Cherish Your Privilege to Worship in Jehovah’s Spiritual Temple Flashcards
The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom (Study)—OCTOBER 2023 One of the deeper teachings in God’s Word is about Jehovah’s great spiritual temple. What is that temple? This article explores the details found in the Bible book of Hebrews regarding this temple. May this study enhance your appreciation for the privilege you have to worship Jehovah.
What is an angel saying, and what does that mean for us?
“Fear God and give him glory . . . Worship the One who made the heaven and the earth.” (Rev. 14:6, 7) An angel is saying that we should worship Jehovah, the Creator of heaven and earth. This means that we have the precious opportunity to worship him in his great spiritual temple!
What is Jehovah’s spiritual temple? (See also the box “What It Is Not.”)
Jehovah’s arrangement for offering acceptable worship based on Jesus’ ransom sacrifice.
Paul explained this arrangement in the letter that he wrote to the first-century Hebrew Christians living in Judea.
What concerns did Paul have about the Hebrew Christians in Judea, and how did he help them?
- Jewish Christians may have been facing ridicule from their former religious leaders since they had no impressive temple to go to for worship, no physical altar on which to make sacrifices to God, and no priests to minister to them.
- Some of them were still holding on to the Mosaic Law.
Paul went on to teach some deeper truths. He reminded his fellow Christians of “a better hope” based on Jesus’ sacrifice that could truly help them draw “near to God.”—Heb. 7:18, 19.
What do we need to understand from the Bible book of Hebrews, and why?
The features of the Jewish religion were only “a shadow of the things to come, but the reality belongs to the Christ.” (Col. 2:17) We need to compare the shadow with the reality. Then we can better understand the spiritual temple and how it involves us.
This “tent of meeting” was the central place for the Israelites to approach God and offer their sacrifices and their worship. (Ex. 29:43-46)
The ancient pattern.
When did the spiritual temple become a reality?
The spiritual temple came into existence in 29 C.E., when Jesus was baptized, anointed with holy spirit, and began serving as Jehovah’s great high priest. (Heb. 4:14)
The Christian reality.
According to Hebrews 7:23-27, what sharp contrast is there between Israel’s high priests and the great High Priest, Jesus Christ?
Under the ancient pattern, “many had to become priests in succession because death prevented them from continuing as such.” And as imperfect men, those high priests had to offer sacrifices for their own sins.
Under the Christian reality, “because [Jesus] continues alive forever, his priesthood has no successors.” Also Jesus is “undefiled, separated from the sinners” and “he does not need to offer up sacrifices daily” for his own sins.
What did the sacrifices on the copper altar point to?
They pointed to the one sacrifice of Jesus that would fully redeem humankind.
The ancient pattern.
On what altar did Jesus offer himself as a sacrifice? (Hebrews 10:5-7, 10)
Jesus offered himself as a sacrifice on a figurative altar that represented God’s will for him.
The Christian reality.
Who could enter each room of the tabernacle?
What do the Holy and the Most Holy of the tabernacle represent in the Christian reality?
The Holy of the tabernacle represents the spirit-begotten condition of the anointed while on earth. (Rom. 8:15-17)
The Most Holy of the tabernacle represents heaven, where Jehovah dwells.
According to Hebrews 9:12, 24-26, what makes Jehovah’s spiritual temple arrangement superior?
The high priest in Israel entered a man-made Most Holy with the blood of animal sacrifices, but Jesus entered “into heaven itself,” the holiest place of all, to appear before Jehovah. There he presented the value of his perfect human life in our behalf “to do away with sin through the sacrifice of himself.” Jesus’ sacrifice is the ultimate sacrifice that wipes sin out forever.
Who served in the courtyard of the tabernacle?
The priests served in the courtyard of the tabernacle, where they performed their duties and offered sacrifices to Jehovah. (Exodus 30:17-20; 40:6-8)
Who serve in each of the courtyards of the spiritual temple?
What sacrifices are we privileged to offer to Jehovah?
We are privileged to “always offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of our lips that make public declaration to his name”, and to use our time, energy, and resources to further the interests of God’s Kingdom. (Hebrews 13:15)
According to Hebrews 10:22-25, what should we never neglect and what should we never forget?
We should never neglect approaching Jehovah in prayer, making public declaration of our hope, meeting together as a congregation, and encouraging one another. May we never forget the deep spiritual truth regarding Jehovah’s great spiritual temple and the cherished privilege we have to worship our great God!
Did Ezekiel see and tour the great spiritual temple that the apostle Paul later explained?
- Ezekiel saw, not the spiritual temple, but an idealized vision of how the pure worship outlined in the Mosaic Law would be restored after the exile. For instance, Ezekiel’s temple featured many animal sacrifices and never mentions the high priest. It points forward to the spiritual restoration that began in 1919 C.E.
- Paul’s inspired explanation of the spiritual temple focuses on the work that Jesus, as the Greater High Priest, accomplished from 29 to 33 C.E. At the spiritual temple, only one sacrifice is offered, “once for all time.” (Heb. 9:11, 12)
See the book Pure Worship of Jehovah—Restored At Last! p. 240.
The apostle Paul wrote of anointed Christians as “growing into a holy temple for Jehovah.” (Eph. 2:20-22) Was this temple to be the same as “the true tent”, or spiritual temple, that he later described in his letter to the Hebrews?
If “the true tent” were composed of resurrected anointed Christians, it would first come into existence after their resurrection began during “the presence of the Lord.” (1 Thess. 4:15-17) But referring to the tabernacle, Paul wrote: “This very tent is an illustration for the appointed time that is now here.”—Heb. 9:9.
By carefully comparing these and other scriptures, it became clear that the spiritual temple is not in the process of being built and that anointed Christians are not “stones” being fashioned on earth for inclusion in it. Rather, anointed Christians are serving in the courtyard and in the Holy of the spiritual temple, daily offering to God “a sacrifice of praise.”—Heb. 13:15.
See the box “How the Spirit Revealed the Meaning of the Spiritual Temple” in the July 15, 2010, issue of The Watchtower, p. 22.
Is the spiritual temple the same as the spiritual paradise?
No. The spiritual paradise is the unique, spiritually rich environment that identifies those who are serving in Jehovah’s spiritual temple.