Lecture 05 Communist Revolutionary theory Flashcards
How did the Napoleonic Wars influence Marx’s ideas?
The Rhineland experienced the lenient policies of the Napoleonic Code before being incorporated into the conservative Prussian state. This exposure influenced Marx’s interest in Enlightenment ideals of reason and rationality and German Romanticism.
What is Communism as defined by Karl Marx?
Communism is the abolition of private property and capitalism in favor of collective control of the means of production. It emphasizes social equality and advocates for “liberation” from history.
Who was Karl Marx, and where was he born?
Karl Marx (1818-1883) was born in Trier, an area of the Rhineland recently occupied by the French during the Napoleonic Wars (1805-1815).
What career did Marx pursue after failing to secure an academic position?
He began a career in journalism.
What was Marx’s academic background?
Marx earned a Ph.D. in philosophy at the University of Jena but failed to secure an academic position.
Why was Marx exiled, and where did he go?
Marx’s newspaper was shut down in 1843, and he was accused of sedition in 1844. This led to his exile to Paris, where he met Friedrich Engels.
Who was Friedrich Engels, and what was his role in Marx’s life?
Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) was Marx’s collaborator and co-author. They worked together on developing the theories of communism.
What key historical events and ideas influenced Marx and Engels?
-The legacy of the French Revolution, which served as both a model and a cautionary tale, and the beginning of mass politics.
-Industrialization, which changed where people lived, how they worked, and how they behaved.
-The writings of Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, particularly the idea that history has direction and purpose.
Where did Marx spend most of his later life?
After briefly returning to Germany during the Revolutions of 1848, Marx spent the majority of his life in England.
What is the Dialectic?
-The Dialectic is a process of development involving three stages:
-Thesis: An initial idea or condition.
-Antithesis: A contradictory idea or force.
-Synthesis: A resolution that reconciles the thesis and antithesis, creating progress.
What is Marx’s Industrial Age Social Pyramid?
-Bourgeoisie: The capitalists, the “haves,” the oppressors.
-Proletariat: The workers, the “have-nots,” the oppressed.
What are the main concepts in Marx and Engels’ writings?
-History is the story of class struggle.
-New classes gain power through revolution.
-Each historical stage has a ruling class that uses the state to maintain control.
-Class conflict drives progress.
-Revolution must be violent, as the ruling class will not willingly relinquish power.
What are Marx’s six stages of history?
-Primitive society.
-Slave society.
What is the relationship between synthesis and thesis?
The synthesis becomes a thesis forming a cycle.
What are the components of the superstructure( ideology and ideas )?
-Social norms
What are the components of the base( matter and means of production )?
-Raw Materials
What is the relationship between superstructure( ideology and ideas ) and base( matter and means of production )?
-The base shapes the superstructure
-The superstructure maintains the base
What are the three major works that lay out Marxist theory?
-The Communist Manifesto (1848).
-The Critique of Political Economy (1859).
-Das Kapital (Volume I, 1867).
What is the Iron Law of Wages?
-Workers’ wages must be kept at subsistence levels to maximize profits.
-This alienates the worker from their product and fosters competition between businesses and states.
What is Dialectical Materialism?
Social and political development is driven by economics.
What is the Labor Theory of Value?
-Labor, not the market, determines the value of goods and services.
Why should we be skeptical of Marx’s claims about the Paris Commune?
-Communards came from diverse backgrounds, not strictly proletarian.
-Marx did not directly encourage the Commune but may have used it as an example of good publicity.
What was the Paris Commune of 1871?
A 73-day period during which the Parisian proletariat established what Marx called a “dictatorship of the proletariat.”