Lecture 19 Content Flashcards
What makes up the Fibrous Tunic of the eye?
- Sclera
2. Cornea
describe the sclera?
Dense CT “white of the eye”
- attachment site for extrinsic eye muscles
- elastic/mechanical support for globe
Describe the cornea?
- modified sclera (1/6th of globe)
- avascular, several nerve endings
- transparent bulge @ anterior suface
- bulge refracts light before it hits lens
- all nutrients from air
What makes up the Vascular Tunic?
- Choroid
- ciliary body
- Iris
Describe the Choroid layer?
inner surface of globe (posterior)
- vascular = helps nourish retina
- black pigmentation absorbs stray light
Describe the cilary body?
composed of muscles and ligaments
- smooth muscles - radial and circular (sphinter-like) fibers
- suspensory “ligaments” of lens
Describe the Iris?
colored portion of the eye
- smooth muscles - radial and circular (sphincter like) fibers
- muscle contractions controls diameter of pupil (hole)
- separates the anterior cavity into ant/post chambers
What makes up the anterior cavity?
has 2 chambers anterior to the lens
- anterior chamber - anterior to the iris
- posterior chamber - posterior to the iris
- aqueous humor
describe the Aqueous humor?
fills anterior cavity
- produced by the ciliary process
- returned to blood supply via the canal of Schlemm
- helps control intra occulor pressure
What makes up the posterior cavity?
posterior to lens (aka vitreous chamber)
- lens to retina
- vitreous humor (gel-like) fills posterior cavity
- assist sclera in maintaining shape of eyeball
What is the suspensory ligaments?
barrier between ant/post. cavity
- composed of 3 membrane (fused)
- lens is sandwiched between between layers
What is Glucoma?
several different types
- circulation of aqueous humor is blocked
- increased pressure > damage to the optic nerve
- edema in cornea > cloudy/grey-green eye
- offten assoc. w/ high blood pressure (+/- family history
The neural tunic is composed of what?
- posterior pigmented layer
- anterior pigmented layer
What does the Posterior pigmented layer of the Neural tunic do?
- dark pigment absorbs stray light
- supports anterior neural layer
What does the anterior “neural” layer do in the neural tunic?
Anterior Neural layer contains 9 layers
- neurons, neuroglia, and blood vessels
- ganglia = integration and preliminary processing
- 130 million photoreceptors in a circular sheet
What are the 2 photoreceptors in the eye?
Rods : dim light (light/dark) 125 million per eye
Cones: 6 million per eye - most in the fovea centralis
Describe cones in the eye?
- requires “high energy” - bright light
- cone receptors turned to specific wave-lengths
- absense of any one type of cone = color blindness