LEC 4: Globalization & Global Health Ethics Flashcards
Historical Globalization (Ancient World)
Exchanging goods and ideals through countries
- Roman Empire: Conquest and trade
- Silk Road I & II: Trade and conquest
Modern Era (Colonization & Industrial Revolution)
Colonialism and taking parts of the world. Mainly for financial/ income reasons.
- HBC: wanted the wood and fur pallets for fashion in Europe. They did not care about the people or the land.
- Became more linked to power and control and an unbalance of equality
Post- Colonial Area
Run by multinational companies, no longer run by the government
What is globalization?
An integrated world economy seen in the movement of goods, services, capital, technology, labor, and ideas
Globalization: Bretton Woods Conference (1944)
Regulate international monetary and financial order
Open up markets to international trade and movement. Wanted to get Europe back on track because they where a big hub for income.
Started the International Monetary Fund and International Bank for Reconstruction/ Developments (World Bank)
Globalization: Marshall Plan (1948 to 1951)
Aid for Europe post- WWII
Marshall Plan was created for two reasons, knew that Europe needed help due to the war and did not want another World War to happen
Only lasted for 3 years
Globalization: The 1960’s
Interest and funding for international development
Government regulation. Management of internal systems such as health, social services, subsidies etc.
A time where people where trying to build up economies and societies
Globalization: Washington Consensus (1980s to 1990s)
Neo-liberal (conservative) market reforms and political push to reduce government influence and management
“Trickle down economics” from rich to poor people; did not happen
Programs don’t actually work. Rich people and companies start to take their money to other countries where they don’t have to pay much taxes
Companies and the shareholder make a lot of money and is not trickling down to the workers
Globalization: IMF & World Bank
Structural adjustment programs
- Financial aid and loans tied to cutting health and social programs
- Opening up country to foreign trade (disastrous effect)
Globalization: Tied Aid
The Tied Aid becomes the norm, conditions on aid
- Limits requirements for programming
- Countries and organizations give funding out but with conditions
- If the country wants the funding they need to adhere to the conditions
- The funding is not helping because the conditions are against the people who the funding would be used for such as the LGBT community, addicts etc.
What are positives of globalizations?
Movement of people, generally good overall
- Most commonly for study and/ or employment
- Concerns: security, spin-off jib impacts
Movement of goods, generally goof overall
- Both good out and goods into countries
- Concern: Trade “imbalances” and spin-off job impacts
Movement of information and ideas, good overall
- Different ideas, perspectives, innovations tend to be positive
What are negatives of globalizations?
Increasing social inequality without interventions
- Gini coefficient
Health and social outcomes worse if not well run/ enough money
- Life expectancy at birth: OECD 35 to 80.6 years, US 78.8 years, CAN 81.7 years
- Spend on health care: OECD 35 to 40k
- 10% of the population in the US is uninsured
What is OECD35?
Group of the 35 most rich countries
- US is often on the lower end of the OECD35
- Inequality issues we are struggling with
What is the Gini Coefficient?
Model that measures (in)equality through distribution of income on a scale of 0 to 1
- Score closer to zero: Most equally distributed income (all same)
- Score closer to one: One person has all the money and others have none
What kind of health impacts dose globalization have on the world?
Change in diets and foods
- Both good and bad impacts
Change in lifestyle practices
- Both good and bad impacts
Change in disease patterns
- Not for the best
- Increasing obesity in low and middle income countries
- Climate change and travel causes the spread of disease such as Zika, Ebola, West Nile virus
Inequality leading to negative health and social outcomes
- Inequality come with globalization; does not need to be the case
What is globalization today?
It depends on where you are in the world and society
Lowe/ middle income countries have an overall positive
- BRICS: Better outcomes and increasing property
- Central/ South America: Starting to see improvements
High income countries have mixed reviews
- EU and Canada: Social safety net helps negative impacts
- US most to lose and minimal internal support system
Health Ethics: Biotechnology
Biotechnology advancements often outpace ethics
- Intellectual property vs. universal access
- Advance (high cost) medical procedures vs. high impact, low-cost population health programs
Health Ethics: Justice, Solidarity, and Resource Allocation
Welfare for all citizens including equitable access to resource
- To whom do we have responsibilities?
- Are our actions beneficial or harmful?
Towards a Global Ethic: Global Consciousness
Need a better awareness as to where things com from, our spending habits etc.
- A state of being in which one’s actions are reflexively defined in relation to an awareness of global interconnection, cultural heterogeneity, and moral interdependence
What would a global ethic adresse?
- Our increasing interdependence
- Resource distribution
- Poverty
- Environment
- Inequities throughout the world
What characteristics are needed for a global ethic?
Inclusion and balance
- Inclusive decision making
Balance of community and individual
- Personal autonomy vs. the common good
Use of reflexivity
- Critical reflection
- What are the consequences of our actions
- Need to take a step back and look at it from a different perspective
Openness to new approaches to human rights
Business and technology
- Effect on commercialism on equity and social justice
What can nurses do?
- Expand our global consciousness
- Advocate, enable, mediate
- Takes positions on political issues
- Intersectional collaboration
- Evaluate issues from multiple perspectives
- Critically analyze dominant discourses
- Take a stand and advocate for equity