LEA Joints of the Foot and Ankle Part 1 Flashcards
Distal (inferior) tibiofibular joint
- Fibular notch and medial triangular area of fibula
- Syndesmosis, amphiarthrosis
Ligaments prevent
separation of tibia and fibula, and talar wedging
Distal anterior tibiofibular ligament (trapezoid shape)
Anterior border of fibular notch to anterior edge of triangular area (fibula)
Interosseous tibiofibular ligament is a continuation of
the Interosseus membrane
Interosseous tibiofibular ligament is a strong ligament found
centrally, within the articulation
Distal posterior tibiofibular ligament (triangular shape)
Posterior border of fibular notch to posterior edge of triangular area(fibula)
Inferior transverse tibiofibular ligament is the most inferior aspect of
distal posterior tibfib, located posterior to ankle joint
inferior transverse tibiofibular ligament attaches
- to posterior-inferior aspect of fibular notch (sometimes reaches medial malleolus)
- lateral malleolar fossa (superior edge) on the fibula
Articular cartilage on deep surface of inferior transverse tibiofibular ligament that articulates with
- posterior lateral aspect of trochlea
- Deepens articular surface
distal tibiofibular joint blood supply:
perforating fibular,
anterior and posterior lateral malleolar arteries
posterior intermalleolar ligament is located
- posterior to ankle joint
- between transverse tibiofibular and posterior talofibular ligaments
posterior intermalleolar ligament attaches
- superior edge fibular malleolar fossa and:
- Posterior tibia and medial malleolus (via septa of flexor retinaculum
- Lateral and medial talar processes
the posterior intermalleolar ligament is tensed during
the posterior intermalleolar ligament can be cause of
posterior impingement
articulation between talus and the tibia and fibula
the talocrural/tibiotalar/ ankle joint
the talocrural joint is a __ joint
synovial hinge joint
primarily dorsi and plantar flexion
the ankle joint is more mobile/less stable in
plantar flexion
trochlea is more narrow __
arterial supply of the ankle joint
the medial and lateral malleolar plexuses
ankle mortise
concavity formed by the tibia, fibula, and inferior transverse tibio-fibular ligament
talus articulates with
the ankle joint capsule attaches to
Borders of tibia and malleoli
articular margins of trochlea,
talar neck on the dorsum
the joint capsule is weak
anteriorly and posteriorly
joint capsule is reinforced by
collateral ligaments of the ankle medially and laterally
the joint capsule anteriorly attaches to
the neck of the talus
__ lines fibrous capsule
medial collateral ligament of the ankle function (deltoid ligament)
- stabalizes the ankle
2. limits the ankle eversion and external rotation and lateral translation
the deltoid (MCL of the ankle) ligament is divided into
superficial and deep layers consisting of 3-6 ligaments (blends with the capsule, thick and strong)
the superficial MCL of the ankle
- tibionavicular ligament
- Tibiospring Ligament
- Tibiocalcaneal Ligament
- Superficial posterior tibiotalar ligament
Tibionavicular ligament
From the anterior border of anterior colliculus to the dorsal navicular tuberosity
Tibionavicular ligament crosses
ankle joint & talonavicular portion of mid tarsal joints
Anterior colliculus (proximal and posterior to tibionavicular) to the spring ligament (plantar calcaneonavicular ligament)
the tibiospring crosses
the ankle joint and subtalar joint
Tibiocalcaneal ligament
from the anterior colliculus and intercollicular groove to the medial and posterior aspect of sustentaculum tali
Tibiocalcaneal ligament is located deep to
the strongest superficial deltoid ligament is
tibiocalcaneal ligament crosses the
ankle joint and subtalar joint
superficial posterior tibiotalar ligament
From the posterior colliculus and intercollicular groove to the medial tubercle of posterior process of talus
superficial posterior tibiotalar ligament can blend with
deep posterior talotibial
superficial posterior tibiotalar ligament is taut when
dorsiflexion: limits dorsiflexion and posterior displacement of the talus
superficial posterior tibiotalar ligament crosses
the ankle joint
the deep layer of the MCL of ankle only crosses
the ankle joint
Deep anterior tibiotalar ligament often just called anterior tibiotalar
From the anterior inferior aspect of the anterior colliculus to the medial aspect of talar body
anterior tibiotalar is deep to
tibionavicular and tibiospring ligaments
anterior tibiotalar fibers can often blend with
tibionavicular ligament
Deep anterior tibiotalar ligament is taut when
in plantar flexion: limits plantarfelxion and anterior displacement of the talus
deep posterior tibiotalar ligament
From the posterior and anterior colliculi and intercollicular groove to the medial talar body
largest and thickest component of the deltoid ligament
Deep posterior tibiotalar ligament
Deep posterior tibiotalar ligament is deep to
tibiocalcaneal and superficial posterior tibiotalar ligaments
Deep posterior tibiotalar ligament is taut in
dorsiflexion, limits dorsiflexion and posterior displacement of the talus
Lateral collateral Ligaments of the Ankle
- anterior talofibular ligament
- calcaneofibular ligament
- posterior talofibular ligament
Lateral collateral Ligaments of the Ankle all resist
