leangauge 10 Flashcards
to partly close your eyes in order to see more clearly:
şaşı, yan bakan
The sun was shining straight in her eyes and made her squint.
a round handle, or a small, round device for controlling a machine or electrical equipment:
düğme, tokmak, yumru
Turn/Twiddle the little knob to adjust the volume.
a very small mark of a different colour from the area around it, usually found with a large number of other marks of the same type:
benek, nokta, çil
A blackbird’s egg is blue with brown speckles on it.
to stick out in a round shape:
Her bags were bulging with shopping.
the nose and mouth that stick out from the face of some animals:
burun, hortum, kovan
a pig’s snout
a name that does not suit what it refers to, or the use of such a name:
yanlış isim kullanma, yanlış ad,
It was the scruffiest place I’ve ever stayed in, so “Grand Hotel” was a complete misnomer.
a cover like a roof for shelter or decoration, or the branches and leaves that spread out at the tops of trees in the woods:
Many animals live in the forest canopy.
to look carefully or with difficulty:,,,,
a person who is the same age or has the same social position or the same abilities as other people in a group:
dikkatle bakmak, akran
The driver was peering into the distance trying to read the road sign.,,,
Do you think it’s true that teenage girls are less self-confident than their male peers?
A nursing mother is a woman who is feeding her baby with her own breast milk:
hemşirelik, bakım, emzirme
Nursing mothers are advised to eat plenty of leafy green vegetables.
the hollow place under your arm where your arm joins your body:
koltuk altı
sweaty/hairy armpits
an area of land where fruit trees (but not orange trees or other citrus trees) are grown:
meyve bahçesi
an apple/cherry orchard
to light something and make it brighter:
The streets were illuminated with strings of coloured lights.
to (cause to) move so that one side is higher than another side:
bahşiş, uç
If you put too many books on one end of the shelf, it’ll tip up.
a small animal covered in fur with a long tail. Squirrels climb trees and feed on nuts and seeds.
We were able to trace these projections in squirrel and macaque monkeys.
at the back of an animal’s body:
arka, arkadaki,
a hind leg
A solitary person or thing is the only person or thing in a place:
yalnız, tek, yalnız yaşayan
He was a solitary child
the young of an animal:
evlat, yavru, döl
In the case of the guinea pig, the number of offspring varies between two and five.
the leaves of a plant or tree, or leaves on the stems or branches on which they are growing:
yeşillik, yapraklar, ağaç yaprakları
The dense foliage overhead almost blocked out the sun.
to pull something quickly and usually with a lot of force:
kuvvetle asılmak, şiddetle çekmek
Tom tugged at his mother’s arm.
to eat something by taking very small bites or to bite something gently
ısırmak, kemirmek,
He was nibbling a biscuit.
not bright or clear
loş, hafif karanlık
He could hardly see her in the dim light.
o take a long time to leave or disappear:
oyalanmak, uzun süre kalmak,
After the play had finished, we lingered for a while in the bar hoping to catch sight of the actors.
slightly angry, especially because someone has damaged your feeling of being proud of yourself:
gücenmiş, alınmış, kızmış, kırılmış
The scientists were piqued because science and hard work made their colleague wealthy.
altında, yardımcı
ne of the players was injured during the match, so a sub was brought on.
to get a large amount of something, especially money or information, by collecting it over a long period:
biriktirmek, toplamak, yığmak
Some of his colleagues envy the enormous wealth that he has amassed.
related to making money by buying and selling things:
ticari, reklam
The commercial future of the company looks very promising.
having a colour between pink and red:,,,
If a situation is described as rosy, it gives hope of success or happiness:
pembe, güllük gülistanlık,
Your rosy cheeks always make you look so healthy.,,,,
Our financial position is rosy.
the act of judging or deciding the amount, value, quality, or importance of something, or the judgment or decision that is made:
değerlendirme, vergi, vergilendirme
Would you say that is a fair assessment of the situation?
the time when people have a romantic relationship with the intention of getting married:
kur, kur yapma
They had a passionate courtship and a long, loving marriage.
to pull something, especially with a sudden movement, in order to remove it:
koparmak, yolmak,
Caged birds sometimes pluck out their breast feathers.
an examination of opinions, behaviour, etc., made by asking people questions:
anket, inceleme,
A recent survey revealed that 58 percent of people did not know where their heart is.
a place where many people go for rest, sport, or another stated purpose:
tatil yeri
a seaside/beach resort
ne of the flat, usually green parts of a plant that are joined at one end to the stem or branch:
yaprak, kanat, sayfa
He was raking up leaves in his garden.
happiness, excitement, or pleasure:
neşe, sevinç, keyif
She opened her presents with glee.
