Learn From Bible Prophecy Flashcards
What is the main topic of this article?
The article discusses why and how to study Bible prophecy and gives examples of two prophecies in the book of Daniel that are relevant for us today.
What can help us to learn to enjoy studying Bible prophecy?
We can learn to enjoy studying Bible prophecy by asking for Jehovah’s help, examining our motives, being humble, and being thorough.
What are the two prophecies in the book of Daniel that are briefly examined in this article?
The two prophecies are the one about the feet of iron and clay in Daniel chapter 2 and the one about the king of the north and the king of the south in Daniel chapter 11.
What do the feet of iron and clay represent in Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream?
The feet of iron and clay represent the Anglo-American World Power, the dominant world power today.
What do we learn from Daniel’s description of the feet of iron and clay?
We learn that the Anglo-American World Power has been partly strong and partly fragile, that it will be the last world power to rule before God’s Kingdom, and that we should not seek material security in this world.
Who are the king of the north and the king of the south in Daniel chapter 11?
The king of the north is Russia and its allies and the king of the south is the Anglo-American World Power.
How do we benefit from understanding the prophecy about the king of the north and the king of the south?
We benefit from understanding this prophecy by strengthening our faith, avoiding undue anxiety, remaining politically neutral, and keeping our hope strong.
What is the purpose of Bible prophecy according to 2 Peter 1:19?
The purpose of Bible prophecy is to serve as a light shining in a dark place, to guide us and give us hope.
What are some of the benefits of studying Bible prophecy according to the article?
Some of the benefits of studying Bible prophecy are that it helps us to appreciate Jehovah’s wisdom and power, to discern the signs of the times, to avoid being misled by false teachings, and to remain faithful and obedient.
What are some of the challenges of studying Bible prophecy according to the article?
Some of the challenges of studying Bible prophecy are that it requires effort and concentration, that it may involve complex details and symbols, that it may not always be clear or easy to understand, and that it may require patience and humility.
How can we overcome challenges and enjoy studying Bible prophecy according to the article?
We can overcome challenges and enjoy studying Bible prophecy by asking for Jehovah’s help in prayer, examining our motives and making sure they are pure, being humble and willing to adjust our understanding, and being thorough and diligent in our research.
What are some of the sources that we can use to study Bible prophecy according to the article?
Some of the sources that we can use to study Bible prophecy are the Bible itself, the publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the online library on jw.org.
What are some of the tools that we can use to study Bible prophecy according to the article?
Some of the tools that we can use to study Bible prophecy are a Bible dictionary, a concordance, a Bible atlas, and a timeline.
How can we apply what we learn from studying Bible prophecy according to the article?
We can apply what we learn from studying Bible prophecy by using it to strengthen our personal relationship with Jehovah, to share the good news with others, to make wise decisions in harmony with God’s will, and to endure trials and hardships with faith and joy.
What are some of the examples of fulfilled Bible prophecies that can increase our confidence in God’s word according to the article?
Some of the examples of fulfilled Bible prophecies that can increase our confidence in God’s word are the destruction of Jerusalem by Babylon, the restoration of Israel from exile, the coming of the Messiah, and the establishment of God’s Kingdom.
What can help us to learn to enjoy studying Bible prophecy?
We can learn to enjoy studying Bible prophecy by asking for Jehovah’s help, examining our motives, being humble, and being thorough. (Dan. 2:28; 12:10; John 4:23, 24; 14:16, 17)
On what will this article focus?
This article will focus on why we should learn about Bible prophecies and how we can study them. It will also examine two prophecies in the book of Daniel that are relevant for us today.
We should study Bible prophecy because it serves as a light shining in a dark place, to guide us and give us hope. (2 Pet. 1:19) It also helps us to appreciate Jehovah’s wisdom and power, to discern the signs of the times, to avoid being misled by false teachings, and to remain faithful and obedient.
What do we need to do if we are to understand Bible prophecy?
We need to ask for Jehovah’s help in prayer, examine our motives and make sure they are pure, be humble and willing to adjust our understanding, and be thorough and diligent in our research. (Dan. 2:18; 9:2; 12:8, 9; Amos 3:7)
Why did Jehovah have prophecies recorded in his Word? (Jeremiah 29:11)
Jehovah had prophecies recorded in his Word so that we can know about important events before they happen. (Isa. 46:10) Bible prophecies are loving gifts from our heavenly Father who wants his children to have a happy future. (Jer. 29:11)
What can a young person learn from Max’s experience?
A young person can learn from Max’s experience that studying Bible prophecy for oneself can help to overcome doubts and to be convinced that the Bible is inspired by God.
What do you need to do if you have doubts, and why?
