Indicatif: Futur Antérieur Flashcards
What English tense does the futur antérieur correspond to?
Future perfect
How is the futur antérieur constructed?
Futur simple of avoir or être + passé participe of main verb
Use the futur antérieur to make a supposition about an action in the past:
- He will probably have had an accident.
Il sera certainement tombé.
Use the futur antérieur to make a supposition that an action will have been completed by a specified point in the future (here we always need a specific time indicator to make it clear that the sentence is referring to the future):
- By then he will have repaired his bike.
D’ici là il aura réparé son vélo.
Je l’aurai effacé d’ici là.
I will have deleted it by then. (effacer)
effacer: to rub out; to delete (file); to erase; to eliminate, to remove (barriers, borders: figurative)
Tu auras glissé sur la patinoire avant qu’ils ne vous voient.
You will have glided across the rink before they see you. (glisser)
glisser: to slip; to be slippery; to glide
Il sera passé par ici demain après-midi.
He will have passed by here by tomorrow afternoon. (passer)
passer: to cross; to go through; to spend; to take; to pass; to show…
Nous aurons demandé de l’eau au moins trois fois avant que la serveuse nous remarque.
We will have asked for water at least three times before the waitress notices us. (demander)
demander: to ask for; to require; to ask; to be looking for (staff)
Vous **aurez pleuré **la rupture sept fois d’ici demain si vous continuez comme ça.
You will have cried over the break up seven times by tomorrow if you keep this up. (pleurer)
pleurer: to cry; to water (eyes); to mourn
Ils auront dépensé le gros de l’argent avant qu’on puisse les retrouver.
They will have spent most of the money before we can find them. (dépenser)
dépenser: to spend money; to use (gas, water); to spend (time: figurative); to expend (energy: figurative)
J’aurai accueilli les délégués avant votre arrivée.
I will have welcomed the delegates before you arrive. (accueillir)
accueillir: to welcome; to receive; to take in; to accommodate
Tu auras averti les joueurs de football de la présence de l’arbitre avant qu’ils ne le rencontrent.
You (inf.) will have warned the soccer players about the referee before they meet him. (avertir)
avertir: to warn; to inform; to tell
Il aura désobéi à ses supérieurs au moins trois fois avant qu’ils ne fassent quoi que ce soit à son sujet.
He will have disobeyed his superiors at least three times before they do anything about him. (désobéir)
désobéir: to disobey
Nous aurons trahi l’ennemi des semaines avant qu’il ne réalise ce qui s’est passé.
We will have betrayed the enemy weeks before they realize what has happened. (trahir)
trahir: to betray; to give away; to reveal
Vous aurez sali votre chemise blanche avant de rencontrer le premier ministre.
You will have soiled that white shirt before you get to meet the premier. (salir)
salir: to get dirty; to dirty; to sully the reputation of
Les bleuets auront mûri à la fin juillet.
The blueberries will have ripened by late July. (mûrir)
mûrir: to ripen; to make (someone) mature; to develop (a project)
J’aurai inclus toutes ses informations dans le dossier que je vais vous envoyer.
I will have included all of his information in the file I’m going to send you. (inclure)
inclure: to enclose; to include
Tu auras écrit la majeure partie du dernier chapitre avant que j’aie la chance de relire le manuscrit.
You (inf.) will have written most of the last chapter before I get the chance to review the manuscript. (écrire)
écrire: to write
Il aura bu la majeure partie du cidre avant que sa femme puisse en goûter.
He will have drunk most of the cider before his wife is able to taste any. (boire)
boire: to drink; to soak up
Nous aurons construit un nouveau complexe d’appartements ici avant les prochaines élections municipales partielles.
We will have built a new apartment complex here before the next municipal bielection. (construire)
construire: to build
Vous aurez détruit sa réputation avec cette calomnie avant même qu’il ne se présente aux élections.
You will have destroyed his reputation with this slander before he even runs for office. (détruire)
détruire: to destroy; to ruin (health, reputation); to shred or destroy (documents)
Ils auront corrompu les juges avant le début du procès jeudi.
They will have bribed the judges before the trial starts on Thursday. (corrompre)
corrompre: (to corrupt; to bribe)