lecture 16 - the eye Flashcards
What are the three tunics of the eye?
- Fibrous tunic
- sclera (tunica fibrosa)
- Cornea
- Vascular tunic
- choroid
- Ciliary body
- Inner tunic
- Retina
What are the layers of the sclera?
Episcleral Layer
- Outer layer
- loosely arranged collagen and elastic fibers
- highly vascular
- attaches the lining of the eyelid (conjunctiva) to the sclera
Sclera Proper
- made up of interlacing collagen fibers
- attachement site for tendons of extrinsic eye muscles
- collagen bundles are always parallel to outer surgace of scelera
- Lamina Cribrosa
- Perforated disc of sclera
- pass through for optic nerve fibers
- Anteriorly the sclera is continuous with the cornea
- the junction between the two is the limbus; it is highly vascularized
- posteriorly the sclera is continuous with the dural covering of the optic nerve
what are the layers of the cornea ?
Cornea epithelium
- stratified non keratinized squamous epithelum
- high mitotic activity in the basal layer
- turnover = 1 week
Bowmans membrane
- Acellular layer separates epithelium from stroma
- randomly arranged collagen fibers
Corneal Stroma
- Thin layers of ordered arrays collagen fibers
Descemets membrane
- Acellular layer of collagen bundels separates stroma from endothelium
Corneal endothelium
- single layer of large squamous cells
What is the choroid ?
- Part of the Vascular Tunic (uvea)
- Extends anterior to ora serrat of retina
- highly vascularized with loose connective tissue
- forms choriocapillary network that supplys retina cells and outelayers
- contains melanocytes
- Bruchs (glassy) membrane)
- Acellular fused basal laminae of choriocapillaris and pigented retina epithelial
What is the Ciliary body?
- Wedge-shaped expansion of choroid peripheral to the lens
covered by a double layer of cells
- innermost layer is continous with pegmineted retina
- surgace layer is sensory layer of retina
- produces aqueous humor
- Suspensory ligaments (of Zinn) extend to just behind lens equator and anchor lens in place
Ciliary muscles
- smooth muscle that changes shape of lenses
- parasympathetic innervation
- flatten lens (one grp of muscles)
- Thickens lens (second)
Nonpigmented suraace layer of cells produce aqueous humor
- basal infolding secrete aqueous humor into posaterior chamber
- aqueous humor
- percolates through trabeular meshwork
- flows into canal schlemm
What is the Iris ?
- Apart of the vascular tunic (uvea)
- THe iris located anterior to the lens and separates the anterior posterior chambers
- lateral borders of ant chamber
- loose CT
- Part of passageway for aqueous humor
- Surrounds pupil
Double layer of Epithelium
- inner layer = pigmented eputhelial cell
- outer layer of radially oriented myofilaments
- dilated pupillae muscle
- sympathetic
- dilates pup[il
- Concentric layer of myofilaments
- constricts the pupil
- parasympathetic innervation
- More melanocytes the darker the iris
What is the inner tunic?
- Retina
- Two subdivsions divded by the ora serrata
Photosensitive region lies posterior to the ora serrata
- optic dic
- region on posterior aspect of eye where optic nerbe exits
- has no photosensitive retina and constitutes the blind spot
- Fovea centralis
- about 2.5 mm lateral to optic disc
- contains yellow pigment = macula lutea
- contains only cone type photoreceptors
- area of most acute vision
- optic dic
Photosensitive region lies posterior to the ora serrata
- Nonphotosensitive region liies anterior to the ora serrata
- consists of two cells covering iris , ciliary body, and ciliary processes
- Photosensitive region lies posterior to the ora serrata
- includes rods and cones
what are the chambers of the eye?
- Anterior chamber
- Posterior to cornea and anterior to iris
- Posterior chamber
- posterior to iris and anterior to lens
- Vitreal chamber
- Posterior to lens
- contains vitreous body
- gelatinous mass made up of 99% water, hyaluronic acid, and vitrein
- hyaloid canal is the site of a fetal artery
- Glaucoma
- Increased intraocular pressure due to compromised drainage of aqueous humor from anterior chamber
What is the pigmented epithelium?
Layer of the Reina
Adjacent to the choroid
dervivded form outer theinner layer of the optic cup
What are inner and outer segments of rods and cones
Outer segment consists of rhodopsin-containing lamellae
inner segment consists of areas of rods and cones possessing mitochondria, RER, golgi, and glycogen (metabolically active)
Layer of the Reina
What is the external limiting membrane?
area at junction of inner and outer segments of rods and cones and outer nuclear layer
includes adherens junctions between rods and cones and mueller cells
Layer of the Reina
What is the outer nuclear layer
cell bodies of rods and cones (1st order neurons)
Layer of the Reina
What is the Outer plexiform layer?
area of synapses between acons of rods and cons and dendrites of bipolar neurons and horzontal cells
Layer of the Reina
What is the inner nuclear layer?
cell bodies of bipolar cells (2nds order neurons ) , horizontal cells, amacrine cells, and mueller cells
Layer of the Reina
What is the inner plexiform layer?
Area of synapses between axons of bipolar cells and dendrites of ganglion cells
Layer of the Reina