Above The Knee Flashcards
ventral division of L1
cutaneous posterolateral gluteal
Ventral division of L1. Cutaneous Superomedial thigh
Ventral Division of L1,2.
cutaneous femoral triangle
lateral femoral cutaneous
dorsal! L2,3
cutaneous anterolateral thigh
Obturator nerve
ventral division of L2,3,4
Accessory obturator
ventral division L3,4
Femoral nerve
dorsal L2,3,4
motor (anterior thigh)
sensory (hip/knee)
cutaneous- anterior/inferomedial thigh
nerves to psoas major muscle
dorsal L2,3,4
Lumbosacral trunk
L4 (portion) L5 (all)
joins sacral plexus
advances the loer extremity during gait
main nerve supply of anterior compartnment
main nerve of medial compartment
main nerve of posterior compartment
Lateral to Medial arrangement of structures passing under ligament (vascular compartment) of the retro inguinal space
NAVEL femoral branch of Genitofemoral nerve Femoral Artery Femoral Vein Femoral canal (empty space, lymphatics)
what separates the muscular and vascular compartments of the retroinguinal space
iliopectineal arch
what veins are tributaries to GREAT saphenous
anterior and posterior accessory saphenous
superficial epigastric
Superficial circumflex iliac
external pudendal (sometimes small saphenous)
superior boundary of femoral triangle
inguinal ligament (pouparts)
medial boundary of femoral triangle
medial border of adductor longus
lateral boundary of femoral triangle
medial border of sartorius
floor of femoral triangle
iliopsoas, pectineous, adductor longus
foor of femoral triangle
fascia lata/cribriform fascia
content of femoral triangle
Femoral Branch of genitofemoral nerve femoral artery femoral vein femoral canal (lymphatics) Deep Inguinal Femoral Nerve and branches Termination of saphenous vein Profunda femoris artery Lateral and medial Femoral Circumflex
is femoral nerve in the femoral sheath
femoral sheath compartments
Lateral: Femoral artery
intermediate: femoral vein
Medial: Femoral Canal (empty space, lymph)
boundaries of femoral canal
Lateral: Intermediate compartment (Femoral vein)
Medial: Lacunar ligament Anterior: Inguinal ligament
Posterior: Superior pubic ramus (pectineal ligament
Blockage of external iliac or proximal femoral, blood can still reach lower extremity HOW?
Internal iliac to inferior gluteal to trochanteric/cruciate anastomosis
major supplier of the head and neck of femur after age 3?
trochanteric anastomoses, mostly ascending brach of Medial femoral circumflex
Trochanteric Anastamosis
Ascending branch of medial femoral circumflex
Ascending branch of lateral femoral circumflex
Descending branch of inferior gluteal
descending branch of superior gluteal
cruciate anastomosis
descending branch of inferior gluteal
transverse branch of lateral femoral circumflex
transverse branch of medial femoral circumflex
all quad muscles are innervated by descending branch of lateral femoral circumflex except
vastus medalis. this is supplied by profunda femoris and superior medial genicular
what content of the adductor canal does not pass through the adductor hiatus
the saphenous nerve (pierces fascia becomes cutaneous)
anterior branch of obturator innervates
Adductor longus
adductor brevis
anterior branch of obturator innervates
adductor magnus (adductor part)
the hamstring part of adductor magnus is innervated by
tibial part of sciatic
Patellar Plexus
cutaneous inervation around the patella
- intermediate femoral cutaneous
- medial femoral cutaneous
- lateral femoral cutaneous
- saphenous (infrapatellar)
subsartorial plexus
medial thigh cutaneous innervation
-deep to sartorious and distal part of add long
composed of: Anterior branch of obtorator
-medial femoral cutaenous
what nerves are apart of both patellar plexus and subsartorial
- saphenous nerve
- medial femoral cutaneous
most commonly strained adductor
adductor longus
teardrop muscle
vastus medialis
internal iliac artery begins at what level
inferior gluteal artery passes between `
S1/2 S2/3
corona mortis
Anastomosis between external iliac or inferior epigastric and
obturator artery and/or vein
medial sacral artery arises from
posterior abdominal aorta
External iliac (inferior epigastric) annastamoses with
obturator artery
gluteal arteries can anastamose with
profunda femoris branches
medial circumflex femoral and inferior gluteal can anastamose with
obturator artery
ASIS anasamoses
Deep and superficial circumflex iliacs, iliac branch of iliolumbar and ascending branch of lateral circumflex femoral
Superior Gluteal nerve
dorsal division of L4-S1
Inferior Gluteal nerve
dorsal divison L5-S2
Nerve to piriformis
dorsal divisions of S1,2
perforating cutaneous nerve
dorsal division os S2,3
dorsal divisions of L4-S2
Ventral L4-S3
Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
dorsal divisions of S1, 2
Ventral S2,3
Nerve to quadratus femoris
ventral divisions of L4-S1
Nerve to obturator internus
Ventral L5-S2
pudendal nerve
ventral divisions of S2-4
what muscles insert on the IT band
Tensor Fascia Latae
Gluteus Maximus
nerve to obturator internous innervates
superior gemellus
obturator internous
which nerve is effected with piriformis syndrome
inferior gluteal nerve innervates
gluteus maximus
superior gluteal nerve innervates
gluteus minimus, medius, TFL
trendelenberg tests
superior gluteal nerve
Glut Min, MEd, TFL
intragluteal injections
superolateral quadrant
•above line from PSIS to greater trochanter tip
• Triangular area between ASIS, tubercle of crest, greater trochanter
greater sciatic foramen content
Content passing through: • Piriformis muscle Above piriformis • Superior gluteal artery, vein, nerve Below pirifromis • Inferior gluteal artery, vein, nerve • Internal pudendal artery and vein • Pudendal nerve • Sciatic nerve • Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve • Nerve to obturator internus • Nerve to quadratus femoris
lesser sciatic foramen
Internal pudendal artery and vein
• Pudendal nerve
• Nerve to obturator internus
Tendon of obturator internus
gluteal lurch what is effected
glut max and inferior gluteal nerve
all posterior compartment muscles
(except BF short head) …
originate on ischial tuberosity
innervated by tibial nerve
supplies by perforating arteries of PF, popliteal (superior genicular
branches) and inferior gluteal
short head of bicep femoris
- supplied by perforating arteries and popliteal
- common fibular branch of sciatic
- only crosses knee, not thigh
pes ansurinus
sartorious, gracilis, semitendonosis
what nerve runs meidal to the sciatic
posterior femoral cutaneous
what artery supplies sciatic nerve
inferior gluteal
popliteal fossa content
small saphenous vein popliteal artery and branches popliteal vein and tributaries tibial nerve medial sural cutaneous common fibular nerves (lateral sural cutaneous, sural/fibular communicating) posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh popliteal lymph nodes
popliteal fossa boundaries
superolateral: bicep femoris
superomedial: semimembranosus/semitendinosus
inferolateral: lateral head gastroc/plantaris
inferomedial: medial head gastroc
roof: skin and superficial fascia and deep fascia
floor: popliteal surface of femur, inversting fascia over popliteus, knee joint capsule, oblique ligament