leangauge 14 Flashcards
(of a bird or animal) to lose feathers, skin, or hair as a natural process at a particular time of year so that new feathers, skin, or hair can grow
tüy dökme, deri değiştirme
The first instar larva moults and the second instar larva continues moving within the host-plant stem.
having a lot of bubbles:
gazlı, köpüren, köpüklü,
fizzy orange/mineral water
(a degree of lightness, darkness, strength, etc. of) a colour:
renk tonu
In the Caribbean waters there are fish of every hue.
(of something unpleasant or dangerous) gradually and secretly causing harm:
sinsi, hain, fırsat kollayan
High blood pressure is an insidious condition which has few symptoms.
respect for or a good opinion of someone:
saygı, itibar, saygınlık
Because of their achievements they were held in (= given) (high) esteem.
(of animals and plants) the quality of being able to produce young or fruit:
doğurganlık, bereket, verimlilik
declining fertility rates
to fix something firmly into a substance
The development of scientific management was embedded in political and moral controversy from the beginning.
to make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad:
hafifletmek, azaltmak, yatıştırmak
It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island.
not intentional:
kasıtsız, dikkatsiz, yanlışlıkla yapılan
All authors need to be wary of inadvertent copying of other people’s ideas.
before this point in time
şimdiye kadar, önceden, şimdiye dek
These findings strongly suggest that future research efforts may be profitably directed toward this heretofore underappreciated threat to children’s adjustment.
to grow or develop successfully:
güzelleşmek, gelişmek, savrulmak
My tomatoes are flourishing this summer - it must be the warm weather.
to make a building look new again by doing work such as painting, repairing, and cleaning:
yenilemek, cilasını tazelemek
The developers refurbished the house inside and out.
extremely large in size or degree:
engin, muazzam, uçsuz bucaksız
hey spent an immense amount of time getting the engine into perfect condition.
not allowing liquid to go through:
geçirmez, su geçirmez, vurdumduymaz
How does glue bond with impervious substances like glass and metal?
a very large number of something:
sayısız, çok büyük sayıda
And now myriads of bars and hotels are opening up along the coast.
instead (of):
He was offered a cash bonus, or stock options in lieu.
next to or touching another, usually similar, thing:
bitişik, komşu, yakın
The two states are contiguous with/to each other, but the laws are quite different.
to share the same feelings as someone else, or to behave in the same way as someone else:
misillemede bulunmak, karşılık vermek, karşılıklı olmak,
We invited them to dinner and a week later they reciprocated.
to change to suit different conditions of life, weather, etc., or to make someone or something do this:
alışmak, havaya alıştırmak, ortama alıştırmak
Teachers begin acclimating young students to new learning technologies in a simple way.
to make something clear or easier to understand by giving more details or a simpler explanation:
açıklamak, berraklaştırmak, aydınlığa kavuşturmak
The position of all shareholders will be clarified next month when we finalize our proposals.
to spread across or move away over a large area, or to make something do this:
dağıtmak, yaymak, dağılmak
When the rain came down the crowds started to disperse.
not able to exist or work with another person or thing because of basic differences:
uyumsuz, bağdaşmayan, uyuşmayan
Maintaining quality is incompatible with increasing output.
to change something slightly, especially in order to make it more correct, effective, or suitable:
geliştirmek için küçük değişiklikler yapmak
The software is pretty much there - it just needs a little tweaking.
a police officer whose job is to discover who has committed a crime
One hopes that some tax sleuths might take a little interest in that direction, although that is probably not the complete answer.
a central part of something from which other parts can develop or grow, or which forms a support
kök, gövde, sap
Champagne glasses usually have long stems.
the rise and fall of the sea that happens twice every day:
gelgitle ilgili; gelgitli
The tide is out/in.
being almost the same or having the same effect as something, usually something bad:
eşdeğer, eşit, aynı değerde
Her refusal to answer was tantamount to an admission of guilt.
the act of making something known or the fact that is made known:
ifşa, açma, açığa vurma
Any public disclosure of this information would be very damaging to the company.
perfect, with no problems or bad parts:
kusursuz, hatasız, günahsız
His English is impeccable.
the careful watching of a person or place, especially by the police or army, because of a crime that has happened or is expected:
The police have kept the nightclub under surveillance because of suspected illegal drug activity.
a short period when a situation or activity is different from what comes before and after it:
perde arkası, ara, ara faslı
After a brief interlude working as an architect, he went travelling.
