Dorsum of the Foot and Neurovasculature of Anterior and Lateral Leg Flashcards
Extensor Digitorum Brevis origin
sinus tarsi, superolateral calcaneus, interosseous talocalcaneal ligament, cruciate crural ligament
Extensor Digitorum Brevis insertion
lateral aspect of EDL tendons 2-4
innervation of the extensor digitorum brevis
lateral terminal branch of deep fibular
blood supply to extensor digitorum brevis
lateral tarsal artery
function of extensor digitorum brevis
dosiflex toes 2-4
extensor hallucis brevis tendon crosses dorsal to
dorsalis pedis artery
origin of the extensor hallucis brevis
sinus tarsi, superolateral calcaneus, interosseous talocalcaneal ligament, cruciate crural ligament
insertion of extensor hallucis brevis
dorsal aspect of proximal phalanx of hallux
blood supply of extensor hallucis brevis
lateral tarsal artery
innervation of extensor hallucis brevis
lateral terminal branch of deep fibular
function of extensor hallucis brevis
dorsiflex hallux
dorsalis pedis artery is a continuation of
anterior tibial artery
dorsalis pedis artery can arise from __(variation)
perforating fibular artery
dorsalis pedis artery is located between
the tendons of EHL and EDL (lateral to EHL)
dorsalis pedis artery is deep to
muscles/tendons, cruciate crural ligament (inferior ext. retinaculum)
branches of dorsalis pedis artery
- lateral tarsal
- medial tarsal artery
- arcuate artery (variation)
- 1st dorsal metatarsal
- deep plantar artery
- artery of the sinus tarsi
Artery to sinus tarsi arises from the anastomotic connection with __ and __
lateral tarsal; perforating fibular arteries
terminal branches of dorsals pedis artery
1st dorsal metatarsal and deep plantar artery
lateral tatsal artery anastomoses with
the lateral malleolar plexus, perforating fibular, arcuate, lateral plantar
lateral tarsal artery is deep to
lateral tarsal artery supplies
bones, joints, ligaments that is passes
medial tarsal artery supplies
bones, joints, ligaments that it passes
medial tarsal artery anastomoses with
medial malleolar network, medial plantar artery
can be more than 1
lateral tarsal artery
a bunch of small branches
medial tarsal artery
if absent, the lateral tarsal artery can take over the area of this artery
arcuate artery
arcuate artery passas __ across met base
arcuate artery gives off
2-4 metatarsal arteries
deep plantar artery passes
through proximal end of inter metatarsal space
deep plantar artery anastomoses with
lateral plantar artery on plantât side of foot
Dorsal metatarsal arteries are found in the
intermetatarsal space on top of the dorsal interossei
1st Dorsal metatarsal (terminal branch of dorsalis pedis)
-1st dorsal digital artery -2nd dorsal digital artery -3rd dorsal digital artery -Distal perforator -Nutrient artery to 1st metatarsal
1st dorsal digital artery
medial 1st toe
2nd dorsal digital artery
lateral 1st toe
3rd dorsal digital artery
medial 2nd toe
Distal perforator anastomosis with
1st plantar metatarsal
The perforating arteries communicate with the
plantar metatarsal arteries.
Plantar arteries can be a major source of the
dorsal metatarsal arteries
Proximal located around __, distal around __
met base; MPJ
branches from arcuate artery
- 2nd dorsal metatarsal -3rd dorsal metatarsal -4th dorsal metatarsal artery -proper dorsal digital artery of 5th digit
2nd dorsal metatarsal
-4th dorsal digital artery (lateral 2nd toe)-5th dorsal digital artery (medial 3rd toe)-Proximal and distal perforators
3rd dorsal metatarsal artery (from arcuate artery)
-6th dorsal digital artery (lateral 3rd toe)-7th dorsal digital artery (medial 4th toe)-Proximal and distal perforators
4th dorsal metatarsal artery (from arcuate artery)
-8th dorsal digital artery (lateral 4th toe)-9th dorsal digital artery (medial 5th toe)-Proximal and distal perforators
Proper dorsal digital artery of 5th digit
-10th dorsal digital arteryThe -Lateral side of 5th toe-Can branch off 4th metatarsal artery or arcuate artery
superior leg; Anterior tibial artery and deep fibular nerve are between
TA and EDL
inferior leg; Anterior tibial artery and deep fibular nerve are between
TA and EHL
distal to ankle joint;Dorsalis pedis and deep fibular nerve are between
Injury (chronic inversion ankle sprains) damages
superficial fibular nerve (L4-S1)
chronic inversion ankle sprain may cause
loss of eversion and altered sensation to dorsum of the foot