Lecture 17 4/2/24 Flashcards
What are the general characteristics of misfolded proteins?
-normal amino acid sequence
-resistant to normal degradation; proteolysis cleavage sites become inaccessible
-form aggregates
-can act as template to alter normal proteins
What is amyloid?
pathologic misfolded beta-pleated sheet protein
How does amyloid appear grossly?
waxy tan enlargement of tissues and organs
How does amyloid appear microscopically?
pale eosinophilic smooth to smudgy extracellular material
What is the pathogenesis of AA amyloidosis?
-chronic inflammation anywhere in body
-interleukin-6 production
-acute phase protein serum amyloid A produced by hepatocytes
-defect in processing and clearance of SAA
-deposition of AA amyloid in tissues throughout body
-compression and obstruction resulting in organ dysfunction
Where is AA amyloid commonly deposited?
-intestinal lamina propria
What are the characteristics of AA amyloidosis in waterfowl?
-liver is most commonly affected
-pododermatitis is often the predisposing inflammatory lesion
What are the characteristics of AA amyloidosis in shar pei dogs?
-defect in expression of hyaluronic acid synthase 2 gene; causes wrinkles
-fragmented hyaluronic acid causes chronic inflammation
-average survival of 5 days after diagnosis
Which cat breeds are predisposed to AA amyloidosis?
-Abyssinian (renal)
-siamese/oriental shorthair (liver/thyroid)
Which tissue is most commonly affected by AA amyloidosis in older dogs and cattle?
glomeruli; leads to protein-losing nephropathy
What is the only option for treating AA amyloidosis?
supportive care
What are the characteristics of AL amyloidosis?
-associated with monoclonal production of Ig light chains/aggregates of light chains
-associated with focal or disseminated tumors of plasma cells
-not associated with inflammation
What are the common sites of inflammation that cause hepatic AA amyloidosis in macaques?
What are the characteristics of pancreatic islet amyloidosis?
-most common in cats
-seen in cats with and without diabetes mellitus
-islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) co-secreted with insulin from beta cells
What are the precursor proteins for each type of amyloidosis?
AA: serum amyloid A
AL: immunoglobulin light chains
Islet: islet amyloid polypeptide
What are prion proteins?
naturally transmissible misfolded proteins with neurotoxic properties
What is the pathogenesis of prions?
-ingested abnormally folded protein
-travels to brain and recruits normal proteins to misfold
-misfolded proteins aggregate and cause neuronal damage
What is spongiform?
characterized by vacuoles or holes
What are examples of prions?
-scrapie (sheep, goat)
-bovine spongiform encephalopathy
-transmissible mink encephalopathy
-feline spongiform encephalopathy
-chronic wasting disease (deer, elk)