L04 - Documents - Haitian Revolution Flashcards
What constitutes the territory of Saint-Domingue according to Article 1?
Saint-Domingue in its entirety, along with Samana, La Tortue, La Gonave, Les Cayemites, L’Ile-
a-Vache, La Saone, and other adjacent islands.
How is the territory of Saint-Domingue organized?
It is divided into departments, arrondissements (districts), and parishes (Article 2).
What distinctions are recognized among men?
Only distinctions based on virtue, talent, and the superiority afforded by law in public functions (Article 5).
What is stated about slavery in Saint-Domingue?
Slavery is forever abolished; all men are born, live, and die free and French (Article 3).
Who directs the administration of the government?
The Governor, who corresponds directly with the government of the Metropole on matters related to the colony’s interests (Article 27).
Who was nominated as Governor for life?
Toussaint-Louverture, in recognition of his services during the revolution and the wishes of the inhabitants (Article 28).
Are men of all colors eligible for employment?
Yes, all men are eligible for all employment regardless of color (Article 4).
How does the law treat individuals?
The law is the same for all, both in punishment and protection (Article 5).
How long is the term for future Governors?
Five years, renewable based on good administration (Article 29).
What special provision is made for the succession of Governor Toussaint-Louverture?
He has the exclusive right to designate his successor in a sealed envelope, to be opened only by the Central Assembly in the presence of military leaders (Article 30).
What steps follow the death of Toussaint-Louverture for the installation of a new Governor?
The successor, chosen by Toussaint-Louverture, must swear to uphold the Constitution and remain attached to the French government, followed by an immediate installation in front of the Central Assembly and military leaders (Article 31).
What obligation do military leaders have toward the new Governor?
They must individually and without delay swear obedience to the orders of the new Governor (Article 31).
Who is the author of the letter, and who is it addressed to?
Napoleon Bonaparte wrote the letter, addressed to Toussaint L’Ouverture.
What major political event is mentioned at the beginning of the letter?
The peace with England and all European powers, which strengthened the Republic.
Who is Citizen Leclerc, and what role is he assigned?
Citizen Leclerc, Napoleon’s brother-in-law, is sent as General to serve as the first magistrate of Saint-Domingue, accompanied by a considerable force.
What does Napoleon hope Toussaint L’Ouverture will demonstrate?
Sincerity in the sentiments Toussaint has expressed in his letters.
What recognition does Napoleon give to Toussaint L’Ouverture?
Napoleon acknowledges Toussaint’s great services to the French people, crediting him and the brave blacks for the French banner flying over Saint-Domingue.
What achievements of Toussaint are praised in the letter?
Ending civil war, curbing persecution by ferocious men, and restoring the honor of the cult of God.
What critique does Napoleon give of the constitution created by Toussaint?
While it contains many good things, some aspects are contrary to the dignity and sovereignty of the French people.
What does Napoleon urge Toussaint to do now that circumstances have improved?
Render homage to the sovereignty of the French nation.
Under what circumstances does Napoleon find certain articles of Toussaint’s constitution justifiable?
When Saint-Domingue was surrounded by enemies and lacked support or supplies from the metropole.
What does Napoleon promise to those concerned about past actions during anarchy?
Napoleon assures that he investigates only their conduct in wars against English and Spanish enemies, not actions during anarchy.
What warnings does Napoleon give Toussaint about contrary conduct?
It would undermine his recognition and benefits from the Republic, and harm the brave blacks whose rebellion would need punishment.
What assurances does Napoleon give regarding Toussaint’s family?
Napoleon expresses his sentiments to Toussaint’s children and tutor, returning them to him.
How does Napoleon describe Toussaint’s responsibilities?
As the first of his color to achieve great power, Toussaint is principally responsible for the conduct of the people of Saint-Domingue before God and Napoleon.
What is the purpose of General Leclerc’s proclamation?
To bring peace and happiness to Saint-Domingue in the name of the French Government.
What sentiments does Napoleon express at the end of the letter?
Esteem for Toussaint and the expectation of his conduct as one of the principal citizens of the greatest nation in the world.
Who does Leclerc accuse of having “perfidious intentions”?
The chiefs of the colony, including General Toussaint, who did not genuinely intend to be Frenchmen.
What did General Toussaint do in response to Leclerc’s orders?
Toussaint sent back his sons with a letter expressing his desire for the colony’s happiness and readiness to obey orders but ultimately delayed and sought to gain time.
What is the directive for officers in Article 2?
Officers, civil or military, who obey orders other than those from French army Generals will be treated as rebels.
What promise does Leclerc make to the inhabitants of Saint-Domingue?
He promises liberty, respect for persons, and protection of property.
How does Leclerc describe his approach to handling resistance?
He begins his campaign to show the force of the French Government and labels Toussaint a rebel and “insensate monster.”
What is specified in Article 4 regarding soldiers of the demi-brigades?
Soldiers who abandon Toussaint’s army will be incorporated into the French army.
What is stated in Article 1 of the proclamation?
General Toussaint and General Christophe are outlawed, and citizens are commanded to seize and treat them as rebels to the French Republic.
How are agricultural laborers who were misled by rebel Generals to be treated, according to Article 3?
They will be treated as wandering children and sent back to work, provided they did not incite insurrection.
Who is mentioned in Article 5, and what is their status?
General Augustin Clervaux, commanding the department of the Cibao, has acknowledged the French government and is maintained in his rank and command.
What action is ordered in Article 6?
The General-in-chief of the Staff is to print and publish the proclamation.
How does General Leclerc sign off the proclamation?
As the Captain-General commanding the army of Saint-Domingue.