Learning Flashcards
Who was the person that follows the performance paradigm
Richard Swanson
Who is the person that follows the learning paradigm
Karen Watkins
What is a relatively permanent change in behavior, cognition, or affect that occurs as a result of one’s interaction with the environment
What outcomes are associated with Behavioral, Cognitive ,and Affective
What is taking order at a restaurant. (using your mind)
What is if the servers are not good at customer service . Outcome of learning to make server manage emotion of customer.
What are the three principles of association
Contiguity, Law of Effect, and Practice
What is one explanation on how we learn by
Law of Effect
positive consequences for the behavior. good work good praise
How children learn
How children learn
model of adult learning
What are the assumptions of andragogy
The need to know, the learner self-concept, the role of learner’s experience, readiness to learn, orientation to learn (performance centered), motivation
What are the two types of motivation
internal and external (incentives)
Kolb’s Four Basic Modes of Experiential Learning
Concrete Experience, Abstract Conceptualization, Reflective Observation, Active Experimentation
Active Experimentation
Is a practice
What are Kolb’s Four Basic Learning Styles
Divergent, Assimilating, Accommodating, Converging
What is learning style is Divergent
feel and watch
What learning style is Assimilating
think and watch
What learning style is Accommodating
feel and do
What learning style is Converging
thinking and do
What are the three primary ways to maximize learning
trainee characteristics, training design, and training transfer
Trainee Characteristics
trainability of a group or individual
What are the two conditions of training design
Conditions of practice and conditions of retention
Conditions of Practice
Active Practice, Mass vs. spaced practice, whole vs. part learning, over-learning, knowledge of results, and task sequencing
Conditions of Retention
Meaningful of materials, degree of original learning, and interference
Conditions of Retention
Meaningful of materials, degree of original learning, and interference (if known one way may confuse people if taught a different way)
Conditions of Retention
Meaningful of materials, degree of original learning, and interference (if known one way may confuse people if taught a different way)
Training Transfer
Identical elements, general principles, stimulus variability, support in the work environment, opportunity to perform, and transfer-of-training climate
What are the training needs of HRD
Provide job knowledge to workers and what is necessary for everyday work
What is the distinction between training and development
training is specific to the job you are going to do. development is the way to enforce those skills
HRD professional organizations
What is the focus of HRD
the focus of HRD is to help the organization and enhance their capabilities
What is learning organization
an organization that facilitates the learning of all of its members and continuously transforms itself
What are the challenges to the HRD field
competing in a global economy, eliminating the skills gap, increasing workforce diversity, meeting the need for lifelong individual learning, facilitating organizational learning, addressing ethical issues and dilemmas in a proactive and effective manner
The human resource wheel of an HRD development
Training and development, career development, and organization development
staff organization of hrd
Human resource management areas
management practices, organizational structure, human resource systems, and other work practices and systems
Effectiveness vs efficiency
efficiency is doing things the right way while effectiveness is doing the right things
difference between hrd and hrm
HRM is a brange of management that deals with the management of employees. HRD is the development of employees working in any organization.
What are the core competencies
Legal, Ethical, Organizational Development, Leadership, Adult Learning, Principles, Career Development, Project Management, Management Evaluation, Conflict Management, Diversity Training
What are the goals of hrd
to develop members of a business
Pygmalion effect
high expectations lead to improved performance in a given area
reinforcement theory
employees are more likely to do things for which they are rewarded
Equity theory
states that outcomes are evaluated by comparing them to the outcomes received by others
expectancy theory
states that people will perform behaviors that they perceive will bring valued outcomes
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
people have two sets of basic needs, one focusing on survival and another focusing on personal growth. Hygiene factors include pay, job security, and working conditions. Motivation factors include promotion, achievement, and recognition
informal rules for appropriate behavior established within work groups if the employee chooses to comply
Behavior modeling theory
the act of guiding the employees how to do something by showing them the standard modeled behavior
Maslows theory
a theory of psychology explaining human motivation based on the pursuit of different levels of needs
alderfer’s theory
Alderfer’s ERG theory of motivation builds on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and states that humans have three core types of need: Existence, Relatedness and Growth.
Neil Flemming’s VARK model designed to help students and others learn more about their individual preferences
Learning Styles
Visual Learners, Aural (auditory) Learners, Reading/Writing Learners, Kinesthetic (tactical) Learners, and Criticisms
Deliberate Practice
Refers to targeted and task-centered training programs based on instructions
traditional learners
learning face to face
practicing newly acquired skills beyond the point of initial mastery.
transfer of learning
people apply information, strategies, and skills they have learned to a new situation or context
HRD interventions
the integrated use of training and development, organization development, and career development to improve individual, group , and organizational effectiveness.
Kolbe’s Modes of Learning
Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualization, and Active Experimentation
methods and principles used in adult education
identical elements
the level of training transfer depends on the level of similarity between training and performance environments
trainee personality
Learning Strategies
Rehearsal, elaboration, organizational, Comprehension monitoring strategies, and affective pg 96