Lecture 12 - Coagulation in the Lab and Bleeding Disorders Flashcards
APTT test?
test of intrinsic pathway, includes all factors except VII, exclusive for XII XI IX and VIII
APTT process?
venous sample collected, added to citrate to deactivate clotting through calcium removal, spin to separate for plasma, add phospholipid and activator, add calcium, time clot formation
PR Test?
extrinsic pathway, prothrombin time, VII X prothrombin, fibrinogen, prothrombin time converted to ratio
Thrombin clotting time?
adding activated thrombin to assay meaning no requirement or previous pathwyas
Mixing Studies?
1:1 mixing with nomal plasma, sample correction to normal indicates factor deficiency, no full correction means inhibitor prescence
Natural inhibitors?
antithrombin, protein C and S, shut down coagulation, do not effect APTT
Lupus anticoagulant?
prolongs APTT, antibody interference possibly part of antiphospholipid syndrome, transient presence in unwell patients, doesnt cause bleeding
Factor inhibitors?
prolongs APTT, autoimmune antibodies against clotting factor (usually VIII), bleeding association (bruising), potentially life threatening, rare but should be considered in bleeding patient
drug itself at high testing dose prolongs APTT, comfirm with protamine addition, biologically inhibits via upregulating antithrombin by increases GAGs (does not affect APTT biologically)
Heparin contamination?
common in tube collection via lock central lines that use heparin as anticoagulant
direct inhibitor of thrombin, prolonged APPT 1+1 not corrected with protamine,
APTT prolonged, PT normal?
deficiencies of factors VIII, IX, XI, XII (intrinsic)
PT prolonged, APTT normal?
deficiency of VII (extrinsic), occasionally mild deficiencies of II, V, X, I
Both PT and APTT prolonged?
deficiency of factors II, V, X and I (common), multiple factor deficiencies
TCT prolonged?
deficiency of fibrinogen, thrombin inhibitor (dabigatrin or heparin)
Multiple factor deficiencies?
warfarin or vitamin K deficiencies (II, VII, IX, X), massive blood loss, DIsseminated Intravascular Coagulation (activation of coagulation cuasing thrombois followed by bleeding as factors and platelets are used up, low fibrinogen), liver disease (lack of production except VIII)
Warfarin mechanism of action?
inhibits recycling of vitamin K, dose adjustments via international normal ratio (INR), reversed by vitamin K or rapid replacement of clotting factors
Warfarin used for?
atrial fibrillation, venous thromboembolism, other thrombotic disorders
Haemophilia A?
factor VIII deficiency, 1 in 5000 live male births
Haemophilia B?
deficiency of factor XI, x-linked recessive inheritance, more rare, identical clinically to A
Treating haemophilia?
replace missing factor, treating prophylaxis of severe conditions, outcomes good unless inhibitors develop
Von Willebrand Factor?
plasma glycoprotien, synthesised in megakaryocytes and endothelial cells, promotes platelet adhesion at vessel wall, carrier for Factor VIII
Symptoms of van Willebrand disease?
mucosal bleeding, bruising, menorrhagia, autosomal family history