Learning Flashcards
Pavlov’s dogs
classical conditioning experiment that caused dogs to salivate when a bell was rung
US: food, UR: salivating, CS: bell, CR: salivating
Unconditioned stimulus (UCS/US)
something that creates a response automatically, doesn’t need to be learned
Unconditioned response (UC/UCR)
what happens naturally when stimulus is presented- does not need to be learned
conditioned stimulus (CS)
something that gets a response that is learned
conditioned response (CR)
what happens when the taught stimulus is presented
neutral stimulus (NS)
produces no response (CS before conditioning)
conditions for classical conditioning (2)
- CS has to happen before the US
- the time in between the two stimuli should be about 1/2 a secoond
period of when the learning is occurring in classical conditioning (when you pair US to CS to get CR)
when US does not follow CS, CR begins to decrease and eventually stops
spontaneous recovery
after a rest period, the CR comes back- learning didn’t disappear, just suppressed
only responds to US in certain contexts, learns to differentiate
apply learning broadly, not just to US
second-order/higher-order conditioning
pair a new CS to the old one to get the same response (starbucks->happy, pulling into parking lot->happy)
taste aversion- Garcia
when you eat something and it makes you sick, then when you see, smell, or even think of that food, you feel nauseous
Thorndike’s Law of Effect
principle that behaviors followed by a good result are strengthened, while ones with bad results are weakened