most commonly injured LCL in plantar flexion inversion ankle sprain(and in general ankle sprains)
Anterior talofibular ligament
Anterior talofibular ligament
From the anterior inferior edge of lateral malleolus to lateral talar body (sometimes you will see neck)
Anterior talofibular ligament is taut in
plantarflexion, resist excessive plantarflexion and anterior talar displacement
Anterior talofibular ligament is a __ ligament that crosses ___
Capsular; ankle joint
Calcaneofibular ligament is a(n) __ ligament that crosses the
extracapsular: ankle joint and subtalar
Calcaneofibular ligament
From lateral malleolus apex (summit) to peroneal spine
lateral calcaneus superior to retrotrochlear eminence
Calcaneofibular ligament is torn when
in more severe sprains
Calcaneofibular ligament is taut in
dorsiflexion: resists excessive dorsiflexion
Posterior talofibular ligament
Runs horizontally from the lateral malleolar fossa to lateral tubercle of posterior process
Posterior talofibular ligament is a(n) ___ ligament that crosses the __
capsular; ankle joint
Posterior talofibular ligament is taut in
dorsiflexion: resists dorsiflexion
which ligament is not commonly torn in ankle sprains
Posterior talofibular ligament
subtalar joint is located between
facets of calcaneus and facets of talus
Talocalcaneal joint is a __ joint
planar, gliding, synovial joint
Talocalcaneal joint has more complex movement because of
concave and convex surfaces: allows translation and rotation
subtalar joint is divided into anterior and posterior articulations by
the sinus tarsi
and tarsal canal
and the interosseous talocalcaneal ligament
anterior subtalar joint
posterior subtalar joint
posterior talocalcaneal
Some refer to the ___ as the anatomic subtalar joint
arterial supply subtalar joint
lateral tarsal, lateral malleolar, perforating fibular, artery to tarsal canal, artery to sinus tarsi
Ligaments supporting subtalar joint
- Posterior talocalcaneal ligament
- Lateral talocalcaneal ligament
- Medial talocalcaneal ligament
- Interosseous talocalcaneal ligament
- Cervical ligament
the subtalar joint is also supported by
tibiocalcaneal and calcaneofibular ligaments
Posterior talocalcaneal ligament
From posterior process of talus to superior calcaneus
Lateral talocalcaneal ligament
From lateral process of talus to lateral surface of calcaneus
Medial talocalcaneal ligament
From medial tubercle of posterior process of talus to posterior edge of sustentaculum tali
Deeper plane than calcaneofibular ligament (medial to it)
Lateral talocalcaneal ligament
Interosseous talocalcaneal ligament
-Found within the sinus tarsi/tarsal canal (strong bond between talus and calcaneus)
Separates anatomic subtalar from talocalcaneonavicular joint
Interosseous talocalcaneal ligament
Interosseous talocalcaneal ligament attaches
- Attaches to sulcus tali and sulcus calcanei
- Fibers angled inferolaterally
Interosseous talocalcaneal ligament resists
Cervical ligament resists
supination and inversion
Cervical ligament attaches
from the superolateral calcaneus within the sinus tarsi to neck of talus
Talocalcaneonavicular Joint
Articulation between:
- Anterior and middle facets of talus and calcaneus
- Head of talus and spring ligament
- Head of talus and posterior facet of navicular (talonavicular)
Multiaxial ball and socket joint with talar head , synovial joint; diarthrosis
Blood: medial tarsal, medial plantar
Talocalcaneonavicular Joint
Talocalcaneonavicular Joint capsule is
weak, reinforced by tibionavicular ligament (medial side) and calcaneonavicular ligament (lateral side)
Acetabulum pedis
deep socket that receives the talar head
Acetabulum pedis is formed by
- posterior navicular facet,
- anterior and middle facets of calcaneus
- plantar calcaneonavicular ligament (spring)
- dorsal calcaneonavicular ligament (part of bifurcate)
funcional subtalar joint
Anatomic subtalar joint + talocalcaneonavicular joint
funcional subtalar joint is between
posterior, middle, anterior facets of talus and calcaneus
funcional subtalar joint forms
a triple joint complex with midtarsal joint
function subtalar joint is a __ joint
triplanar. pronation an supination
functional subtalar joint ligaments support
just combine the ligaments that support the anatomic and talocalcaneal part of TCN joint
Fibrocartilagenous facet on dorsal surface of ligament (superomedial part)–
supports head of talus and medial longitudinal arch
Spring ligament (plantar calcaneonavicular ligament) 3 components:
- superomedial
- inferoplantar longitudinal
- medioplantar oblique
sustentaculum tali and edge of middle calcaneal facet to mediosuperior navicular tuberosity
inferoplantar longitudinale
coronoid fossa to navicular beak
medioplantar oblique
notch between ant. and middle facets of calcaneus to inferomedial navicular
Fuses with deltoid ligament (tibionavicular and tibiospring)
spring ligament (plantar calcaneonavicular ligament)
spring ligament (plantar calcaneonavicular ligament) is deep to
tibialis posterior tendon
Bifurcate ligament
-y shaped ligament
Bifurcate ligament attaches proximally
anterior process of calcaneus
Bifurcate ligament attaches distally
to dorsolateral navicular, dorsal calcaneonavicular ligament, and dorsomedial cuboid, calcaneocuboid ligament
Dorsal talonavicular ligament attaches
from dorsal aspect of talar neck to dorsal aspect of navicular