Le Conditionnel Présent Flashcards
What English verb construction does le conditionnel présent correspond to?
What is le conditionnel used to express, a) as a tense and b) as a mood?
a) The future seen from a past point of view.
b) Allows us to talk about a hypothetical or imagined reality that can only occur under certain circumstances.
In what specific circumstances is le conditionnel used?
i. to express a wish, a possibility, or a hypothesis in the present or the future
ii. as a tense to talk about the future from a past point of view
iii. in if-clauses
iv. to make polite requests
Je m’habituerais ben à vivre à Montréal.
I could really get used to living in Montreal. (habituer)
habituer: to get somebody used to
Tu planifierais-tu quelque chose pour la St-Jean?
Would you (inf.) plan something for Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day? (planifier)
planifier: to plan
On blâmerait ben le gouvernement pour ça.
We (sing.) would totally blame the government for that. (blâmer)
blâmer: to blame; to reprimand
Nous nous comporterions comme des pros si on nous donnait une chance.
We would behave like pros if we were given a chance. (se comporter)
se comporter: to behave; to consist of; to have;
Vous consigneriez les détails dans le dossier.
You (for.) would record the details in the file. (consigner)
consigner: to record (notes, thoughts); to confine to barracks (military); to put in detention (education); to put baggage in the checkroom; to put a deposit on (packaging); to deposit (goods)
Note: “consigner” is quite formal and rarely used in casual Quebec speech.
Les filles s’habilleraient plus chaud si y faisait frette.
The girls would dress warmer if it was cold. (s’habiller)
s’habiller: to get dressed up; to dress up; to dress up as;
Je tressaillirais ben à sa place.
I would surely jump/startle in their place. (tressaillir)
tressaillir: to shiver or shudder (with fear); to quiver (with joy)
Note: “tressaillir” is very formal/literary and is rarely used in casual Quebec speech.
Tu polirais-tu les meubles pendant que j’suis partie?
Would you (inf.) polish the furniture while I’m gone? (polir)
polir: to polish
On subirait les conséquences ensemble.
We (sing.) would face the consequences together. (subir)
subir: to suffer (defeat, affronts, etc); to undergo (treatment, operation, punishment, change); to be under or subjected to (influence, charm); to have to put up with (a person)
Nous mûririons plus vite avec l’expérience.
We would mature faster with experience. (mûrir)
mûrir: to ripen; to make mature; to develop (a project)
Vous **graviriez **la montagne tranquillement.
You (for.) would climb the mountain slowly. (gravir)
gravir: to climb
Note: “gravir” is somewhat formal.
Les fleurs s’épanouiraient ben dans ce coin-là.
The flowers would bloom nicely in that spot. (s’épanouir)
s’épanouir: to bloom or open out (flower) (also used figuratively for people)
J’extrairais ben les données si j’avais accès.
I would extract the data if I had access. (extraire)
extraire: to extract
Tu geindrais-tu moins si tu prenais tes pilules?
Would you (inf.) complain less if you took your pills? (geindre)
geindre: to moan
Note: “Geindre” is somewhat literary but can be used humorously.
Le jour commencerait à poindre vers six heures.
poindre: to break (dawn); to dawn (day); to come up (flower)
Note: “Poindre” is very formal/literary
Nous ne survivrions pas longtemps sans Internet.
We wouldn’t survive long without Internet. (survivre)
survivre: to survive
Vous soustrairez les frais du total.
You (for.) would subtract the fees from the total. (soustraire)
soustraire: to subtract; to take away; to shield somebody from danger
Note: “Soustraire” is somewhat formal in casual speech
Les jeunes entreprendraient plus de projets avec du support.
Young people would undertake more projects with support. (entreprendre)
entreprendre: to start on; to undertake; to launch; to begin; to approach (a person to seduce);