Learning Flashcards
A long-lasting change in behavior resulting from experience
No associative learning
When an organism is repeatedly exposed to one stimulus
Increase in responsiveness due to either a repeated application of a stimulus or a particular aversive or noxious stimulus
A decreased responsiveness to an aversive stimulus after repeated exposure
Classical conditioning
When a neutral stimulus, paired with a perviously meaningful stimulus, eventually takes on some meaning itself
Conditioned stimulus
The initially neutral stimulus
Unconditioned stimulus
The initially meaningful stimulus
Unconditioned response
An unlearned response to an unconditioned stimulus
Conditioned responses
The response to the conditioned stimulus after conditioning
The tendency for a conditioned response to be evoked by stimuli that are similar to the stimulus to which the response was conditioned
The tendency for an organism to distinguish between a CS and a similar stimulus
When the pairing of the natural and neutral stimuli have occurred with enough frequency that they neural stimulus alone will elicit the conditioned response
The elimination of the conditioned response
Spontaneous recovery
The recurrence of an extinguished response as a function of the passage of time
Operant conditions
An organism’s learning to make a response in order to obtain a reward of avoid punishment
Law of effect
Rewarded behaviors are more likely to be repeated
Primary reinforcement
Natural reinforcers (food, water, sex)
Secondary reinforcement
Learned reinforcers (learning that money has value)
Positive reinforcement
A reward or event that increases the likelihood that a particular response will be repeated
Negative reinforcement
The removal of an averíese event in order to encourage behavior
Omission training
Decrease the frequency of behavior by withholding the reward until the desired behavior is demonstrated
Schedule of reinforcement
The frequency with which an organism receives e reinforcement for a given response
Continuous reinforcement schedule
Every correct response that is emitted results in a reward
Partial reinforcement schedule
Schedule of reinforcement in which not all responses are reinforced
Fixed ratio schedule
The reward always occur after a fixed number of responses
Variable ratio schedule
The ratio of responses to reinforcement is variable and unpredictable
Fixed interval schedule
Reinforcement is presented as a function of fixed periods of time, as long as there is any least one response
Variable interval schedule
Reinforcement is presented at different time intervals, as long as they’re is on response
Individual learns how to get away from an aversive stimulus by engaging in a particular behavior
When a person performs a behavior to ensure an aversive stimulus is not presented
Behavior modification
A combination of reinforcers and punishers designed to alter behavior
Learning helplessness
Efforts consistently fail to bring rewards
Social learning
Learning based on observing the behavior of others as well as consequences of that behavior
Conditioned taste aversion
Animals that eat a food and then experience nausea will not eat that food if they ever encounter it against
Cognitive map
Mental representation
Latent learning
Learning that is not outwardly expressed until the situation calls for it
Insight learning
When one suddenly realizes how to solve a problem