Carry What You Must, and Throw Off the Rest Flashcards
According to Hebrews 12:1, what do we need to do in order to reach the finish line in our race for life?
According to Hebrews 12:1, in order to reach the finish line in our race for life, we need to “throw off every weight” and “run with endurance the race that is set before us”. This means we need to get rid of any unnecessary burdens that could slow us down and persistently continue our journey, especially because the finish line, which represents everlasting life, is closer than ever.
What does it mean to “throw off every weight”?
To “throw off every weight” means to get rid of every unnecessary burden that could hinder us and cause us to tire out. It’s not about avoiding all responsibilities, but rather about identifying and discarding any unnecessary weight that could slow us down. However, we should not cast aside loads that we should carry, as doing so could disqualify us from the race.
According to Galatians 6:5, what must we carry?
This refers to our personal responsibility before God, something we must carry on our own.
What will we consider in this article, and why?
This article considers what is included in our “own load” and how we can carry it. It also identifies unnecessary weights that we might be carrying and provides guidance on how we can throw them off. Carrying our own load and throwing off unnecessary weight will help us to run our race for life successfully.
Why is our dedication vow not a burden?
When you decided to dedicate yourself to Jehovah, you made a promise to worship Him and do His will. It’s a big responsibility, but it’s not a burden. It’s like being part of a team - you have a role to play, but it’s not a chore because you’re doing what you were made to do. Plus, doing God’s will and following His Son makes you feel good, like when you’ve had a really refreshing drink on a hot day.
What can help you to fulfill your dedication?
There are two things that can help you keep your promise. First, keep building your love for Jehovah. Think about all the good things He has done for you and all the awesome stuff He has planned for your future. The more you love God, the easier it will be to obey Him. Second, try to be like Jesus. He was able to do God’s will because he prayed for help and kept his eyes on the prize. So, like Jesus, ask Jehovah for strength and always remember the hope of everlasting life.
Why must we care for family obligations?
Taking care of our family is part of pleasing God and Christ. It’s like if you’re on a sports team - you can’t just focus on scoring goals, you also have to pass the ball and help your teammates. When we do this, we’re happier because families work best when everyone is loving and respectful to each other.
How can you fulfill your role in the family?
No matter what your role is in your family, it’s important to trust the wisdom in the Bible instead of just going with your feelings, what’s popular, or what some experts might say. Think of it like a guidebook or a manual for life. Our publications based on the Bible can be really helpful too. They have practical tips on how to use the principles in the Bible. For example, there’s a series of articles called “Help for the Family” that has advice for couples, parents, and teenagers about the stuff you’re dealing with right now. Even if other family members don’t follow the Bible’s advice, you should still try to. It will make things better for your family and you’ll be blessed by Jehovah.
How can our decisions affect us?
God has given us free will, which is like being able to choose your own adventure. He wants us to enjoy the good things that come from making good choices. But He also doesn’t protect us from the consequences of bad choices. So, if we make a mistake or say something without thinking, we have to deal with the results. This might make us feel guilty, but it can also help us learn from our mistakes and avoid making them again.
What can help you to cope with a poor decision?
Accept your current situation if you cannot undo the decision.
Recognize that you cannot change the past.
Avoid wasting emotional and mental energy justifying yourself or blaming yourself or others.
Acknowledge your mistakes and work to make the best of your present circumstances.
If you feel guilty about a wrong you committed, turn to Jehovah in prayer, admit your error, and ask for forgiveness (Ps. 25:11; 51:3, 4).
Apologize to those you may have wronged.
Seek the help of the elders if necessary (Jas. 5:14, 15).
Learn from your mistakes and try to avoid repeating them.
Why are unrealistic expectations a heavy burden?
Unrealistic expectations can be a heavy burden because they can lead to envy and competitiveness when we compare ourselves with others (Galatians 6:4). Trying to accomplish what others have achieved may push us beyond our abilities and circumstances, leading to disappointment and exhaustion (Prov. 13:12; 24:10).
What can help you to avoid unrealistic expectations?
Don’t expect more from yourself than what God expects. He doesn’t want you to give more than you have. It’s like your favorite teacher - they don’t compare your work with others, they just want you to do your best. God values your effort, your faithfulness, and your endurance. Accept that things like your age, health, and circumstances might limit what you can do right now. Be willing to say no when you need to, and ask for help when you need it.
Are we responsible for the poor decisions that others make? Explain.
We are not responsible for the poor decisions that others make. We cannot make decisions for others or shield them from the consequences of their bad choices. Parents who blame themselves for their child’s poor decision take on a heavy burden that Jehovah does not expect them to bear (Rom. 14:12).
How can a parent deal with an adult child’s poor decision?
Recognize that each person has free will and makes their own choices, including whether to serve Jehovah. The choice your child makes is their responsibility, not yours (Prov. 20:11). If you feel guilty about mistakes you made as a parent, let Jehovah know how you feel and ask for his forgiveness.
Why is excessive guilt a weight we should throw off?
Excessive guilt is a weight we should throw off because it can be damaging (Ps. 31:10) and might cause us to give up in our race for life (2 Cor. 2:7). If we have confessed our sin, repented, and are taking steps to avoid repeating our sin, we can trust that Jehovah has forgiven us (Acts 3:19).
What can help you deal with excessive guilt? (1 John 3:19, 20)
Dealing with excessive guilt can be aided by focusing on the “true forgiveness” that God provides. According to Psalms 130:4 and Jeremiah 31:34, when God forgives those who sincerely repent, He promises not to remember their sin. This implies that God will not hold your past sins against you in the future. Therefore, you should not interpret the consequences of your sins as evidence that God has not forgiven you. You should also avoid punishing yourself because your past mistakes may limit what you can now do in His service. God does not dwell on your sins, and neither should you.
As runners, what must we recognize?
As runners in the race for life, we must “run in such a way that [we] may win it” (1 Cor. 9:24). This involves recognizing the difference between the loads we must carry and the weights we must throw off. Jesus warned against becoming weighed down with overeating, heavy drinking, and anxieties of life (Luke 21:34). These and other scriptures can help you identify adjustments you might need to make as you run your race for life.
Why can we be sure that we will win the race for life?
We can be sure that we will win the race for life because Jehovah will give us the strength we need (Isa. 40:29-31). Imitate the apostle Paul, who put his all into acquiring the prize set before him (Phil. 3:13, 14). No one can run this race for you, but with Jehovah’s help, you can succeed. Jehovah can help you carry your loads and throw off unnecessary weights (Ps. 68:19). With Jehovah on your side, you will be able to run your race with endurance and win!