Lecture 19 Applied Embryology Flashcards
What layer of the mesoderm does the urogenital system form from
Intermediate mesoderm
What structure does the endoderm (yolk sac) become
Gut tube
Name the 3 types of kidneys that develop in week 5 embryo
At week 6 what do Mesonephros become
Form genital/gonadal ridge
Germ cells migrate from the yolk sac and embed into the primitive sex cords to form____
Indifferent gonads
What is the paramesonephric duct?
Epithelium of the mesonephros invaginated to form a second tube
What is the Mesonephric duct become in male and female
Male vas deferens
Disappear in females
What does the paramesonephric duct become
Male penis
Female- Fallopian tube, uterus and cervix
What do the gonads develop into in male and female
Female- ovary
What does the urogenital sinus form in males
What does the urogenital sinus form in females
Lower part of vagina
What is the function of the SRY region in the Y chromosome
Testis determining factor protein is produced by this gene
What is the function of the Testis Determining Factor
Makes gonad develop into testis
What do supporting cell of the gonads become
Sertoli cells
Sertoli cells secrete Mullerian Inhibiting Substance that does what?
Causes paramesonephric duct to degenerate
Cells in interstitial transform to Leydig Cells
What do outgrowth from the caudal end of the mesonephric ducts become
Seminal vesicles
What do outgrowths from the urogenital sinus become
Do females have an SRY region Yes/No
Where do the tubular components of the female reproductive system come from?
Absence of testosterone cause degeneration of mesonephros and mesonephritic duct
Paramesonephric ducts develop to give rise to female genital tract
The cranial end of the paramesonephric duct becomes associated with___
The ovaries
The caudal end of the paramesonephric duct becomes___
The uterus and superior vagina
The inferior part of the vagina forms from the__
Urogenital sinus
What week does the descent of the gonads commence in females and males
Week 7
To what spinal level does the gonads descend to in the 7th week
Level T10
When does the gonads enter the scrotum
Prior to birth (39 weeks)
Between 12 weeks to birth gubernaculum begins to contract what is the effect of this in males?
Pulls gonad down to pelvis
Pulls covering of all muscles all the way down to scrotum and through inguinal canal
What aspects are linked to the descent of the gonads in male and female
Formation of the large inguinal canal in males
The presence of the round ligament and its passage through the inguinal canal in females
Between 12 weeks to birth gubernaculum begins to contract what is the effect of this in females?
Gubernaculum pulls ovaries from thoracolumbar cavity to pelvis and stops.
Degenerates and forms fibrous cord
What 2 structures does the Gubernaculum become in females
Ovarian ligament
Round ligament
What is Crptorchidism
When the gonads fail to descend
What are the complications of undescended testis
Malignant transformation
Testicular torsion
How is Cryptorchidism managed
Remnants of the Mesonephric can develop into___