Le Conditionnel Passé Flashcards
What English verb construction does le conditionnel passé correspond to?
Would have + past participle of the verb
What is le conditionnel passé mainly used to express?
e.g. Je l’aurais salué, mais je ne l’ai pas vu.
What would have happened in the past if some other event, action, or situation had occurred.
e.g. I would have greeted him, but I didn’t see him.
How is le conditionnel passé used in journalism?
e.g. Deux accidents de voiture auraient eu lieu hier.
To describe an action that is unsure.
e.g. It is reported [alleged, rumored, said] that two car accidents took place yesterday.
Describe a usage that le conditionnel passé shares with the conditional.
e.g. Serait‐il arrivé pendant mon absence?
To express a possible action in the past.
e.g. Could he have arrived during my absence?
J’aurais pu au travail si je n’avais pas pris une douche avant.
I would have stunk at work if I didn’t shower beforehand. (puer)
puer: to stink; to stink of; reek of
Tu aurais conseillé Marie de changer de carrière.
You would have advised Marie to change careers. (conseiller)
conseiller: to advise; to recommend
Il aurait neigé plus longtemps aujourd’hui si le soleil n’était pas sorti.
It would have snowed longer today if the sun hadn’t come out. (neiger)
neiger: to snow
Nous aurions annulé le pari, mais il s’amusait trop.
We would have cancelled the bet, but he was having too much fun. (annuler)
annuler: to cancel; to call off; to annul (marriage); to declare void or invalid (results); to cancel out (math, physics)
Vous auriez rêvé toute la journée si je ne vous avais pas interrompu.
You would have daydreamed all day if I hadn’t interrupted you. (rêvasser)
rêvasser: to daydream
Ils auraient faussé les résultats de l’enquête.
They would have falsified the investigation results. (fausser)
fausser: to bend; to buckle; to distort
J’aurais cueilli des fleurs sauvages dans le champ.
I would have picked wildflowers in the field. (cueillir)
cueillir: to pick (flowers, fruit); to gather (anthropology); to catch (figurative)
Tu m’aurais secouru pendant la tempête.
You would have helped me during the storm. (secourir)
secourir: to rescue; to help; to aid
Léo n’aurait pas rugi aussi fort s’il avait été nourri correctement ce matin.
Leo wouldn’t have roared so loudly if he had been fed properly this morning. (rugir)
rugir: to roar
Nous aurions fléchi devant ses arguments persuasifs.
We would have yielded to his persuasive arguments. (fléchir)
fléchir: to bend (body, knee); to sway (a person); to weaken (rigor, morale); to sag (beam); to relent; to fall off
Vous n’auriez pas perçu cette preuve si vous n’aviez pas eu votre équipement avec vous.
You would not have perceived this evidence if you hadn’t had your equipment with you. (percevoir)
percevoir: to perceive; to detect; to collect (taxes); to receive (income, compensation)