(especially of people in the armed forces) to make a formal sign of respect to someone, especially by raising the right hand to the side of the head:
selamlamak, selam durmak
Whenever you see an officer, you must salute.
unable to produce plants or fruit:,,,
unable to have children or young animals
kısır, çorak,
We drove through a barren, rocky landscape.
extremely big:
The people who have taken our advice have saved themselves vast amounts/sums of money.
a drawing that shows information in a simple way, often using lines and curves to show amounts:
grafik, tablo, çizelge
There is a chart on the classroom wall showing the relative heights of all the children.
causing disagreement or discussion:
tartışmalı, anlaşmazlığa neden olan
The book was very controversial.
a large formal meeting of people who do a particular job or have a similar interest, or a large meeting for a political party:
ortak düşünce, kongre, toplantı
She addressed hundreds of attendees at the International Reading Association’s annual convention.
to interest someone a lot, especially by being strange, unusual, or mysterious:
entrika, dalavere, dolap
Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.
very small pieces of stone or sand:,,
courage and determination despite difficulty:
kumtaşı, cesaret
The road had been covered with grit.
to remove earth that is covering very old objects buried in the ground in order to discover things about the past:
kazmak, oymak,
Ice age bones are being excavated in the caves.
likely to show a particular characteristic, usually a negative one, or to be affected by something bad, such as damage or an illness :I’ve always been prone to headaches.
yatkın, meyilli,
I’ve always been prone to headaches.
an unusual or unexpected event or situation that attracts attention, interest, or disapproval:
görülmedik şey, ilginç durum
We witnessed the extraordinary spectacle of an elderly lady climbing a tree to rescue her cat.
very interested or enthusiastic
istekli, gayretli, coşkulu
He’s very keen on travelling.
famous, respected, or important:
ünlü, seçkin, güzide
an eminent historian
a business that provides goods or services:
satıcı, tedarikçi
Purveyors of Jams and Marmalades to Her Majesty the Queen
the quality of being famous for something considered bad:
rezillik, kötü şöhret, utanç verici davranış
The president described the attack as “a day that will live in infamy”.
an important positive development:
adım, uzun adım,
The West made impressive strides in improving energy efficiency after the huge rises in oil prices during the 70s.
to persuade someone to work for a company or become a new member of an organization, especially the army:
çalışmaya/katılmaya ikna etmek; yazmak, almak,
Charities such as Oxfam are always trying to recruit volunteers to help in their work.
a feeling or guess that something might be true, when there is no proof,,,
to stand or sit with your shoulders and back curved forward
önsezi, sezgi, kamburunu çıkarmak;
My hunch is that he will resign.,,
Sitting hunched over a computer all day can cause back problems.
to hold a weapon or tool and look as if you are going to use it:
tutmak; kullanmak üzere kavrayıp tutmak;
She was confronted by a man wielding a knife.
one of the joints in the hand where your fingers bend, especially where your fingers join on to the main part of your hand
parmak eklemi/boğumu
A drum-like instrument played by striking with the knuckles and shaking.
to (cause to) rise and float in the air without any physical support
havaya yükselmek, havaya kaldırmak, havada durmak
This is because a larger electric field would be needed in order to provide a sufficient electrostatic force to levitate the dust grains.
the ability to float on water or in the air
The students were testing the buoyancy of different materials.
a state of balance:
denge, denklik,
The disease destroys much of the inner ear, disturbing the animal’s equilibrium.
strange and frightening:
ürkütücü, tüyleri diken diken eden, acayip
It was a spooky coincidence.
If two or more things merge, they combine or join, and if you merge two or more things, you combine or join them.
birleş(tir)mek, kaynaş(tır)mak
The city’s smaller libraries will be merged into a large, central one.
the careful and detailed examination of something in order to get information about it:
The government’s record will come under (close) scrutiny in the weeks before the election.
containing a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts:
You want a plain blouse to go with that skirt - nothing too elaborate.
a thin, stem-like part of a climbing plant that holds on to walls or other plants for support
filiz, sarılmaya yarayan filiz
filiz, sarılmaya yarayan filiz
made in or having the shape of a tube:
boru şeklinde
tubular steel
to cut words, pictures, or patterns into the surface of metal, stone, etc.:
kazımak, işlemek, oymak
The jeweller skilfully engraved the initials on the ring.
a special event where people can enjoy a particular activity or thing:
Festival ,Şenlik
a media-fest
to feel or express great sadness, especially when someone dies:
acı çekmek, üzüntü yaşamak, yas tutmak
He is still grieving for/over his wife.
