Joints of Foot and Ankle Part 3 Flashcards
open kinetic chain
calcaneus and foot moving on talus
closed kinetic chain
talus moving, forefoot is fixed, calcaneus is mostly fixed
open kinetic chain pronation
open kinetic chain supination
dorsiflexion (talus)
abduction (talus)
inversion (calcaneus)
tibia external rotation
closed kinetic chain pronation
plantar flexion (talus)
adduction (talus)
eversion (calcaneous)
tibia internal rotation
Open Kinetic Chain
roll and slide in opposite directions
Closed Kinetic Chain
roll and slide of mortise on the trochlea
Ankle joint innervation
- Deep fibular nerve
- Accessory deep fibular when present
- Tibial nerve
- Saphenous nerve
- Sural nerve
subtalar innervation
Tibial nerve Lateral dorsal cutaneous (sural) Medial plantar Deep fibular Accessory deep fibular when present
talocalcaneonavicular innervation
Medial plantar
Deep fibular
Calcaneocuboid innervation
Lateral plantar
Deep fibular
Accessory deep fibular when present
Cuneocuboid joint and cuboidonavicular innervation
Lateral plantar and deep fibular
innervation of 1st and 2nd Cuneonavicular, medial intercuneiform, cuneometatarsal 1-2
Deep fibular
Plantar side: Medial plantar
innervation of 3rd cuneonavicular, 3rd cuneometatatarsal, , lateral intercuneiform
Deep fibular and lateral plantar
innervation of Cuboid metatarsal 4,5
Superficial fibular
Intermetatarsal joint
-Dorsum: deep fibular
deep branch of lateral plantar: between 2nd and 3rd and 3rd and 4th metatarsal bases
Superficial branch of LPN: between 4th and 5th metatarsal base
innervation of MTP joints and IP joints
Branches from the dorsal and plantar digital nerves that pass by the joint
2-4th MTP joints can also receive innervation from deep branch of LPN
PIP joints between
head of proximal phalanx and base of middle phalanx
DIP joints between
head of middle phalanx and base of distal phalanx
Interphalangeal Joints (IP Joints)
- Proximal and distal have similar structure
- Gingylmus (hinge), synovial joints; diarthrosis
- Joint capsule ataches to articular margin
- Movements: dorsiflexion/plantarflexion