Lecture 20: Physical Activity Flashcards
What is the first activity statement?
Sit less, move more!
- Break up periods of prolonged sitting
What is sedentary time?
Awake but expending less than 1.5 METS
Above ?? hours a day, every additional hour of sedentary time was associated with a ?? % high CVD mortality
6h, 4% higher
Above ?? hours a day, every additional hour of sedentary time was associated with a ?? % higher all cause mortality
8h, 4% higher
Associations between sedentary time and cancer mortality were…
Not statistically significant
If you do heaps of physical activity…
Then it might protect you from being sedentary
- The less PA you do, the more sedentary time has a drastic effect
What is the pattern of accumulation?
refers to how periods of sitting or low-activity time are spread throughout the day, including factors like duration, frequency, and continuity of sedentary bouts
People who are ?? have higher risk of poor fasting glucose and higher BP
Prolongers (sit uninterrupted)
How can we improve the glucose response?
Getting people up and moving and having breaks in sedentary time is good for the glucose response
What is the effect of activity breaks on postprandial glucose response?
Reductions caused by light or moderate activity breaks
What is the second activity statement?
Do at least 2.5 hours of moderate or 1.25 hours of vigorous PA spread throughout the week
What is the third activity statement?
For extra benefit, aim for 5 hours of moderate or 2.5 hours of vigorous activity spread throughout the week
What is the dose response curve between PA and risks?
Between 150 and 300 minutes the benefits clearly outweigh the harms
- After 300 mins (5 hours), risks and harms increase while benefits plateau
What is the fourth activity statement?
Do muscle strengthening activities on at least 2 days each week
Strength based exercise is associated with…
- Decreased risk of falls
- Increased preservation of bone mineral density
- Increased preservation of muscle mass
What is the fifth activity statement?
Doing some PA is better than none
- Adults should start by doing small amounts and then gradually increase the frequency, intensity and duration over time
When not able to meet the recommendations…
Adults should aim to engage in PA according to their abilities
If someone has a health condition what should they do?
May wish to consult their doctor or a specialist before starting PA
What is a common questionnaire used to assess PA risk and ability?
If someone answers yes to any of the PAR-Q questions what should they do?
Refer to an exercise specialist or medical professional
When should someone stop and seek medical review?
- Dramatic increase in breathlessness
- New or worsening chest pain
- Increasing GTN requirement
- Rapid palpitations or irregular heartbeat
- Dizziness
- Reduction in exercise capacity
- Sudden change in vision