LEC 10: Class Presentations Flashcards
Medical & Mental Health Services
Main medical facility in periphery to avoid overcrowding and allow for future expansion
- Health posts and washing stations should be spread out
- “Social spaces” throughout camp
- Cultural and religious supports
- Camp health workers
- First aid education/ resources
- Crisis training - Work with communications to get healthcare volunteers in every area
- Education program for infectious disease prevention
- HH
- Vaccines
- Water disposal - Child medical support priorities
- Counselling services from community members and HCP
- Utilize cultural medicines
Sanitation: Water & Waste
- Deification areas
- Male & female
- Culturally appropriate signage and showers for gender - Latrines (50 or more) hand washing stations
- Four water points b/c 250 people per receptacle
- Consider fresh water resources nearby or a well
- Need water systems that carry 20 drinkable L per person per day
Logistics and Supplies
- Shelter
- Power/ solar panels
- Transportation
- Money- cash on hand
- Medial supplies
- Personal products
- Educational gudiliens
- Volunteers/ paid workers
- World food program
- Red Corss
- Government
- Contact military for aid on sending food/ supplies
- Distribution site for logistics/ supplies: away from people/ storage, center to hand out supplies
*Need help from administration
Food and Nutrition
- Utilize neighbouring grocery stores
- Plan transportation
- Rotate tents
- Given registration card with allowance, depending on number of family members
- Emergency resource allocation of traded grains from friendly states. 2% goes straight to refugee camp
- Community gardens
- Utilize Canadian organizations to supply nutritional supplements as needed
- Would need close collaboration with water, security, and logistics
Communication (Internal and External)
- Walkie talkies (solar charged)
- Intercom system for camp alerts/ updates
- Zone system where refuges can attend meetings and express concerns and opinions to a representative
- Representative engage in report-style communication with other zone representative (morning and evening)
- Community tent with TVs or radios to keep up with world affairs
- Phones available in each zone with maximum time and schedule
- Contact with military and global rescue
Education and Social Services
Social Services
- Hygiene packages
- Food
- Clean water (work with water and sanitation)
- Helping refugees access health services
- Activities which encourage refugees to live and work together
- Help reunite family members
- Involve community members in decision making
- Teach English
- Access to adult technology/ vocational training
- Structured school system to make like as normal as possible for youth
Work with mental health services to improve access and provide health education
Housing and Infrastructure
Site Selection
- Water: close proximity, easy access
- Multiple sites to avoid effects of overcrowding (disease, avoid conflict between locals and refugees)
- Safe location: away from borders, close to facilities to provide essential goods/ services
- Health facility to provide services
- Near road/ highway
- Adequate energy, fule, other resources
Site Organization
- 30m2/ persone
- Divide sites based on cultural preferences
- Designated headquarters (security, first aid, reception, food stations , communication, *long term acute services located on edge of camp)
- Local material
- Agency material
- Tents (temporarily)
- Plastic sheeting
Energy & Power Supply
Focus: Long term and sustainable so would include education for maintenance
- Lighting (LED)
- Solar lamps
- Small appliances
- Street lamps
- Renewable reservoir - Cooking/ Kitchen/ Housing
- Sustainable/ renewable feul
- Biogas (possible health issue)
- Generators (common for all areas) - Heating/ Cooling
- Solar beating
- Hydro power - Sanitation
- Transport - Hospital/ Medical
- Diesel (fridge/ appliances) - School
- Natural light (day)
Security and Policing
- 15 to 20 guards
- 1 or 2 ex-military
- Hierarchy
- 2 guards per quadrent
- 4 guards at entry and armed
- 5 guards around the perimeter (armed) - Refugees disarmed upon arrival
- Fenced off area with point of entry
- Base (for organization) and two holding cells
- Entry base (communication with central base, use of radios and walkie-talkies)
- Camp organized in quadrents
- Central building to hold weapons
- Four watch towers on edge of each quadrent
- Proficent gate screening (water)
- Mass evacuation (another secret fence opening)
- Air horns for shower to avoid rape
- Male and female areas (both male and female guards)
Legal, Registration, and Administration
- Provide training to camp workers
- Set guidelines to numerous traffic routes
- Personal document records
- International law
- Multiple stations inside camp
- Support services available; social work, translator
- Once checked in with documentation, card given to have as ID
- One central secure building
- Secure financial aid from other organizations
- Workers, working on helping refugees secure further documentation
- Keeping copies of documentation safe and secure
- Quantitive and qualitative indicators for data collection