to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not respect or value him, her, or it:
aşağılamak, kötülemek, küçük düşürmek,
The actor’s work for charity has recently been disparaged in the press as an attempt to get publicity.
to be the final thing in a series of events
doruğa ulaşmak, sonuçlanmak,
The discovery of a body culminated two days of desperate searching.
to make someone have a particular feeling or idea
kafasına sokmak, aşılamak, telkin etmek
He’s a coach with great skill at instilling confidence in/into his players.
to spoil someone or something that is pure, holy, or beautiful
bozmak, kirletmek, lekelemek
It’s a shame that such a beautiful area has been defiled by a rubbish dump.
a weather condition in which very small drops of water come together to form a thick cloud close to the land or sea, making it difficult to see:
sis, duman, pus
Thick fog has made driving conditions dangerous.
ground near a lake, a river, or the sea that often floods and is always wet:
At the mouth of the river is a large area of marsh.
a small railway carriage, usually at the back of a train
vagon, gemi mutfağı, trende personel vagonu
using or consisting of facts:
gerçek, fiili, gerçeklere dayalı
She gave a clear, factual account of the attack to the police.
lasting only a short time or containing few words:
kısa bilgi, özet, kısa ve öz
It’ll only be a brief visit because we really don’t have much time.
fear or worry about what is going to happen:
dehşet, korku, titreme
We view future developments with some trepidation.
not correct:
yanıltıcı, aldatıcı, temelsiz
His argument is based on fallacious reasoning.
a sweet, thick, dark liquid used in sweet dishes
Brown sugar is a soft light or dark brown sugar made from refined white sugar and molasses.
said to animals or children to make them go away:
şşş, kovmak, yönlendirmek,
“Shoo!” she shouted at the cat.
a small piece of equipment made of two narrow strips of metal joined at one end. It is used to pull out hairs or to pick up small objects by pressing the two strips of metal together with the fingers:
eyebrow tweezers
not proud or not believing that you are important:
mütevazi, alçakgönüllü, basit
Please accept our humble apologies for the error.
not large in size or amount, or not expensive:
mütevazi, ılımlı, alçakgönüllü
They live in a fairly modest house, considering their wealth.
the fact that there is too little of something:
yetersizlik, kıtlık, azlık
There is a paucity of information on the ingredients of many cosmetics.
to break, or cause something to break, into small pieces:
ufalanmak, parçalamak, parçalanmak,
She nervously crumbled the bread between her fingers.
to make a continuous low sound:
Please excuse my stomach rumbling - I haven’t eaten all day.
to spread a liquid or a thick substance over a surface:
lekelemek, bulaştırmak, kirletmek
Can you explain why the front of your car is smeared with blood?
a painful swelling on the skin that contains liquid, caused usually by continuous rubbing, especially on your foot, or by burning:
kabarmak, su toplamak, kabartmak
New shoes always give me blisters.
very special and suitable for a king or queen
kral ve kraliçeye özgü/uygun; krallar gibi
a regal dress
a loose coat without sleeves that hangs down from your shoulders
pelerin, şal
The restaurant he owned was just a cloak for (= hid) his drug-dealing activities.
to shine in such a way that the light seems to shake slightly and quickly:
ışıltı, parıltı, titrek ışık
She could see her reflection in the water, shimmering in the moonlight.
to shake slightly in a way that you cannot control, for example because you are frightened, angry, or excited, or because of illness:
titreme, ürperme
I was trembling with fear, panicking that I had not made the right decision
to accept something enthusiastically:
kucaklamak, benimsemek,
This was an opportunity that he would embrace.
to criticize someone strongly, or say unpleasant things to or about someone:
sövmek, yermek, küfretmek
The judge was reviled in the newspapers for his opinions on rape.
to bring your eyebrows together so that there are lines on your face above your eyes, often while turning the corners of your mouth downwards, showing that you are annoyed, worried, sad, or thinking hard:
kaşlarını çatmak
He frowned as he read the instructions, as if puzzled.
to burn the surface of something with sudden very strong heat:
The heat from the explosion seared their hands and faces.
soft tissue containing a lot of fat in the centre of a bone
ilik, sakız kabağı, öz
The definitive test for determining iron deficiency still remains the examination of the bone marrow aspirate for iron content.
to bounce back after hitting a hard surface
geri tepme, sekme, tepki
His continual demands for sympathy rebounded on him because his friends finally stopped listening.
one of several thin, sharp points that stick out of a plant or animal:
karıncalanma, diken, sivri uç,
The fruit can be eaten once the prickles have been removed.
