leangauge 12 Flashcards
to treat a group of people in an unfair way, often by limiting their freedom
baskı yapmak, zulmetmek, eziyet etmek
Women were oppressed by a society which considered them inferior.
to give all of something, especially your time, effort, or love, or yourself, to something you believe in or to a person:
She has devoted all her energies/life to the care of homeless people.
to mix with and join society or a group of people, often changing to suit their way of life, habits, and customs:
entegre, bütünleşmek, kaynaşmak,
It’s very difficult to integrate yourself into a society whose culture is so different from your own.
to recognize the differences between two people, ideas, or things
ayırt edici, ayırmak, ayırt etmek,
The main distinguishing feature of the new car is its fast acceleration.
to reduce something, such as a speech or piece of writing, in length:
kısaltmak, yoğunlaşmak
I condensed ten pages of comments into/to two.
to (cause to) turn over:
devirmek, tersini çevirmek,
The intruder had overturned some of the furniture in the house.,,,
which means that an old theory has been overturned
a small building, usually made of wood, used for storing things:
a garden/bicycle shed
to appear by coming out of something or out from behind something:
meydana gelmek, çıkmak, ortaya çıkmak,
She emerged from the sea, blue with cold.
of or about the thing just mentioned:
…ile ilgili; …ile benzer şeyler;
Please refer to the Regulations and in particular Articles 99 and 100 thereof.
to argue about, or say you disapprove of, something that is not important:
önemsiz konu üzerinde tartışmak
There’s no point quibbling about a couple of dollars.
the set of political principles by which a state or organization is governed, especially in relation to the rights of the people it governs:
Under (= as part of) the union constitution, a new committee is elected each year.
to make a law, agreement, order, or decision no longer have any (legal) power:
iptal etmek, geçersiz kılmak, feshetmek
The policy of charging air travellers for vegetarian meals proved unpopular and has already been rescinded.
permission or agreement:
onay, izin, rıza,
Patients must be informed of the risks of the surgery and give their informed consent.
to do things in a hurried and busy way:
koşuşturma, telaş, acele
Thora bustled around the house, getting everything ready.
a short journey usually made for pleasure, often by a group of people:
gezi, gezinti, sapma
This year’s annual excursion will be to Lincoln.
to be unhappy and unwilling to think or act in a positive way, especially because of a disappointment:
üzgün, üzmek, canı sıkkın olmak
There’s no point in sitting at home and moping - get out there and find yourself another job!
rain in very small, light drops:
çiseleyen yağmur
Tomorrow will be cloudy with outbreaks of rain and drizzle.
(of a man) polite and kind towards women, especially when in public:
cesur, centilmen, yiğit
That wasn’t very gallant of you, Paul, pushing a young lady out of the way like that!
the condition of being extremely poor:
yoksulluk, fakirlik, sefalet
He emigrated to Australia to escape the grinding (= very great) poverty of his birthplace.
almost never:
Now that we have a baby, we seldom get the chance to go to the cinema.
something that is considered to be a sign of how a future event will take place:
alâmet, kehanet
The team’s final victory of the season is a good omen for the playoffs, which start next week.
to repair an engine, machine, etc. so that every part of it works as it should:
revizyon, bakım, elden geçirme,
I got the engine overhauled.
behaviour that is careful and avoids risks:
ihtiyat, sağduyu,
Everyone agreed that panic wasn’t called for, prudence was.
long for something; long to do something
to want something very much:
arzu etmek,
She longed to see him again.
that can be seen, heard, or noticed:
algılanabilir, somut, anlaşılır
There was a barely perceptible movement in his right arm.
to avoid something, especially cleverly or illegally:
atlatmak, engellemek,
Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulations.
to discover the meaning of something written badly or in a difficult or hidden way:
şifreyi çözmek, deşifre etmek,
Can you decipher the writing on this envelope?
an object that is beautiful rather than useful:
süs, süsleme, takı
garden ornaments such as statues and fountains
the act of removing earth that is covering very old objects buried in the ground in order to discover things about the past:
kazı, hafriyat, kazma
Three skulls and one full skeleton were discovered during the excavation of an Egyptian tomb.
to have things or people as parts or members; to consist of:
içermek, kapsamak, oluşmak
The course comprises a class book, a practice book, and a CD.
to not demand something you have a right to, or not cause a rule to be obeyed:
feragat, vazgeçmek, feragat etmek,
The bank manager waived the charge (= said we didn’t have to pay), as we were old and valued customers.
to admit, often unwillingly, that something is true:
teslim olmak, kabullenmek, ödün vermek,
The government has conceded (that) the new tax policy has been a disaster.
to say or prove that a person, statement, opinion, etc. is wrong or false:
to refute a person/theory/argument/claim
to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful:
dayanmak, katlanmak,
We had to endure a nine-hour delay at the airport.
making someone confused about where they are, where they are going, or what is happening:
kafa karıştırıcı, şaşırtmak,
When you arrive in daylight and you feel like it’s night, it can be disorienting.
a request to the public for money, information, or help:
çekici, cazip
The police have issued an appeal to the public to stay away from the area over the weekend.
