Learn From Daniel’s Example Flashcards
What is the main topic of the article?
The article discusses how young servants of Jehovah can learn from Daniel’s example of courage and loyalty.
How did Daniel show courage when King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream about an immense image?
Daniel asked the king for time to tell the interpretation and prayed to Jehovah for help. He then revealed the dream and its meaning to the king.
How did Daniel show loyalty to Jehovah when a decree was issued that forbade him to pray for 30 days?
Daniel refused to compromise and continued to pray to Jehovah three times a day. He was thrown into the lions’ pit, but Jehovah rescued him.
What are two ways that we can develop a deep love for Jehovah and strengthen our loyalty to him?
We can study the things he has made and learn about his qualities. We can also examine the life of his Son, Jesus, and see how he perfectly imitates his Father.
What are some benefits of being courageous and loyal?
We may gain the respect of others, attract honesthearted people to Jehovah, and feel a sense of inner peace. We also have Jehovah’s promise to be loyal to us.
What did Daniel do when he faced a life-threatening situation involving King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream?
He asked his companions to pray for mercy from God and then revealed the dream and its interpretation to the king.
What did Daniel’s enemies do to try to get rid of him under King Darius’ rule?
They had a decree issued that forbade anyone to pray to any god or man except the king for 30 days.
How did Daniel show his loyalty to Jehovah when he learned about the decree?
He continued to pray to Jehovah three times a day, even though he knew that he would be thrown into the lions’ pit.
How did Jehovah reward Daniel’s loyalty?
He sent an angel to shut the mouths of the lions and delivered Daniel from death.
What are some ways that we can learn from Daniel’s example of courage and loyalty?
We can study God’s Word and his prophecies, pray to him often, trust in his support, and refuse to compromise our faith.
What is the name of the series of articles that can help us to learn about Jehovah’s qualities from the things he has made?
The series is called “Was It Designed?”
What is the name of the brochures that can help us to examine the evidence for creation and the origin of life?
The brochures are called Was Life Created? and The Origin of Life—Five Questions Worth Asking.
How did Daniel discern that the long captivity of the Jews in Babylon was soon to end?
Daniel discerned it by studying the writings of God’s prophets, especially Jeremiah.
What did Daniel do when he received visions and dreams from Jehovah?
Daniel wrote them down and interpreted their meanings with God’s help.
What are some of the benefits of studying the prophecies recorded by Daniel?
Studying the prophecies can help us to make wise decisions, to strengthen our courage and loyalty, and to prepare for the future events that will affect us.
What is the name of the book that can help us to learn about Jesus and how he perfectly imitates his Father?
The book is called “Jesus—The Way, the Truth, the Life.”
What did Daniel do when he realized that the 70 years of desolation prophesied by Jeremiah were about to end?
Daniel humbly prayed to Jehovah, confessing the sins of his people and pleading for mercy.
How did Jehovah respond to Daniel’s prayer?
Jehovah sent the angel Gabriel to give Daniel understanding about what would happen to his people in the future.
What is one of the prophecies recorded by Daniel that has a profound impact on our lives today?
One of the prophecies is about the establishment of God’s Kingdom in heaven in 1914.
How can we show our loyalty to Jehovah like Daniel did?
We can show our loyalty by refusing to compromise our faith, trusting in Jehovah’s support, and praying to him often.
Why were the Babylonians impressed by the prophet Daniel?
The Babylonians were impressed by the prophet Daniel because they saw that he was “without any defect, of good appearance” and that he came from an influential family. (Paragraph 1)
How did Jehovah feel about Daniel? (Ezekiel 14:14)
Jehovah loved Daniel because of the type of person that he chose to be. He was courageous, loyal, faithful, and obedient to God. (Paragraph 2; Ezekiel 14:14)
What will we consider in this article?
In this article, we will consider two of Daniel’s qualities that made him precious to Jehovah: courage and loyalty. We will also see what helped Daniel to develop these qualities and how we can imitate him.
How did Daniel show courage? Give an example.
Daniel showed courage by not allowing fear to stop him from doing what was right. One example was when he asked the king for time to tell the interpretation of his dream and prayed to Jehovah for help. He then revealed the dream and its meaning to the king. (Paragraph 4)
What further test of courage did Daniel face?