a wide smile:
I assumed things had gone well for him because he had a big grin on his face.
a piece of clothing worn over the front of other clothes to keep them clean when doing a dirty or messy job, especially cooking
apron, önlük, rüzgârlık
a square piece of cloth worn around the neck or on the head
başörtü, fular, eşarp
başörtü, fular, eşarp
to climb up, across, or into somewhere with difficulty, using the hands and the feet:
tırmanmak, sarılarak tırmanmak
They clambered over/up the rocks.
to look at someone or something with a very annoyed expression:
kaşlarını çatmak
The boy scowled at her and reluctantly followed her back into school.
to try to change or have an influence on things that are not your responsibility, especially by criticizing in a damaging or annoying way:
karışmak, burnunu sokmak
My sister’s always meddling in other people’s affairs.
to have things or people as parts or members; to consist of:
içermek, kapsamak, oluşmak
The course comprises a class book, a practice book, and a CD.
a person who speaks publicly in support of a particular idea or plan of action:
savunucu, yanlısı, öneren kimse,
He is one of the leading proponents of capital punishment
very good at thinking of new and original ideas:
yaratıcı, özgün, orijinal
He is very inventive, always dreaming up new gadgets for the home.
to fix something firmly into a substance
gömmek, yerleştirmek, oturtmak
Facts that have such consequences are, so to speak, ‘ embedded ‘ in the world’s past, as part of the causal processes leading up to the present.
going through or stopping at a place on the way to another place:
aracılığıyla, üzerinden, yolu ile
The London to Cairo flight goes via Rome.
not skilled or effective:
beceriksiz, yeteneksiz, acemi
He was always rather inept at sport.
an extremely cruel, violent, or shocking act:
vahşet, gaddarlık, canavarlık
They are on trial for committing atrocities against the civilian population.
to throw something with a lot of force, usually in an angry or violent way:
savurmak, fırlatmak, atmak
In a fit of temper he hurled the book across the room.
to take control of an aircraft or other vehicle during a journey, especially using violence:
kaçırmak, uçak kaçırmak, gaspetmek
wo men hijacked a jet travelling to Paris and demanded $125,000.
to make something shorter or quicker, especially by removing the end of it:
Television coverage of the event was truncated by a technical fault.
a gradual increase in volume of a piece of music
doruğa erişmesi, artarak, hızlanarak
to shake slightly, especially because you are nervous, frightened, or cold
tir tir titremek
My hands were trembling so much I could hardly hold the pen.
a tall structure made of stone, wood, etc that supports something above it
sütun, direk
The new bridge will be supported by 100 concrete pillars.
to show the limits of something:
sınır çizmek, ayırmak, sınır çekmek
Parking spaces are demarcated by white lines.
felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way:
engin, derin, şiddetli
His mother’s death when he was aged six had a very profound effect on him.
to make a long, high cry, usually because of pain or sadness:
feryat, ağlama
The women gathered around the coffin and began to wail, as was the custom in the region.
to take something, especially something necessary or pleasant, away from someone:
mahrum etmek, yoksun bırakmak,
He claimed that he had been deprived of his freedom/rights.
careful and avoiding risks:
ihtiyatlı, tedbirli, sağduyulu
It’s always prudent to read a contract carefully before signing it.
with eyes that are red or have tears in them so you cannot see clearly, because you are tired or have just woken up:
kanlı bir şekilde
Carl stared blearily at the newspaper.
to believe something to be true because it is very likely, although you are not certain:
I presume (that) they’re not coming, since they haven’t replied to the invitation.
strong alcohol, such as rum, that has been mixed with water:
halsiz, sarhoş, sendeleyen
Grog was a way to make the naval rum ration more palatable.
to make someone feel excited or attracted by an offer or a suggestion of something that is, in fact, unlikely to happen
baştan çıkarıcı
I caught a tantalizing glimpse of the sparkling blue sea through the trees.
tasting extremely good:
nefis, harika, mükemmel
scrumptious cakes
uyku, uyuklama, pinekleme
I fell into a gentle slumber.
a solid substance containing a lot of fat that becomes soft and melts when warm:
bal mumu
She watched the wax as it dripped down the side of the candle.
to speak to someone angrily because you disapprove of their behaviour:
azarlamak, çıkışmak, haşlamak
His mother scolded him for breaking her favourite vase.
never stopping, especially in an annoying or unpleasant way:
sürekli, aralıksız, ardı arkası kesilmeyen
incessant rain/noise/complaints