learning and memory Flashcards
whats the 2 things clive wearing can remember
his wife and playing piano
what is learning defined as
relativley permanant change in an organisms behavior as a result of experience. memory is a mental representation of that previous experience
learning traditionaly thought in these two categories
classical conditioning and operant/instrumental conditioning
in instrumental conditioning a behaviour is followed by a
reinforcer or punishment
what are lashleys two principles
equipotentionality: all parts of the cortex contribute equally to complex functioning behavior learning
mass action: the cortex works as a whole and more cortex is better
what was faulty about lashley
only investgated the cortexc and only investigated one type of learnign
PET scans on young adults led to the discovery that the ____ is critical for classical conditioning..but only if
cerrebelum..the delay between onsent of CS and UCS is short
richard f thomsom and collegues suggested classical condition engram is located in
______ identified as central ffor learning ..responses increase as learning proceeds
lateral interpositus
describe richard thomsons experiment with bunnies
presented a tone (CS) then a air puff (UCS), eventually the bunnies blinked when just presented with a tone. when they used cooling to shut off the LIP (lateral interppositus nucleus), they showed no responses in training and afterwards acted as if they had no training. when they turned off the red nucleus the bunnies also had no response but after stopping the supression the bunnies immediatley showed trained response. showing that LIP critical for learning but red nucleus just critial for response
emotional events enhance consolidation since they cause release of ____ and _____ to activate the ___ and ___
epinephrine and cortisol…amygdala and hippocampus
_____ increases release of norepinephrine
locus coeruleus
research on working memory points to the ____ for the storage of this informaiton
prefrontal cortex
whats is korsakoffs syndrome caused by
prolonged b1/thiamine defceicany it impedes brains ability to metabolize glucose, loss of shrinkage of neurons in brain
distincitve symptom of korsakoffs syndrome
taking guesses to fill in gaps in memory
only way to tell if its alzimes is if we
do autopsy and see gyri are shrunken and verticles are so large experience severe cell loss
people with alzimers have better ___ memory
alzimers is genetic but on prior to the age of
researches beleive alzimers to have an issue on chromosome 21 because
poeple with down syndrome get it early
there is no drugs for progression of alzimers but hope with
biogens aducanumab targets amloid
alzimers is associated with an accumulation and clumpting of these two brain proteins
amyloid beta protein
abnormal form of the tau protein
the amyloid proteins is found
between neurons
what do amyloid proteins do
create plaques from damaged axons and dendrites, cause neruonal degeneration dying axond to clump together….produces widespread atrophy of cerbral cortex hippocampus other areas
the abnormal form of tau protein is found
in neurons themselves
what do the tau proteins do
create tangles,,,get all tangled up and have degeneration within neurons themselves
3 parts of hypothesis of infant amnesia
learning language and reasoning
changes in hippocampus and growth of new neurons
new learning weakens old memories
hm had ___ removed and had difficulting with
hippocampus, long term memories
lm couldnt recognize in photo but could recgonize ….becuase
photo…mirrior, remembers what a mirror si
if he had no distraction lm could remember number for ____…
15 minutes
semantic memory is memories of _____ while episodic memory is memories of ____
factual information
personal events
hm has severeley impaired ____ memory
what is implicit memory
-influence of experiecne on behavior even if one doesnt recognize influence
procedual memory is
development of motor skills and habits . hm had could read words backwards
research on hippocampus function suggests its critcal for
declarative memories especially episodic memory
describe the matching to sample task and relation to hippocampus
animal sees an object and after delay has to pick it or afterwards has to pick one that is not it. damage to the hippocampus impairs this task, proves hippocampus role in declarative/episodic memory
two experiments that show the hippocampus is important for remembering locations
radial maze-rat cant remember which arms it already went in
morris water- if the plat form is moved or they start from new place the rats become disorientated
proof in humans of hippocampus spatial?
- taxi drivers being asked navigation questions while in PET scans
- mri also showed they had larger hippocampus
describe place cells
hippocampal neurons tuned to particulr spatial locations..rats cells become active as rats are imagining going down a path
describe time cells
many place cells function as time cells. they become active at a particular time, say a rat has to run on treadmill for 20 seconds to receive an award
place cells reveive input from ___ cells in the ____ cortex
grid cells, entorhinal cortex
so what cells are responsible for spatial memory
time, place..grid
what shape are grid cells in
when learning habits youre using the ____
the striatum is made up of the ____ and _____
caudate nucleus and putamen
true or false: most tasks activate both the hippocampus
_____ associated with peicing information together
parietal lobe
damage to the anterior temporal complex results in
loss of semantic memory…problem with long term storage of general knowledge
a hebbian synapse is one that can increase its effectivneess as a result of
simutaneous activity in the presynaptic and post synaptic neurons
what is the aplysia
a slug like intervrate that is often stufied due to its large neruons
habituation is
decrease in response to stimuli that is repeated
what is sensitization
increase in response to a mild stimulis after intense
stimulis has been presented previously
in slug, sensitizaiton depends on the release of
_____, you get this release and it blocks ____ which
serotonin….potassium channels….prolongs release of neurotransmitters
sea slugs habituate to the water how
to the waves, they dont flinch or withdraw gill when wave passes
what happens to channels and neurons in habituation
calcium channels become less responsive to an action potential, less depolarization and motor neuron is not going to fire
what happens to channels in sensitization in sea slug
depends on serotonin, blocks sodium channels in presynaptic neurons, you get prolonged period of depolarization
LTP is the _____ in response to experience
cellular change
long term potentiation leaves synapse potentiated for a period of time and means neuron is more
long term potentiation might be the underlying cellular mechanism for
learning and memory
what are the three properties of long term potentiation
specifity, cooperatively, associaitvley
describe specifity
if some of the synapses onto a cell have been highly active onlt the active ones become strengthened, failure of specifity is one cause of imparied learning
describe cooperaativity
nearly simutaneous stimulation by two or more axons produces LTP more strongly than does repeated stimulation by just one axon
describe associativity
pairing a weak inout with a strong input enhances later response . in some cases almost completley inactive synapse become active after LTP
describe long term depression
prolonged dexrease in response at a synapse for exons that have been less active than others
why is long term depression a compensory process
as one synapse strengthens another weakens, brain not burning way too much fuel
ltp depends on changes at
glutamate synapses
what are the two types of glutamate receptors
the magnesium molecules block the ___
NMDA receptors
repeated glutamate exitation of AMPA receptors
depolarizes the membran
if enough ions get in through the AMPA receptor the depolarization can
kick off the magnesium blocker
after the magnesuim is kicked off ___ and ___ can vome in
calcium and sodium
calcium can acctivation a proteins which is being responsive to glutamate and can allow
more dendritic building and leading to the release of a protein called CREB
what protein does entry of calcium activate
extensive stimulation of a postsynaptic cell causes the release of reterograde transmitter that travels back to the presynaptic cell and causes the following changes
-reduces threshold for producing action potential
increase neurotransmitter release
expansion of the axons
transmitter release from additional sites