“He Will Make You Strong” —How? Flashcards
The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom (Study)—OCTOBER 2023 This article will help those who may feel overwhelmed by a trial or by an assignment that they feel is beyond their ability. We will learn how Jehovah can strengthen us and what we can do to receive his help.
How were God’s worshippers empowered in ancient times?
They were empowered by Jehovah, who gave them power when they needed it.
For example, regarding Samson the Bible says, “Jehovah’s spirit empowered him…” (Judg. 14:5, 6)
Why did the apostle Paul say that he was both weak and powerful? (2 Corinthians 12:9, 10)
He said that he was weak because he had health problems, struggled to do the right thing, and felt anxious and uncertain at times. He said that he was powerful because Jehovah gave him the power he lacked. He made Paul strong.
What questions will we answer in this article?
In harmony with 1 Peter 5:10 Jehovah promises to make us strong.
* what has Jehovah provided to make us strong?
* And what do we need to do in order to receive that power?
How can we receive power from Jehovah?
We can receive power from Jehovah by approaching him in prayer and by reading and reflecting on his Word.
Why did the prophet Jonah need strength?
The prophet Jonah needed strength because he had run away from a challenging assignment that Jehovah had given him. He almost lost his life in a storm and was swallowed by a great fish.
Based on Jonah 2:1, 2, 7, what strengthened Jonah while he was in the belly of the fish?
Jonah was strengthened while he was in the belly of the fish by praying to Jehovah and reflecting on the Scriptures. He was confident that Jehovah would listen to his humble and repentant prayer. He used words and phrases from the Psalms in his prayer. (For example, compare Jonah 2:2, 5 with Psalm 69:1; 86:7.)
How has one brother in Taiwan received power during his trials?
Zhiming, a brother in Taiwan, received power during his trials by praying to Jehovah and studying his Word. He listened to Kingdom songs and read about a sister who had the same operation as he did and refused a blood transfusion.
If a trial has weakened you, what can you do? (See also pictures.)
If a trial has weakened us, we can do the following: pray to Jehovah, even if we offer a simple prayer; listen to audio recordings of the Bible or of Bible-based publications; listen to one of our songs or watch a video on jw.org. By doing these things, we invite Jehovah to make us strong.
How do our Christian brothers and sisters strengthen us?
Our Christian brothers and sisters can be “a source of great comfort” when we face a trial or struggle to fulfill a difficult assignment. We especially need friends during “times of distress.” When we feel weak, our fellow worshippers can help us physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Why did Mary need strength?
Mary needed strength because she had received a weighty assignment. She was not married; yet, she was to become pregnant. She had no experience raising children of her own, but she was to care for the boy who would become the Messiah. And since she had never had sexual relations, how would Mary explain all of this to her fiancé, Joseph?
According to Luke 1:39-45, how did Mary receive the strength she needed?
Mary received the strength she needed by seeking help from others. For example, she asked Gabriel to provide further information concerning the assignment. She also traveled to visit her relative Elizabeth, who commended Mary and shared an encouraging prophecy about her unborn son. Through Gabriel and Elizabeth, Jehovah strengthened Mary.
How was a sister in Bolivia rewarded for reaching out to fellow worshippers?
A sister in Bolivia, Dasuri, was rewarded for reaching out to fellow worshippers when she had to care for her terminally ill father. She was initially reluctant to ask for help, but she realized that by isolating herself from others, she was trying to tackle her problems alone. When she wrote to some of her friends and explained her situation, she was strengthened by their support. They brought food to the hospital, shared comforting Bible verses, and assured her that she was not alone.
Why should we accept help from the elders?
We should accept help from the elders because they are gifts that Jehovah uses to strengthen and refresh us. They can offer us spiritual guidance, practical assistance, and loving encouragement. When we share our concerns with them and accept their help, we invite Jehovah to make us strong.
What hope do all Christians treasure?
All Christians treasure the hope of living forever, either in heaven or on earth. This hope strengthens us to endure trials and serve God faithfully.
Why did the apostle Paul need strength?
The apostle Paul needed strength because he faced many hardships, such as persecution, imprisonment, shipwreck, and illness. He compared himself to a fragile earthen vessel.
In line with 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, what strengthened Paul to endure trials?
Paul gained strength by focusing on his hope of eternal life in heaven. He considered his troubles to be momentary and light compared to his future reward. He meditated on his hope and felt renewed from day to day.
How has hope strengthened Tihomir and his family?
Tihomir, a brother in Bulgaria, finds strength in his hope of the resurrection. He lost his younger brother in an accident and struggled with grief. He and his family imagine what it will be like to see him again in the new world.
What can you do to strengthen your hope? (See also picture.)
We can strengthen our hope by reading and meditating on the Bible’s description of the Paradise. We can also use artwork, music videos, and songs to spark our imagination about life in the new world.
Even when we feel weak, how can we gain power?
We can gain power from God by praying to him, studying his Word, accepting encouragement from our brothers and sisters, and keeping our hope clear and bright. He will make us strong according to his glorious might.