L02 - Document - American Revolution Flashcards
What does John Adams describe as the foundation of good government?
Good government is an empire of laws.
Why is it impossible for all members of a large society to assemble and make laws?
Because of the size and extent of the population and country, requiring power to be delegated to a few wise and good representatives.
What does John Adams argue about placing all powers of government in one assembly?
He argues that it would lead to errors, corruption, and the abuse of power, making the people neither free nor happy.
Why does Adams believe a single assembly is problematic?
1.It is prone to vices, passions, and poor judgments.
2.It may become greedy, exempting itself from burdens it imposes on constituents.
3.It could grow ambitious and perpetuate its own power.
4.It lacks the secrecy and speed needed for executive power.
5.It is unfit for judicial power due to being too numerous and unskilled.
6.It could make and execute arbitrary laws for its own interest.
What solution does Adams propose for preventing the concentration of power in one assembly?
Creating a separate council, elected by the representative assembly, to act as an independent body with its own judgment and a negative voice in the legislature.
What characteristics should the council have according to Adams?
It should consist of 20-30 members, have free and independent judgment, and act as an integral part of the legislature.
Why does Adams advocate for dividing legislative, executive, and judicial powers?
To prevent corruption, arbitrariness, and the consolidation of power, ensuring checks and balances in government.
What qualities does Adams attribute to a well-structured government?
It ensures representation, prevents arbitrary laws, and separates powers to maintain freedom and happiness for the people.
Who wrote the letter dated March 31, 1776, and to whom was it addressed?
Abigail Adams wrote the letter to her husband, John Adams.
What notable request did Abigail Adams make in this letter regarding laws?
She urged John Adams to “Remember the Ladies” when drafting the new code of laws and to provide them more favorable treatment than in the past.
What was Abigail’s perspective on liberty and slavery?
She expressed skepticism that the passion for liberty could be equally strong in those accustomed to depriving others of theirs, noting it wasn’t based on the Christian principle of treating others as one would want to be treated.
How did Abigail describe men’s natural tendencies regarding power?
She claimed that “all Men would be tyrants if they could” and advocated for limits on their power over women.
What did Abigail threaten if women were not given attention and representation in the new laws?
She warned that women would “foment a Rebellion” and refuse to be bound by laws without their voice or representation.
What title did Abigail suggest men should aspire to rather than “Master”?
She proposed that men should embrace the more tender and endearing title of “Friend.”
What household task did Abigail say occupied much of her time?
She mentioned making clothing for her family to prevent them from being naked.