If you have doubts, you need to study Bible prophecies that have already come true. This can help you to remove any “rust” from your faith and to trust that Jehovah will reveal what we need to know at the right time.
What example did Daniel set with regard to how to study prophecy? (Daniel 12:10)
Daniel set an example of being diligent and persistent in studying prophecy. He did not give up when he did not understand something, but he kept searching for the meaning and asking for God’s guidance. (Dan. 12:10; 9:2, 3)
Why do some refuse to believe that Bible prophecies come true, but what should we do?
Some refuse to believe that Bible prophecies come true because they are blinded by Satan, influenced by false teachers, or attached to this world. (2 Cor. 4:4; 2 Pet. 3:3-7; 1 John 2:15-17) But we should trust in Jehovah’s word and examine the evidence of fulfilled prophecies. (Isa. 55:11; John 17:17; Acts 17:11)
What quality is needed to understand Bible prophecy? Explain.
The quality that is needed to understand Bible prophecy is humility. We need to admit that we do not know everything and that we may need to adjust our understanding as Jehovah reveals more light. (Prov. 3:5, 6; Dan. 12:4; Matt. 24:45)
What do you learn from Esther’s experience?
I learn from Esther’s experience that studying Bible prophecy can help me to appreciate Jehovah’s sovereignty and to see his hand in human history. It can also help me to be confident that Jehovah will fulfill his promises and protect his people.
How do we benefit from proving to ourselves that the Bible is true?
We benefit from proving to ourselves that the Bible is true by strengthening our faith, increasing our love for Jehovah, and enhancing our joy and peace. (Rom. 15:13; Heb. 11:1; 1 Pet. 1:8)
What do the feet of “iron mixed with soft clay” represent? (Daniel 2:41-43)
The feet of “iron mixed with soft clay” represent the Anglo-American World Power, the dominant world power today. (Dan. 2:41-43)
What important truths can we grasp because we understand this prophecy?
We can grasp important truths such as that the Anglo-American World Power has been partly strong and partly fragile, that it will be the last world power to rule before God’s Kingdom, and that we should not seek material security in this world.
How can understanding the prophecy about the feet of iron and clay help us to make wise decisions?
Understanding the prophecy about the feet of iron and clay can help us to make wise decisions by keeping us alert and watchful, by avoiding being influenced by worldly propaganda or ideologies, and by putting our trust in Jehovah and his Kingdom. (Matt. 24:42; Rom. 12:2; Ps. 146:3)
Who are “the king of the north” and “the king of the south” today? (Daniel 11:40)
According to the article, “the king of the north” is Russia and its allies and “the king of the south” is the Anglo-American World Power. The article cites other prophecies in the books of Daniel and Revelation to support this identification. (Dan. 11:40)
What challenges do those who live in the realm of “the king of the north” face?
The article says that those who live under the rule of “the king of the north” are enduring direct persecution by this king. Some Witnesses have been beaten and thrown into prison for their faith. The article also mentions that this king will invade “the land of Decoration”, which represents God’s people. (Dan. 11:41)
What challenges have God’s people faced under the rule of “the king of the south”?
The article mentions that in the past, “the king of the south” has also made direct attacks on Jehovah’s people. For example, many brothers were imprisoned or expelled from school because of their Christian neutrality. In recent decades, though, Jehovah’s servants living in the realm of that king have faced more subtle tests of their loyalty to God’s Kingdom. For instance, they may feel tempted to support one political party or candidate over another or to be influenced by worldly propaganda or ideologies.
How do we react to the conflict between “the king of the north” and its rival?
The article says that those who do not have faith in Bible prophecy may become extremely anxious when they see “the king of the south” “lock horns” with “the king of the north”. But we know that Jehovah will not allow them to destroy all life on earth. So rather than trouble us, the hostility between these two kings strengthens our faith. It confirms that the end of this system is near.
What should we acknowledge about Bible prophecy?
The article says that we should acknowledge that we do not know how some Bible prophecies will be fulfilled. Even the prophet Daniel did not understand the meaning of everything he wrote down. But we can trust that Jehovah will reveal to us what we need to know at exactly the right time, just as he did in the past.
What exciting Bible prophecies will we soon see fulfilled, and what should we continue to do?
The article says that we will soon see fulfilled these exciting Bible prophecies:
A proclamation of “peace and security” will be made. (1 Thess. 5:3)
The world’s political powers will turn on false religion and wipe it out. (Rev. 17:16, 17)
They will then attack God’s people, triggering the final war of Armageddon. (Ezek. 38:18, 19; Rev. 16:14, 16)
The article also says that until then, we should continue to show our appreciation to our loving heavenly Father by paying attention to Bible prophecy and by helping others to do the same.