methods of castration in FA?
Band castration, Burdizzo emasculatome
What should you always do before starting a castration?
Make sure there are 2 testicles
What two things are used for band castration and what are the guidelines for each?
- Callicrate bander (no size limit; 300-3000#)
- Elastrator bander (young animal <1 month)
What does a Burdizzo emasculatome do? What happens to the scrotum and testicles as a result?
Crushes the cord;
Testicles atrophy and shrink; scrotum and testicles do not slough
Crush sites with a Burdizzo emasculatomes should be _____.
Where should lidocaine be placed before a castration?
Across the scrotum base where we will incise
Where should the incision for a castration be made?
Junction of the middle and distal third of the scrotum
What instrument is used for a horizontal castration approach?
Scalpel blade
What instrument is used for a vertical castration approach?
Newberry knife
What type of hemostasis occurs in a castration of an animal that is <150 kg?
Traction (pulling) –> vasospasm, vasoconstriction, hemostasis
What type of hemostasis occurs in a castration of an animal that is >250 kg and what instruments are involved?
External hemostasis;
Henderson castration tool, emasculator, suture
What type of suture type and pattern should be done when trying to achieve external hemostasis in a castration?
Transfixation, encircling, Miller’s
What are some potential complications of castrations?
Swelling, surgical site infection, hemorrhage, tetanus
What is the indication for dehorning?
Reduce injuries