Indicatif: Futur Proche Flashcards
What English tense does le futur proche correspond to?
It doesn’t correspond to an exact tense.
The English construction would be:
going to + infinitive
Emphasizes that there is already an intention behind the action
Use the futur proche to talk about an action that will take place shortly:
- Christine is going to leave in two seconds.
Christine va partir dans deux secondes.
Use the futur proche to talk about a planned action in the near future:
- Elle va aller au supermarché.
She’s going to go to the supermarket
Je vais éteindre les lumières quand je partirai dans dix minutes.
I’m going to turn the lights off when I leave in ten minutes. (éteindre)
éteindre: to switch off; to put out (cigarette, fire, candle); to turn off
Tu vas plaindre mon amie quand tu vas la rencontrer.
You are going to feel sorry for my friend when you meet her. (plaindre)
plaindre: to feel sorry for; to pity (se plaindre: to complain)
Note: In casual Quebec French, it is more common to hear:
- “avoir pitié de” (to feel sorry for) or
- “avoir de la peine pour” (to feel bad for)
La glace va fondre bientôt si tu ne la ranges pas.
The ice cream is going to melt soon if you don’t put it away. (fondre)
fondre: to melt; to dissolve (sugar, salt: in water); to melt away (fig.: savings, anger), to swoop down on (prey, victim)
Ce soir, nous allons coudre une robe pour le bal.
Tonight we are going to sew a dress for prom. (coudre)
coudre: to sew; to sew on
Vous allez battre l’autre équipe au tournoi de cartes de cette semaine.
You are going to beat the other team in this week’s card tournament. (battre)
battre: to beat; to thresh (wheat); to beat against (waves); to shuffle cards; to bang (shutters) (se battre: to fight)…etc.
Lors de l’émission du matin, ils vont débattre de la nouvelle politique économique
On the morning talk show they are going to discuss the new economic policy. (debattre)
debattre: to discuss; to debate
Note: in Quebec French this sounds formal. One is more likely to hear:
- “parler de” (to talk about)
- “discuter de” (to discuss)
- “se chicaner sur” (to argue about) – very casual
Je vais oublier ce que tu m’as dit si je ne l’écris pas maintenant.
I’m going to forget what you told me if I don’t write it down now. (oublier)
oublier: to forget; to leave; to miss (errors)
Tu vas payer sa place de toute façon ; pourquoi ne pas utiliser votre carte de points ?
You (inf.) are going to pay for her seat anyway; why not use your points card? (payer)
payer: to pay for; to pay; to offer (to buy something for someone, e.g. a drink); to pay off; to be well paid
Elle va quitter l’événement dans dix minutes.
She is going to leave the event in ten minutes. (quitter)
quitter: to leave
Nous allons tout leur raconter quand on va les chercher chez le dentiste.
We are going to tell them all about it when we pick them up from the dentist. (raconter)
raconter: to tell somebody about something;
Vous allez la retrouver quand vous allez la voir à la réunion financière d’aujourd’hui.
You are going to recognize her when you see her at today’s finance meeting. (retrouver)
retrouver: to find; to meet up with; to regain (calm, health); to recognize; to see again
Ils vont rêver tout l’après-midi si on ne leur donne pas quelque chose à faire.
They are going to daydream all afternoon if we don’t give them something to do. (rêver)
rêver: to dream; to daydream;
Je vais rebondir après cette rupture plus fort que jamais.
I am going to rebound from that breakup stronger than ever. (rebondir)
rebondir: to bounce; to rebound; to get moving again; to be suddenly revived; to start up again (conversation); to recover, pickup (work, the economy)
Vous allez réfléchir à ce que vous avez fait et ensuite écrire une note d’excuses à votre professeur.*
You (inf.) are going to reflect on what you have done and then write an apology note to your teacher. (réfléchir)
réfléchir: to think; to reflect;
Vous allez rougir quand vous verrez ce qu’elle portait à la répétition.
You are going to blush when you see what she wore to the rehearsal. (rougir)
rougir: to blush; to flush; to go red
Nous allons saisir cette poignée et la tourner dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre pour terminer l’installation.
We are going to grab this handle and turn it clockwise to complete the installation. (saisir)
saisir: to take hold of; to grab; to seize; to grasp; to get; to catch; to seal (cooking);
Note: in Quebec French, this sounds formal. One is more likely to hear:
- “pogner” (very casual/familiar)
- “ prendre”
- “attraper”
Vos enfants vont vomir si vous n’arrêtez pas de manger tous ces bonbons.
You children are going to vomit if you don’t stop eating all that candy. (vomir)
vomir: to vomit; to be sick; to spew out; to loathe
Ils vont investir dans la nouvelle entreprise cet après-midi.
They are going to invest in the new company this afternoon. (investir)
investir: to invest; to put in; to move into