Are You “Ready to Obey”? Flashcards
The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom (Study)—OCTOBER 2023 Being imperfect, we all struggle to obey sometimes, even when the person who is giving us direction has every right to do so. This article will discuss the benefits that come to those who obey their parents, “the superior authorities,” and the brothers who take the lead in the Christian congregation.
Why can it be difficult for us to obey?
Sometimes we find it hard to obey God and other people who have authority over us.
1) This is because we are born with a tendency to be disobedient,
2) Satan tries to make us rebel,
3) and the world around us does not respect authority.
We need to work hard to overcome these influences and obey God and those he appoints.
What does it mean to be “ready to obey”? (James 3:17)
Being ready to obey means that we are eager and willing to obey those who have authority from God. This includes our parents, the government, and the elders in the congregation. God does not want us to obey someone who tells us to do something against his commands.
Why does it matter to Jehovah that we obey those who have authority over us?
It matters to God that we obey those who have authority over us, because we are really obeying him. He gives authority to some people for our benefit and to maintain order. He knows when they are not perfect or when they make mistakes, but he still expects us to obey them unless they ask us to break his commands.
Why do many children disobey their parents?
Many young people disobey their parents because they think their parents are hypocritical, outdated, or overly strict.
Why is it remarkable that Jesus obeyed his parents, as recorded at Luke 2:46-52?
Jesus obeyed his parents even when they made mistakes and misunderstood him. He respected them and did not argue with them. Luke 2:51 says that Jesus “continued subject to them.”
What can help young people to obey their parents?
- Young people can obey their parents by first thinking about how Jehovah feels. The Bible says that “this is well-pleasing to the Lord.” (Col. 3:20)
- Second they can consider how their parents feel, they make them happy and earn their trust.
- Third their obedience will help them later. Ephesians 6:2, 3 says, “That it may go well with you and you may remain a long time on the earth.”
Why do many youths, such as Luiza, Elizabeth, and Monica, choose to obey their parents?
Luiza, Elizabeth, and Monica obeyed their parents even when they did not understand their rules. They realized that their parents were protecting them and that things worked out better for them.
How do many feel about obeying the law?
Many people agree that we need governments and laws, but they may not want to obey a law that seems unfair or hard.. For example, some people do not like to pay taxes.
Why do we obey even laws that we do not like? (Rom. 13:1-7)
The Bible says that human governments cause problems, are under Satan’s control, and will be destroyed soon. But it also says, at Romans 13:2, “whoever opposes the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God.” So we should obey them because they are part of God’s temporary arrangement to maintain order. We should pay taxes, show respect, and obedience to them, unless they tell us to break God’s commands.
As related at Luke 2:1-6, what did Joseph and Mary do to obey a law that was inconvenient, and with what results? (See also pictures.)
We can learn from Joseph and Mary, who obeyed the government even when it was inconvenient. They had to travel a long way, 93 miles, through hill country, when Mary was pregnant, but they did not complain. They obeyed the law and fulfilled a prophecy.
Picture: Joseph and Mary obeyed Caesar’s decree to get registered in Bethlehem. Christians today obey traffic laws, tax requirements, and health guidelines set by “the superior authorities.”
How may our obedience affect our brothers?
When we obey the government, we help ourselves and others. We avoid punishment, and we make a good impression on the authorities and on other people. This may protect us and our fellow believers in the future.
What helped one sister to become “ready to obey” the superior authorities?
We may not always feel like obeying the government. One sister stopped reading things on social media posts that made her angry at the authorities . She prayed to God to trust him more. She read articles in our publications about being neutral. She now feels more peaceful and obedient.
Why might we struggle to obey direction that comes from Jehovah’s organization?
We may struggle to obey the elders in the congregation because they are not perfect and they may ask us to do something that we do not want to do. But we should obey them because they are taking the lead from Jesus, who is our Leader.
Although the apostle Paul could have considered the direction he received unreasonable, what did he do? (Acts 21:23, 24, 26)
Paul obeyed the older men in Jerusalem even when they asked him to do something that he might have felt was unreasonable. Although Christians were no longer under the law and he had not done anything wrong. Still, Paul did not hesitate. Acts 21:26 says, he “took the men the next day and cleansed himself ceremonially along with them.” He did this to promote unity and to avoid stumbling others.
What do you learn from Stephanie’s experience?
Stephanie obeyed the branch office when they asked her to change her foreign-language group. She was unhappy at first, but later she saw the wisdom of this decision and the blessings that came from it.
How do we benefit from being obedient?
Like Jesus we can learn obedience under challenging circumstances. (Heb. 5:8) For example during the pandemic our obedience protected us, united us, and pleased Jehovah. We are now better prepared to obey any instructions we will receive during the great tribulation.
Why do you want to be obedient?
We obey Jehovah and those who have authority over us because we love him and we want to please him. We also obey because we are wise and we know that obedience brings blessings. Our obedience makes Jehovah’s heart rejoice.