to satisfy someone by giving them something that is wanted or needed:
doyurmak, gına getirmek
He searched for a book that would sate his desire for all the details of Olympic history.
having a hole or empty space inside:
kovuk, oyuk, boş
Hollow blocks are used because they are lighter.
a small, pointed piece of metal that you turn round and round to fix things together, especially pieces of wood
vida, vidalamak
You need to screw the cabinet to the wall.
a tool with a long handle and a flat, metal part at one end used for digging
The kids took their buckets and spades to the beach.
bel, bahçıvan beli/küreği
a cover on a container, that can be lifted up or removed:
kapak, gözkapağı
Can you get the lid off this jar?
a narrow beam of light, heat, etc. travelling in a straight line from its place of origin:
ışın, ışık huzmesi,
A ray of sunshine shone through a gap in the clouds.
a line of light that shines from a bright object:
ışın, huzme
a line of light that shines from a bright object:
a particular part of a written legal document, for example a law passed by Parliament or a contract (= an agreement):
madde, fıkra, cümle
Clause 4 of the constitution is thought to be the most important section.
to involve yourself in a situation when your involvement is not wanted or is not helpful:
müdahale etmek
Interfering in other people’s relationships is always a mistake.
someone or something existing or happening before, especially as the cause or origin of something existing or happening later:
öncül, önceki, önce gelen,
Charles Babbage’s mechanical calculating engines were the antecedents of the modern computer.
the process of becoming more active or popular again:
canlanma, uyanış, yeniden canlandırma
Recently, there has been some revival of (interest in) ancient music.
the action of supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way, because of allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment:
The senator has accused the media of bias.
to break open or apart suddenly, or to make something do this:
patlamak, fırlamak,
If I eat any more cake I’ll burst (= I cannot eat anything else)!
to include different types of things:
kapsamak, kuşatmak, etrafını çevirmek
The festival is to encompass everything from music, theatre, and ballet to literature, cinema, and the visual arts.
always and for ever:
kalıcı olarak, daimi olarak, temelli olarak
Michael and his family have settled permanently in the States
If something spews liquid or gas, or liquid or gas spews from something, it flows out in large amounts:
kusmak, istifrağ etmek,
The volcano spewed a giant cloud of ash, dust, and gases into the air.
covered with or full of fat or oil:
yağlı, kaygan, yapışkan
greasy food/dishes/skin/hair
to make an unpleasant, loud, high noise:
tiz ve keskin ses çıkarmak; bağırmak, feryat etmek
She was screeching at him at the top of her voice.
generally thought to be or to exist, even if this may not really be true:
varsayılan, farzedilen
The putative leader of the terrorist cell was arrested yesterday.
equality, especially of pay or position:
eşitlik, benzerlik
Firefighters are demanding pay parity with police.
having the ability to perform a difficult action quickly and skilfully with the hands:
hünerli, becerikli
Raccoons have highly dexterous front feet that are shaped like human hands.
the manner of putting words and phrases together to express oneself
ifade tarzı
His phraseology shows that he is a foreigner.
careful and covering every detail
dikkatli ve her ayrıntıyı kapsayan
The government has promised a thorough investigation of the matter.
not based on a system or principles and often seeming unfair
keyfi, isteğe göre düzenlenen, rastgele
an arbitrary decision
If something overturns or if you overturn something, it turns over onto its top or onto its side.
devirmek, devrilmek, altüst etmek/olmak
She overturned her car in the accident.
of or relating to the earth:
jeo, yer, yeryüzü
geophysics, geocentric
to cut plants, such as grass or wheat, that have long, thin stems and grow close together:
You can’t mow the grass/lawn if it’s wet.
an area of grass, especially near to a house or in a park, that is cut regularly to keep it short:
çim, çimen, çimenlik
Will you mow the lawn at the weekend?
ilkel, temel, tam gelişmemiş
Her knowledge is still only rudimentary.
to use something in a way that helps you:
sömürmek, kullanmak, faydalanmak
We need to make sure that we exploit our resources as fully as possible.
a building in which monks live and worship
wo years later, Henry VIII introduced a policy titled the Dissolution of the Monasteries that by 1540 had resulted in the closure of all Catholic monasteries in England and the confiscation of their estates.
to take a possession away from someone when you have the right to do so, usually as a punishment and often for a limited period, after which it is returned to the owner:
el koymak
His passport was confiscated by the police to prevent him from leaving the country.
to put something into action, especially to make something law:
A package of economic sanctions is to be enacted against the country.
an official order, such as the stopping of trade, that is taken against a country in order to make it obey international law:
Many nations have imposed sanctions on the country because of its attacks on its own people.