Learn From Daniel’s Example Flashcards
What is the main topic of the article?
The article discusses how young servants of Jehovah can learn from Daniel’s example of courage and loyalty.
How did Daniel show courage when King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream about an immense image?
Daniel asked the king for time to tell the interpretation and prayed to Jehovah for help. He then revealed the dream and its meaning to the king.
How did Daniel show loyalty to Jehovah when a decree was issued that forbade him to pray for 30 days?
Daniel refused to compromise and continued to pray to Jehovah three times a day. He was thrown into the lions’ pit, but Jehovah rescued him.
What are two ways that we can develop a deep love for Jehovah and strengthen our loyalty to him?
We can study the things he has made and learn about his qualities. We can also examine the life of his Son, Jesus, and see how he perfectly imitates his Father.
What are some benefits of being courageous and loyal?
We may gain the respect of others, attract honesthearted people to Jehovah, and feel a sense of inner peace. We also have Jehovah’s promise to be loyal to us.
What did Daniel do when he faced a life-threatening situation involving King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream?
He asked his companions to pray for mercy from God and then revealed the dream and its interpretation to the king.
What did Daniel’s enemies do to try to get rid of him under King Darius’ rule?
They had a decree issued that forbade anyone to pray to any god or man except the king for 30 days.
How did Daniel show his loyalty to Jehovah when he learned about the decree?
He continued to pray to Jehovah three times a day, even though he knew that he would be thrown into the lions’ pit.
How did Jehovah reward Daniel’s loyalty?
He sent an angel to shut the mouths of the lions and delivered Daniel from death.
What are some ways that we can learn from Daniel’s example of courage and loyalty?
We can study God’s Word and his prophecies, pray to him often, trust in his support, and refuse to compromise our faith.
What is the name of the series of articles that can help us to learn about Jehovah’s qualities from the things he has made?
The series is called “Was It Designed?”
What is the name of the brochures that can help us to examine the evidence for creation and the origin of life?
The brochures are called Was Life Created? and The Origin of Life—Five Questions Worth Asking.
How did Daniel discern that the long captivity of the Jews in Babylon was soon to end?
Daniel discerned it by studying the writings of God’s prophets, especially Jeremiah.
What did Daniel do when he received visions and dreams from Jehovah?
Daniel wrote them down and interpreted their meanings with God’s help.
What are some of the benefits of studying the prophecies recorded by Daniel?
Studying the prophecies can help us to make wise decisions, to strengthen our courage and loyalty, and to prepare for the future events that will affect us.