Learning Theory Flashcards
Another name for “conditioning.”
One of the key differences between classical conditioning and operant conditioning is that in classically conditioned we learn based on things being __________
In operant conditioning we learn based on ___________
Reward and Punishment
What types of behaviors can be classically conditioned?
Automatic (Involuntary) Behaviors
What types of behaviors are operantly conditioned?
Purposeful and Effortful Behaviors
Respondant Conditioning is also known as ________
Classical Conditioning
Stimulus-Response Conditioning is also known as __________
Classical Conditioning
Pavlovian Conditioning is also known as ____________
Classical Conditioning
Which two psychologists are most known in the area of classical conditioning?
Ivan Pavlov and John Watson
Something that happens automatically
Reflexes that are automatic and unlearned in response to a stimulus
Unconditioned Reflexes (Response)
If a stimulus produces an unconditioned response, what type of stimulus is it?
Unconditioned Stimulus
A reflex/response that has been learned and does not occur spontaneously
Conditioned Responses
A conditioned response occurs in response to what type of stimulus?
Conditioned Stimulus
How do you know if a reflex is unconditioned?
Every member of the species will respond to the stimulus in the same way
What is a neutral stimulus?
A stimulus that has no affect on an animal’s/individual’s behavior.
When does a neutral stimulus become a conditioned stimulus?
When the subject provides a conditioned response to the stimulus.
Is the UR or CR stronger?
A client has a shoe fetish. What is the shoe?
A. US B. CS C. UR D. CR E. Neutral Stimulus
Conditioned Stimulus
Should the US occur before or after the presentation of the neutral stimulus?
Close in Time
Something depends upon another
Does contiguity or contingency create classical conditioning?
Standard Pairing/Delayed Conditioning
Trace Conditioning
The CS occurs long before the US, but stops right before the US
Temporal Conditioning
When a US is presented at a repeated time interval. The neutral stimulus is time.
Simultaneous Conditioning
NS and US occur at the same time. This will not produce classical conditioning.
Backwards Conditioning
Unconditioned Stimulus then Neutral Stimulus. This will not produce a conditioned response.
Stimulus Generalization (Classical Conditioning)
When something similar to the CS is presented and also elicits the CR. Requires no pairing.
Higher Order Conditioning
Deliberately pairing the CS with a new Neutral Stimulus. This new neutral stimulus will then elicit the CR.
In higher order conditioning, will the CS1 or CS2 elicit a stronger response?
What is the difference between stimulus generalization and higher order conditioning?
Higher Order Conditioning requires the pairing of stimuli whereas stimulus generalization requires similar stimuli.
Eliminating a CR to a CS
How do you extinguish a CR?
Present the CS without the US