önem, anlam
The discovery of the new drug is of great significance for/to people suffering from heart problems.
a change or changes made to the words of a text:
değişiklik, düzeltme, yasa değişikliği,
He insisted that the book did not need amendment.
inactive;;;;;Something that is dormant is not active or growing but has the ability to be active at a later time:
uykuda, uyuyan, hareketsiz,
The long-dormant volcano has recently shown signs of erupting.
If a place or substance is penetrable, you can move into it or through it:
delinebilir, girilebilir, işlenebilir
The riverside bushes were certainly very thick, but the undergrowth behind was evidently penetrable.
a model or painting of a little boy looking like Cupid
aşk tanrısı
Yet when cupid strikes, love has no rules and knows no laws.
to look at something or someone carefully in order to discover information, especially about their quality or condition:
incelemek, denetlemek, teftiş etmek
After the crash both drivers got out and inspected their cars for damage.
Something that is mandatory must be done, or is demanded by law:
The minister is calling for mandatory prison sentences for people who assault police officers.
to limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit the development of something:
engellemek, engel olmak, alıkoymak
High winds have hindered firefighters in their efforts to put out the blaze.
to describe falsely an idea, opinion, or situation, often in order to get an advantage:
yanlış beyanda bulunmak, yanlış tanıtmak,
She accused her opponents of deliberately misrepresenting her as an extremist.
Her knowledge is still only rudimentary.
to guess something, without having much or any proof:
tahmin, şüphe, kanı
The police surmise (that) the robbers have fled the country.
happening immediately, without any delay:
ani, anlık, acil,
This type of account offers you instant access to your money.
an interesting piece of information
The factoid analysis investigated 50 different summaries from two news stories.
to hit or defeat:
vay be, yenmek, dövmek,
The Yankees whopped the Cleveland Indians 9–2.
attractive or exciting:
çekici, albenili, cazip
I didn’t find the prospect of a house with no electricity very alluring.
a serious condition in which a person’s joints (= the places where two bones are connected) become painful, swollen, and stiff:
artrit, arterit, eklem iltihabı
In later life she was crippled with arthritis.
a large flat sea creature that lives in a shell, some types of which can be eaten either cooked or uncooked, and other types of which produce pearls (= small round white precious stones)
More importantly, the strong host response produced by oysters against parasites seems to be the principal factor structuring metazoan parasite communities of oysters.
a sea creature that lives inside two joined flat, round shells and can be eaten
midye; bir tür deniz yaratığı
a line of rocks or sand near the surface of the sea
sığ kayalık, resif
a coral reef
to take care of, feed, and protect someone or something, especially young children or plants, and help him, her, or it to develop:
beslemek, yetiştirmek, büyütmek
She wants to stay at home and nurture her children.
a long journey, especially by ship:
yolculuk, sefer, seyahat
He was a young sailor on his first sea voyage.
going through or stopping at a place on the way to another place:
aracılığıyla, üzerinden, yolu ile
The London to Cairo flight goes via Rome.
existing or happening before something else, or before a particular time:
önce, önceki, öncelikli
They had to refuse the dinner invitation because of a prior engagement (= something already planned for that time).
a narrow area of sea that connects two larger areas of sea:
boğaz, geçit, darboğaz
the Straits of İstanbul
related to the sea or sea transport:
deniz, denize ait
Marine biologists are concerned about the effects of untreated sewage that is flowing into coastal waters.
A migratory bird or animal is one that migrates (= travels to a different place, usually when the season changes):
göçmen, göç, göçebe
Sea eagles are not migratory, so once extinct, there is no chance of them returning naturally.
A viscous liquid is thick and sticky and does not flow easily.
ağdalı, koyu kıvamlı
When quartz melts (at about 1600°C), it becomes a viscous liquid.
to stay somewhere for a long time
oyalanmak, uzun süre kalmak,
The smell from the fire still lingered hours later.
something that remains after most of a substance has gone or been removed
çökelti, tortu, kalıntı,
The machine sucks up the water but leaves a muddy residue.
to make or become liquid
The butter had liquefied in the heat.
to move about searching for things you need, especially food
yiyecek vb. araştırmak, karnını doyurmak için gezinmek
Chimpanzees spend most of the day foraging for fruit, leaves, and insects.
a temporary shelter or camp for sleeping in outside, that is not a tent:
çadır, açık ordugâh
The children made a bivouac at the bottom of the garden with some poles and an old blanket.
a heap (= large pile) of animal waste, or waste material thrown away by human beings in the past:
çöplük, gübrelik
It was customary for dung and bedding to be rotted for up to a year in a midden before spreading on the land.
