Lecture 2 Flashcards
How is Bacterial DNA organized and packed?
Supercoling and nucleoid associated proteins
How is Archaeal DNA organized and packed?
small histone fold containing proteins
How is eukaryotic DNA organized and packed?
histones forming nocleosomes
How many histones form a nucleosome?
What are histone modifications?
Acetlyation, Phosphorylation, Methylation
What is euchormatine and what is heterochromatine?
euchromatine: Active state unwound DNA
heterchromatine: Inactive state condensed DNA
What modification can cause euchromatine and which can cause heterchromatine
acteylation: euchormatine
methylation: Heterchormatine
What are topoisomerases and what does Topo 1 and Topo 2 do?
Topo 1: removes supercoils by cleaving 1 strand
Topo 2: removes supercolis by cleaving both strands
What are TADs?
topological associated domains (chormatine domains)
What is cohesine (SMC) and what does it do?
Forms TADs
What are chromosome territories?
TADs are localized into Chromosome territories -> euchromatine regions / heterochromatine regions
How can you regulate transcription?
Histone exchange
3C chromosome conformation capture: Used to look at domains and topological neighbours
Higher resolution than 3C
Protein-DNA interactions are revealed
You can look at what chromatine is accessible -> actively transcribed DNA is made visible
You can look at Nucleosome positions, make libraries with that