Lecture 22 - Common Procedures in FA Surgery Flashcards
What are some common surgical procedures in FA?
- Castration
- Dehorning
- Enucleation
- Toe amputation
- Umbilical hernial repair
- C-section
What are some things we can use for pain management?
Sedation, Lidocaine, NSAIDs
What are 4 indications for castration in FA?
- Behavior modification
- Prevent unintended births
- Improve carcass quality
- Pathologic processes
What are 3 pathologic processes that may indicate a castration is needed?
Inguinal hernia, testicular torsion, trauma
What castration methods are used in LA?
Hormonal, chemical, physical (surgical and non-surgical)
What are non-surgical (bloodless) methods of castration in FA?
Band castration, Burdizzo emasculatome
What should you always do before starting a castration?
Make sure there are 2 testicles
What two things are used for band castration and what are the guidelines for each?
- Callicrate bander (no size limit; 300-3000#)
- Elastrator bander (young animal <1 month)
What does a Burdizzo emasculatome do? What happens to the scrotum and testicles as a result?
Crushes the cord;
Testicles atrophy and shrink; scrotum and testicles do not slough
Crush sites with a Burdizzo emasculatomes should be _____.
Where should lidocaine be placed before a castration?
Across the scrotum base where we will incise
Where should the incision for a castration be made?
Junction of the middle and distal third of the scrotum
What instrument is used for a horizontal castration approach?
Scalpel blade
What instrument is used for a vertical castration approach?
Newberry knife
What type of hemostasis occurs in a castration of an animal that is <150 kg?
Traction (pulling) –> vasospasm, vasoconstriction, hemostasis
What type of hemostasis occurs in a castration of an animal that is >250 kg and what instruments are involved?
External hemostasis;
Henderson castration tool, emasculator, suture
What type of suture type and pattern should be done when trying to achieve external hemostasis in a castration?
Transfixation, encircling, Miller’s
What are some potential complications of castrations?
Swelling, surgical site infection, hemorrhage, tetanus
What is the indication for dehorning?
Reduce injuries
When is it better to dehorn and what should be avoided at the same time?
Early; <6 weeks
Avoid concurrent stress such as vaccination and weaning
What nerve is blocked for dehorning cattle?
Cornual branch of zygomaticotemporal nerve
What nerves are blocked for dehorning goats?
Cornual branch of zygomaticotemporal nerve
Cornual branch of infratrochlear nerve
When should paste disbudding be done?
<48 hours and preceding feeding
Why should calves not be exposed to rain for 24-48 hours after using disbudding paste?
Paste can run into the eyes causing ulcers