If an egg hatches or is hatched, it is broken open by a baby creature such as a bird, fish, or snake being born.
yavru çıkarmak, yumurtadan çıkmak
My hens have hatched ten chicks.
a person who tries to be friendly and spend time with rich and important people, especially to get an advantage:
askıda kalmak, ahtapot, hayran,
Wherever there is royalty, there are always hangers-on.
a large group of insects all moving together:
sürü, yığın
a swarm of bees/wasps/ants/locusts
a drug, illegal in many countries, that is made from the dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant. Cannabis produces a pleasant feeling of being relaxed if smoked or eaten:
esrar, kenevir, kendir
Are you in favour of the legalization of cannabis?
to spoil something or make it weaker so that it is less effective:
bozmak, zayıflatmak
A recurring knee injury may have impaired his chances of winning the tournament.
to recognize and name the exact character of a disease or a problem, by examining it:
teşhis koymak, tanımlamak,
His condition was diagnosed as some type of blood disorder.
past of seek
‘aramak’ fiilinin geçmiş zaman hâli
Specifically, they sought to model buildings in space, to show how to achieve built forms that would work better for people.
to tie something together with string, rope, etc
bağlamak, bağlayan şey,
His hands were bound behind his back.
a lump that forms when a liquid, especially blood, becomes almost solid
pıhtı, kan pıhtısı
a lump that forms when a liquid, especially blood, becomes almost solid
carry out
to do or complete something, especially something that you have said you would do or that you have been told to do
gerçekleştirmek, uygulamak,
I was only carrying out orders.
to reduce the harmful effects of something
hafifletmek; azaltmak; dindirmek
In consequence, little is done to mitigate them.
including everything
etraflı, kapsamlı,
a comprehensive study of the subject
a long, thin piece of metal, wood, etc with a sharp point at one end
sivri uçlu metal çubuk
The fence had long spikes on top.
the members of a person’s family who are directly related to that person and who lived a long time before him or her:
soy, köken, sülale
She’s very proud of her ancient royal lineage.
to prevent something bad from happening:
önlemek, çevirmek, gidermek
to avert disaster/economic collapse
into very thin or small pieces:
Chop the carrots very finely.
strange and impossible to explain
tuhaf, esrarengiz, anlaşılmaz,
It was uncanny the way that she always knew what he was thinking.
making you think of someone or something that is similar
anımsatan, hatırlatan, çağrıştıran,
a smell reminiscent of an old church
effective and able to be successful
uygulanabilir, pratik
a viable alternative to nuclear power
A conductive substance allows heat or electricity to travel through it:
iletken, geçirgen
Aluminium is a conductive metal.
to decay, or to cause something to decay:
ayrıştırmak, çürütmek, dağılmak
The body must have been decomposing for several weeks.
to encourage someone to do something or something to happen
teşvik etmek, özendirmek, yüreklendirmek
Spurred on by his fans, he won the next three games easily.
to make something into a law
When was this legislation enacted?
If a violent or bad situation escalates or is escalated, it quickly becomes worse or more serious.
gittikçe kötüleşmek, ciddi bir hal almak,
The fight quickly escalated into a riot.
the state of being unconscious for a short time
bayılma, kararma
Power lines were blown down and we had a blackout of several hours.
a pattern or structure made from horizontal and vertical lines crossing each other to form squares:
Kafes, ızgara, şebeke
A metal grid had been placed over the hole to prevent people from falling in.
calm and slow
sakin, sessiz, ağırbaşlı,
The fight against a chemical storage site has transformed a normally sedate village into a battleground.
to firmly establish something, especially an idea or a problem, so that it cannot be changed:
sağlamlaştırmak, sağlama almak, yerleştirmek,
The government’s main task was to prevent inflation from entrenching itself.
one of the large areas that some countries are divided into because of the type of government they have
eyalet, bölge
the Canadian province of Alberta
pleasant and kind:
tehlikesiz, zararsız
a benign old lady
to make or become less severe, difficult, unpleasant, painful, etc.:
kolaylaştırmak, hafifletmek, rahatlatmak
To ease the problem of overcrowding, new prisons will be built.