A further test of courage that Daniel faced was when he had to explain to the king the meaning of another dream, which involved a pronouncement that the king would go mad and lose his throne for a period of time. Daniel delivered the message even though the king could have viewed it as seditious and could have put him to death. (Paragraph 5)
What may have helped Daniel to be courageous?
What may have helped Daniel to be courageous was learning from his parents, who taught him God’s Law and history. He also studied the writings of God’s prophets and saw Bible prophecy come true. Most important, he prayed to Jehovah often and trusted in his support. (Paragraphs 6-7)
What else helped Daniel to have courage? (See also picture.)
What else helped Daniel to have courage was seeing Jehovah’s powerful angels supporting him. The picture shows an angel shutting the mouths of the lions when Daniel was thrown into the lions’ pit for refusing to stop praying to Jehovah. (Paragraph 7; Daniel 6:22)
How can we develop courage?
We can develop courage by closely looking at how others show this quality and then copying their example. Like Daniel, we need to know God’s Word well, form a close bond with Jehovah by talking to him freely and often, and trust in Jehovah, being convinced that we have his backing. (Paragraph 8)
How do we benefit from being courageous?
We benefit from being courageous in a number of ways. We may gain the respect of others, attract honesthearted people to Jehovah, and feel a sense of inner peace. We also have Jehovah’s promise to be loyal to us and support us in times of trial. (Paragraph 9)
What is loyalty?
Loyalty is a warm and loving attachment that is often used to describe the love that God has for his servants and that they have for him and for one another. Loyalty can become stronger over time as our love grows deeper16. (Paragraph 10)
What test of loyalty did Daniel face in his old age? (See cover picture.)
The test of loyalty that Daniel faced in his old age was when a decree was issued that forbade anyone to pray to any god or man except the king for 30 days. Daniel refused to stop praying to Jehovah and was thrown into the lions’ pit. (See cover picture.)
How did Daniel develop unbreakable loyalty to Jehovah?
Daniel developed unbreakable loyalty to Jehovah by forming a deep love for Him. He learned about Jehovah’s qualities and reflected on His acts of kindness. He also prayed to Jehovah often and trusted in His support.
What tests of loyalty do our young ones face? Give an example. (See also picture.)
Our young ones face tests of loyalty when they are pressured or ridiculed by their peers or teachers for believing in God and living by His standards. For example, they may be asked to support a friend who chooses to pursue a homosexual lifestyle or to accept evolution as a fact. (See also picture.)
As shown in the video, how might you respond when others ask if Jehovah’s Witnesses support those who choose to pursue a homosexual lifestyle?
As shown in the video, we might respond by explaining that we respect everyone’s right to choose how they live, but we also have the right to follow our conscience based on God’s Word. We could also point out that God created humans with the ability to love and that He wants us to use this gift in a way that honors Him and benefits us.
What is one way that we can develop unbreakable loyalty to Jehovah?
One way that we can develop unbreakable loyalty to Jehovah is by studying the things He has made and learning about His qualities. For example, we can read the articles in the series “Was It Designed?” or watch the videos. We can also study the brochures Was Life Created? and The Origin of Life—Five Questions Worth Asking
What is another way that we can develop a close bond with Jehovah?
Another way that we can develop a close bond with Jehovah is by closely examining the life of His Son, Jesus. We can see how Jesus perfectly imitates His Father and reveals His personality. We can also study the book Jesus—The Way, the Truth, the Life.
How do we benefit from being loyal? (Psalm 18:25; Micah 6:8)
We benefit from being loyal in several ways. We form close and lasting friendships with other loyal servants of Jehovah. We feel a sense of inner peace because we know that we have God’s approval and support. We also have Jehovah’s promise to reward us for our loyalty in times of trial.
What else can we learn from Daniel?
We can also learn from Daniel’s prophecies that he recorded with God’s help. Many of these prophecies have already been fulfilled and others provide details about future events that will affect us. Studying these prophecies can help us to make wise decisions, to strengthen our courage and loyalty, and to prepare for what is ahead.